Part 2 – The Birds and the Bees

“Bitiya, are you ready? We don’t have much time, everyone from Shantivan will be here soon…”

Hearing her mother’s persistent knocking on the door, she rushed to the door, and opened it with a frown at not having gotten far with wearing the saree. At this point it should have been draped around her.

Garima shook her head, walking towards the bed. She couldn’t understand why her daughter had such a hard time wearing a saree after being taught on numerous occasions. Her daughter could do just about anything to perfection but wearing a saree was such an ordeal for her.

“Amma, why do you make me wear this when you know I don’t know how?”  She whined, wrapping her arms around her mother.  

“But you do know how, I have seen you wear a saree. You just need practice which is why I’m making you wear it today. Khushi, you are getting married and this is what you will be wearing at your sasural.”

She walked around to face her mother, before sitting down on the bed in defeat.

Garima smiled, caressing her daughter’s face, then took the saree in her hands unraveling the six yards of fabric. She extended her hand towards her daughter, who was downright sulking, though it changed quickly realizing she was going to help her.  

“You are the best, Amma.” She hugged her mother, then stood still in her blouse and petticoat.

Garima laughed as she began wrapping the saree around her. Her heart warmed having her Khushi back. The playful antics, the smile and the glow that adorned her face which got brighter whenever she spoke or saw her Arnav.

“Of course I am the best. Now pay attention, since I won’t be there the day after your shaadi when you have to wear a saree… by yourself.”

“Amma, if I need you, then I will tell Arnav and he will bring you there for me.  What’s the big deal?” She jokingly winked, but they both knew the truth to that statement.

“Pagal! You know I can’t come. What will they think? When a woman gets married things change, you will see soon enough. Your husband and his family become your priority. Did you see how I did the pleats? Now you just fold it down and tuck it inside the petticoat.”

Khushi nodded, paying close attention to her mother as she started working on the pallu.

“How long did it take you to learn to wear a saree? You make it look so easy, but it really isn’t.”

Garima looked up at her daughter who was intently observing her every move. She was confident that if Khushi sets her mind on something, she would accomplish it. In this moment, she could see her engrossed in this task, trying to learn every step.  

But she wondered how much Khushi knew about the changes in her life and relationship after marriage.

“It took me some time, but then I got used it, so will you. Woh, um… Khushi… do you know what happens after you get married?”

Khushi rolled her eyes ready for the talk about how she needed to behave like an elder bahu of the house. At this point it was all blah blah blah.

“Amma, that’s all you have been talking about for the past few weeks, so obviously I know.”

Garima smacked her daughter lightly on her arm, putting the perfectly pleated pallu on her shoulder, as Khushi handed her mother a safety pin.

“Not that… but, um… you know… your relationship with your husband. Things will be different.”

Khushi sensed the nervousness in her mother’s voice as she stuttered, and continued to stay behind her, pinning the saree to her blouse.  

“Different? Why would it be different between us?”

“Because things will change between the two of you. Now you both will sleep… um… on the same bed and…

Her eyes widened in surprise at the realization what her mother was referring to. She closed her eyes grateful for her mother being behind her fixing the saree.

For a moment silence filled the room, unsure how to continue further with the topic.  

Khushi smiled inwardly, wondering what her mother’s reaction would be if she knew about her and Arnav’s relationship. But she knew how inappropriate it would be, so decided to keep her mouth shut.

Garima courageously came around to face Khushi, giving her a sheepish smile, then swiftly took another safety pin, and bent down to fix the pleats at the bottom. Garima took a deep breath, then continued with the awkward topic.

“Things will happen between you two… and you should be ready…”

Khushi decided to put them both out of misery.

“Um… woh… Amma, I don’t  think we need to talk about this. I know what happens.”

Garima jerked her head up, but Khushi’s face was turned away, adjusting the saree. She stood up, not knowing what to say but grateful she didn’t have to continue. But she wanted to give her one last piece of advice on the topic. She took her hands in hers, and looked at her with a tender expression.

How had her little girl grown up so fast?

“Okay, it’s good you know. So I assume you also know what to do until you are ready to have a family? I don’t mind having grandchildren right away, actually I would love it. But I know you both are focused on your careers right now.”

Khushi looked at her mother in admiration for openly having this discussion.  She smiled with a slight nod at her mother, and then hugged her.

“Garima! Panditji is here…”

Hearing her husband, she pulled away, and then placed a kiss on her daughter’s forehead.  Both of them grateful for the interruption, which couldn’t have come at a better moment.

“Finish getting ready and come downstairs, theek hai?”

She nodded, and watched her mother leave the room, muttering under breath about how late it was getting.

Khushi couldn’t believe that her mother just gave her the birds and bees talk.

An hour later, Arnav stepped out of his car, and stared up at the Gupta’s house. It looked completely different from the last time he was here. The house was all decked up with strings of lights, flower garlands, and sheer fabric wrapped everywhere for their wedding. Almost like a bride. He also noticed a decorated tent covering the entire spacious backyard of the house where workers were gathered setting up tables for today’s functions.

After coming from his home which was decorated in a similar manner, and seeing Khushi’s home, a sudden surge of excitement rushed through him as he briskly walked towards the house with a wide smile.  

“Did the Puja start?” He asked, approaching Aakash who was outside on the porch holding Aditya.

Aakash couldn’t help but smile looking at how anxious his big brother looked, and it wasn’t because he was late for Puja, but to see Khushi. Being around the two of them whether at the office or home, he knew how much these two loved each other. And he couldn’t be happier seeing his brother settle down with someone like Khushi.

“Hello Bhai and Mamu… right Adi?  Wave to Mamu.”  He raised Aditya’s hand waving it back and forth.  

“Hello Aakash! How are you doing? Now can I go in? Aditya, come to Mamu.”

Arnav smiled at his nephew who started bouncing excitedly, and put his arms out to take him. But Aakash held onto him.

“Yeah I guess, that’s good for now. Adi was a bit cranky inside, so you go in.  Behena is waiting in there for you, I suggest you hurry up before she goes all terminator on you.”

He shook his head, hearing Aakash chuckle and made his way inside the house.  His eyes searched for her, but she was nowhere in sight.

Where could she be?

“Arnav is here! We can start the Puja now.”  

Anjali relaxed now that her brother had arrived just in time. She came up to speak with him, since no one had noticed him coming inside.

“I know you don’t sit in pujas but if you can at least stay here it would make Khushi and both families happy since this is for your shaadi. We already explained it to her parents.”  She whispered to him making sure no one was around.

He couldn’t hold back a smirk, knowing his reply was going to shock her.  

“Who said I am not going to sit in the Puja? I will participate, and that too with my soon to be wife right next to me. By the way where is she?”

Anjali stood there stunned with words failing her, as he eyed the room.  

“Di, snap out of it. It’s not a big deal.”

“Oh yes it is a big deal! You have never sat in a Puja, in fact you run from them…  hai Bhagwan, wait till Nani finds out. Does Khushi know?  Where the heck she is, I want to see her reaction to this latest miracle… Payal, where is Khushi?”

Anjali stopped her as she was passing by with a basket of flowers.

“Woh, she went upstairs to get something for Garima Auntie. Panditji needed some additional things which are in her study.”

Anjali nodded, and Payal walked away in a hurry as Mami was waiting for her.

“Oh I know that look… Arnav you are not going up there. As it is we are already late starting this Puja.”

“Let’s see who stops me. Don’t you think I should get a reward for sitting in the Puja? In which case you owe me this. And, I haven’t seen my fiancé for over three weeks. So, my lovely big sister if you will excuse me for a few minutes…  Oh, and keep a look out to make sure no one comes upstairs.”

“Fine! Now go hurry, and don’t stay up there too long.”

He side hugged his sister, and quietly made his way upstairs while everyone was occupied setting up for the Puja. As he approached the study, he could hear her mumbling to herself. He stood at the doorway mesmerized by the sight of her.

Her back faced him, as she stood on a chair stretching up to reach for a box on top of the wardrobe. Her hair was tied up in a bun, wrapped around with flowers. Her peeking back exposed what her blouse failed to cover, along with the expanse of skin along her waist. The crepe sheer saree with a beige cream on the bottom cascaded of mixed colors of pink, purple, and green bordered embroidered pallu neatly pleated and draped over her shoulder.  

He swallowed gazing at the slender toned beauty in front of him, overwhelmed with desire as he walked closer to her.  

“Hi gorgeous.”  

She turned around, startled to see him behind her. She swayed losing her balance, but his hand shot up gripping her waist. She sighed, placing her hand on his shoulder, and steadied herself on the chair.

“Can you tell me what you are doing? There are so many people downstairs that could have gotten whatever it is you needed from up there. What if you got hurt?”

He shook his head in frustration, and helped her get down from the chair. But that faded away, calming his nerves when she wrapped her arms around him.  

“You’re finally here, I have missed you so much.”  She whispered softly.

She stared at him, as her hand caressed his face, taking in his tired appearance.  The fatigue, exhaustion, visible on his face after working non-stop for the past few weeks, along with his long flight.

He took her hand in his, and placed a gentle kiss.

“Sweetheart, you have no idea how I have lived the past few weeks without you, and this…” He leaned down as his body ached with the need to touch her, kiss her. He smiled when she slightly titled waiting for him to kiss her.

Finally their lips touched with a gentle caress, but with time against them that changed into a deep, passionate kiss. Both of unleashing themselves in a long awaited kiss filling in for lost time.  

They pulled away for much needed air, and he held on tight wrapping his arms around her while they steadied their uneven breathing.

“We need to go back downstairs before Amma comes searching for me.”

“I know… ouch…”  

He jerked his hand away, slowly taking a few steps back.  

“Baby, what happened?”  She looked up at him, and then towards his hand with concern.

“You’re just too hot to handle, that’s all.”  He smiled mischievously and winked, then climbed on the chair to retrieve the box she was attempting to get down.

“Now that was one cheesy pick up line, but I like it. And I would say you look very hot as well…”

She took the box from his hand, as he got down off the chair.  

He was dressed semi-casually in a black textured blazer, paired with fitted gray stripe shirt and jeans. A look she loved on him.

“KHUSHI! Hurry, the puja is starting…”

Both of them smirked, hearing her mother yelling at the bottom of the staircase.

“Coming Amma!”

A few moments later, Khushi was downstairs standing next to her parents getting ready for the puja to start.  

Anjali sighed in relief when Arnav came down in time. And luck was on her brother’s side since no one had noticed him amidst the preparations. But she was happy for both of them getting a few minutes together.  Khushi’s face glowing, as was his. No doubt Arnav got his prize judging from the smile on his face.

“Arnav Bitwa, when did you arrive? I didn’t see you come in.” Shashi spoke up when he spotted him. He looked over at Garima, as Arnav approached them, bending to take their blessings. They both placed their hands on his head, and he stood up.

“Sorry, I am late, but my meeting ran late yesterday which delayed my arrival here. How are you both?”

“Now that your are here, we are all happy and can truly start the celebrations. Can I get you something to eat or drink before the Puja gets started, beta?” Garima spoke in one breath, overwhelmed seeing her future son in law.

“No, thank you Auntie. I am fine for now. Hi Nani!”   

Arnav pulled his Nani into an embrace, her gaze clouded with varied emotions.  He shook his head and wiped the tears from her eyes. Anjali came over and placed her hands on Nani’s shoulders, pushing her own tears back.  It was a sentimental moment for the both of them, who never imagined a time when Arnav would participate in a Puja.

Khushi’s heart warmed at seeing them together, and she walked up behind her mother putting her arms around her as they watched the trio.

“Nani, Auntie, should we start the Puja? Where should I sit?” Arnav asked.

“Garima ji… Chote and Khushi Bitiya will sit together and perform the Ganesh Puja. You can sit there, Chote.”  She gestured towards the sitting area where the Panditji was getting the havan ready.  

Khushi gasped softly, and raised her eyebrow at him. He nodded, and took her hand helping her to sit, then sat down next to her.  

“You don’t have to do this, everyone understands.”  She whispered, leaning closer to him.

“I know, but I want to for you and our family.” He smiled.

She nodded, then squeezed his hand, before letting go as the Puja began.

Throughout the Puja, Khushi prayed there would be no obstacles during their wedding. And thanked Ganesh for bringing Arnav into her life. All she wanted was happiness for him and their families who were all eager to see them married.

After the Puja and Aarti were over, the family all gathered for lunch which had been set-up outside. Khushi introduced Arnav to her Buaji, who was here from Lucknow, along with some other distant relatives that were keen on meeting her future husband.  

Khushi was afraid it might be overwhelming for Arnav to meet everyone. But he surprised her with his polite social skills, working his charm on everyone.  

“Khushi, I am hungry. Can we please eat?”  He asked feeling light headed, once he met with everyone from both sides.

“Hai Devi Maiya!  I am so sorry, you probably haven’t eaten today. Why didn’t you say anything earlier? Stupid me for not realizing. Did you take your medicine?” Khushi panicked looking at his pale face, and touched his forehead.  

“Relax, Sweetheart, I am okay. I just need to eat something.” He could feel it taking its toll on his body, and cursed himself for not eating earlier. But he didn’t want to come across rude meeting everyone. Most of all he didn’t want to worry Khushi.

“Arnav, you don’t look well! Anjali… Anjali…”  

He sighed when she waved for his sister to come over, aware of the dramatics these two were going to start now.  

“What happened, Khushi? Arnav, are you okay?” She tried to stay calm seeing Khushi distressed. And looking at her brother’s weakened demeanor she knew he wasn’t feeling well. She placed her hand on his shoulder.

“Can you please take him to sit down, while I get him some food.”

Anjali nodded taking her brother to sit at an empty table. He took off his blazer and folded his sleeves, before he sat down. He felt his body temperature rise, but couldn’t make out if it was the heat or something else.

“This is a first, my sister is not panicking or lecturing me about me not taking care of myself. Sorry, it’s been hectic the past few weeks, since I was trying to wrap up things at AR to take a few weeks off in peace. And I forgot to eat today.”  He sighed heavily admitting his negligence.

She shook her head in annoyance, listening to his explanation.

Chote… yes right now you deserve me to call you that. You see her…” She pointed towards Khushi, as they turned their attention to her.  

Khushi frantically pushed past ahead of a few people, ignoring anyone that approached her as she made his plate. Concern and impatience seeped through her as she kept her eye on him.

“… so as I was saying. Every time you pull a stunt like this, that is how she will get. Arnav, once you are married you are responsible for her well being. Her seeing you like this is going to make her worried and stressed, which isn’t good for her either. And I know my little brother doesn’t want his Khushi upset. Do you get the point I am trying to make?”

He nodded, knowing Khushi bears the consequences of his actions when he doesn’t take care of himself.

“Good! Now I no longer have to worry with her by your side. Did you take your medicine?”

He shook his head, then reached into his blazer and took out the packet of pills he had placed there earlier before rushing here to make it on time.

Anjali wanted to strangle him for being irresponsible. But she imagined in all this madness with no one on his back it would have slipped his mind. She would have to make sure to stay on top of him until the wedding was over.

Khushi hurried over, and took a seat next to him as she placed his lunch along with a bottle of water in front of him. When she spotted the medicine on the table, she swore under her breath which didn’t go unnoticed by the two people, intently watching her every move.

She picked up the packet, popped the pill, then placed it in his hand.  He put the pill in his mouth immediately, drinking the water she handed to him.

Before she could say anything, he began to eat. Khushi crossed her arms across her chest, then relaxed back in her chair. But her heart ached to see him this way. She knew him well by now to know he was trying to stay strong despite him not feeling well. She blamed herself for being away from AR, knowing the long hours he must have been putting in her absence. He always was good with eating proper meals on time, but that must have been put aside with the flight and puja.

“The food is delicious. Let me guess, Khushi must have picked out the menu, am I right?”

“Well obviously, who else in my family knows your favorite food? And I know what you are trying to do… you are so lucky right now that everyone is here otherwise I would give you a piece of my mind. What were you thinking?  Forget it, you weren’t thinking…  please now eat properly, then you are going home with Aakash so you can rest.” She bit out, irritable that he was being nonchalant about this. She called out for Aakash, who walked towards them with Shyam and Aditya.  

Anjali sat back amused, ready to watch these two go at it.

“Khushi, I am fine. Don’t make this into a big issue. Please no one needs to know, especially Nani.” He continued to finish his lunch as she glared at him.

“Lover’s quarrel already, but bhai just got here… okay, nevermind.”  

Arnav gave him a pointed stare as Aakash put his hands up and took a seat next to Khushi. Shyam felt the tension at the table as he sat down next to his wife and handed his son over to her who was ready for his nap.

“Aakash, once Arnav is done eating, can you please take him home and make sure he gets rest? The Roka is an hour, and he is not supposed to be here for that.”

Aakash nodded.

Arnav ignored everyone around him as they talked about the upcoming function. He continued to finish the last few bites on his plate. The food and medicine doing there work, as he felt better. But he knew that was not going to be enough to convince Khushi.

“Anjali, it looks like Adi is falling asleep…”  Shyam leaned over to help Anjali adjust the baby from her shoulder.

“We can put him in the pack n play. Can you bring it downstairs from Khushi’s room?” Anjali asked, cradling him in her arms.

“No need. I will take him up with me to Khushi’s room so I can rest. Plus Di, it’s noisy and warm out here. Give me him…”

They all stared at Arnav, as he stood up and went to Anjali. He leaned down, gently taking Adi out of her arms, and rocked him back to sleep.

Anjali and Khushi knew there was no stopping or reasoning with Arnav at this point. Both relieved to see him eat properly and ready to go relax. Khushi sighed and then followed him inside the house, making their way upstairs to her room.  

Arnav placed the baby down in the pack n play, and covered him with his blanket. She watched how natural he was with Aditya, which often surprised her since he was rarely around babies.  

He walked over to the edge of the bed, and watched as she rummaged through a suitcase in the corner. Finding what she was looking for, she walked back to him.  He took her arms and pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her neck.

“That was a bad move on my part not taking care of myself. But I promise it won’t happen again.”  He placed a gentle kiss on her lip, and then pressed his forehead against hers.

She nodded, giving him a small smile.

“I don’t like seeing you that way. It’s not good for you when you ignore your health. But now please, for me, take it easy. Here you can change into this t-shirt, and lounge pants. I bought these for you last week when I went shopping with the girls. I know how much you love to wear clothes when you sleep.” She grinned, raising her eyebrow making the mood lighter as they pulled away, handing the clothes to him.

“Right, since you would know what I wear and don’t in bed.  Though it has been six very long weeks.”

“Shhh, besharam, the baby is here. Now get some rest, and if my chotu bachu wakes up call one of us.”

He chuckled seeing the blush on her face, and avoiding his gaze.

“He is sleeping, and has no clue what I am talking about. But I won’t keep you up here, you should go back down.”

Smiling, she turned away and left the room, closing the door behind her.

The Roka ceremony began an hour later, with more guests arriving for the function. Mami commenced the ceremony by giving shagun to Khushi followed by Anjali, Payal, Lavanya, along with other family and close friends.

Khushi blushed at the comments directed towards her from the women about married life. Especially Mamiji, who she met recently after arriving in Delhi, taking the opportunity to openly talk about what to expect from her soon to be husband. They got along well, though at times Mamji could be rather outlandish and vocal. But Khushi knew she was harmless. Everyone gave her advice, along with their blessings for the next hour.

Anjali frequently provided Khushi with updates about Arnav to keep her calm. Adi and him were both sleeping peacefully. Both stunned, uncle and nephew could sleep through the noise and commotion in the house.  

Everyone was gathered in and out of the house, once the Shagun was handed out and the ceremony was concluded with tea and snacks being served.  

And the timing couldn’t be perfect, as Arnav walked downstairs refreshed holding a bubbly smiling Aditya in his arms.

Khushi’s face lit up, hearing them laughing and from the looks of it Arnav was back to his normal self. She sighed in relief, knowing he was feeling better.

She stood back, watching his family and her parents rush over to him one by one and ensure he was doing well.  

She could feel his burning gaze on her as she moved around the main living area with Payal and Lavanya as they gathered the shagun to place it inside her parents room.

Needless to say, she wasn’t surprised when he followed her to the room when she went in alone. She mentally counted backwards in her head, hearing the door close.

“Mr. Raizada, you are so predictable.” She smirked without looking back, placing the jewelry boxes in the armoire.

He leaned back against the door, walking over to her, as she turned.

“Soon to be Mrs. Raizada, I take any opportunity that comes my way to see you… alone. And seeing you walking around in this saree, looking extremely sexy, I couldn’t resist. Do you have any idea what I want to do to you right now?”  He moved closer to her, placing his arms around her waist and pulled her close to his body.  

She let out a soft moan as her hands slammed up against his chest. She stared up at him, her heart pounding against her chest as his grip tightened around her waist.  

“Arnav…” She shivered, feeling his hand go inside her saree as his scorching fingers caressed her waist.  

Seeing the passion in her eyes, reflecting his own, reminded him of how much he missed being with her. The pull they both shared, left him wanting more. He knew they couldn’t be alone too much longer, with everyone outside. But he needed some alone time with her.

Khushi, go out with me tomorrow night for dinner. Just, you and me.”

He could hear Lavanya and Payal’s laughter coming closer as they were headed towards the room. But he refused to leave until she said yes.

“Baby, how can I?” She pleaded.  

“Oh but you can. The last time I checked there is nothing going on tomorrow evening that requires us to be around. I would like to take my fiancé out to dinner.”

She startled, hearing the knock on the door and tried to get out of his arms.

“Khushi, open the door…”  Payal said softly.

“Until you say yes, I am not opening this door. Do you want everyone to find out we’re in here… alone.

“You… um… fine, yes!”

“That’s my girl!”

He leaned down, and she gasped as he placed a kiss on her lips. She stood still with her mouth wide open, when he pulled away getting ready to open the door.

He opened it to find Payal and Lavanya leaning up against the door trying to listen in. But seeing him, they quickly steadied themselves.

“Ladies, you may go in now.” He smirked, as they looked away nonchalantly. He turned back to find Khushi standing there dazed, still staring at him. “Thank you for the meetha, Ms. Gupta!” He winked at her, turning around to walk out in the living area.

He figured this stunt was going to cost him, but it didn’t matter. Afterall she agreed to go out with him. That was enough to get him through today sharing her amongst the guests gathered outside.

A date… just his Khushi and him.


  • ~Ruchi~


    Mum’s are the best aren’t they? You just need them always. I loved the sweetly awkward way Khushi’s Mum tries to give her the talk. Not much happens that involves er sleeping though 😉 And of course Khushi’s Arnav will always bring her whatever and whomsoever she wants!

    Arnav’s excitement is so wonderful to see. She’s finally going to be his. And for that he’s willing to do anything, much to the amused astonishment of his family. I love the way you’ve shown the bond the family have. They tease each other, but always with an underlying tenor of respect.

    And when they finally meet after so long … hayee … the joy just leaps out at you. And cheesy or not, when uttered by Arnav for his Khushi, it’s totally real. She, and hers, are his – our family.

    The care and concern they have for each other is so so heartwarmingly tender. Khushi’s reaction to his feeling unwell bears testimony to her deep love for him. That desperation to do something, anything, to make him okay. “Khushi’s face lit up, hearing them laughing“, this image emanates so many facets of her love <3

    • nzmonica

      The Shadi special is a gift that keeps giving. Thank you Jigs.

      I can only imagine how scandalized Garima would be if she knew the daughter she is trying to talk about the birds and bees could teach her a thing or two.

      The impatient groom needed to be reminded that looking after his health is part of ensuring his Khushi’s khushi – this motivation will make him careful.

      This wonderful chapter was a perfect blend of humour and romance.

      My song for the eager groom.

      tu jahan se bhi pyara mere yara oh yara mere yar
      tere intezar me hoon, tere khumar me hoon
      ab meri har dua me, rehta hai tu,
      yeh jan le ke hai
      tu, mohabbat hai, tu, inayat hai
      tu, tujhi se main hoon, oo
      tu, meri adat hai, tu, meri chahat hai
      tu, tujhi se main hoon, tujhi se main hoon

    • Vin (newfan2016)

      Beautiful Jigs! Right from the title 😘, to banner, to your words, to the chapter song. And did you just ask us if we enjoyed the update?!

      The “beqarari” was evident in Arnav after the three weeks judaai. And he made a good utilization of his time at the Gupta’s residence. 😀

      Now if only the birds and bees talk had happened a few months earlier. 😋 Garimaji is better off not knowing the lifestyle of aaj -ke-naujavaan. LOL!! But I really loved the warm moments between the mother and daughter. Be it tips on draping the sari, or tips about marital life… a typical beautiful relationship.

      The little blip in Arnav’s health notwithstanding, I liked how Anjali pointed to Arnav about the impending responsibilities of a husband. Yes, Arnav now would constantly have Khushi on the radar and any actions or the lack of them would have direct consequences on Khushi as well. Loved how you showed it here, Jigs. 😍

      I so look forward to the date that this engaged couple will head to. Romance, passion, tenderness…we saw everything in this chapter.

      Thanks for the wonderful update, Jigs.


  • prachibartar

    Saree draping is a mandatory ritual i tell u.. every mother start nagging there daughters rt from when rishta get fixed.. my mother made me practice daily for 3 months..& reason was same, sasural mein koi help ke liye hoga.. but in d end after marriage i really was thankful to her..

    Happy go lucky chapter it was.. most hilarious moment was birds & bees talk.. really if Mrs. Gupta got to know by any chance how advance their daughter is in this particular subject, she sure will chant hey devi maiya thousand times😜.. i wonder what would b Arnav’s reaction to this😉..

    Chori chupke milna is a must during ceremonies..looking forward to that exclusive date.. cheers..

  • anamika

    Bechari garima…she will die of heart attack if she learns what all her innocent daughter does with her boss …that was a cute moment between mom n daughter…

  • mamtapuri2000

    Lol! Only if Garima knew! 😉
    Loved the update! It’s going to be fun to read about their date, alone at last!
    It’s so hard to find time alone during the wedding days, sometimes it’s a punishment before the wedding! I for one was so happy when my 6 days of wedding rituals were over!
    I hardly was upset during the vidhai because I was so looking forward to being with my husband !😂

  • fermeen30

    Loved the update, brilliant. Love the song tere liye, apt. Arnav participating in the puja just for Khushi. Flirty romantic Arnav wooing Khushi at every moment. Eager for the next part.

  • xyzsm

    loved it….enjoying a lot their series of marriage programs,,,,ufff…arnav is sooo cute and hot and sexy……just can’t stop loving him more 😀

  • nikrit13

    How cute is Garima … ‘birds & bees’ talk with Khushi … 😜
    Again the update brings forth the amazing close knit family bonds 👍
    While all this is still fresh in my head 😛
    Loving it again now ….

  • asha519

    Lovely chapter absolutely loved it. Banner is great looking. I enjoyed the mother and daughter convo especially the saree draping and bees and birds talk. So typical before a marriage.

    Arnav and Kushi can’t get their hands off each other especially Arnav who has not had a meet in 3 weeks. Looking forward to their date

  • Anitha

    Romantic start of their life.

    It is very adorable to see Garima trying to have a conversation about birds and bees with her daughter. Glad khushi makes it easy on her 😂

    Arnav is just too eager to follow his happiness and he feels so ease at her house and the people.

    It is just a nice flow to see how all little things are appreciated and he and her are truly enjoying the rituals.

    Loved it!

  • royalpooh

    Hahaha….mothers giving THE talk…its hilarious and at the same time very sweet..the love and care both arnav and khushi share is adotable.. only one down..roka..still so many left to ga..waiting with so much anticipation…awsum update yar….

  • sharuag

    The length he bends for the happiness of Khushi and family wants us all to have a partner like him in our life.

    The way he made khushi agree on going out on a date with him…. oh the arrogance and highhandedness of Raizada is back.

    Looking for the part 3

  • inasaahil

    Wow Jigs.. Stripped ka Shaadi Special!! U just made this all the more special by giving us the details about their marriage rituals.

    I read the two updates together and loved them. It is wonderful to see the hustle and bustle that typically comes when there is a marriage in the house and the way both the families have indulged themselves totally into different ceremonies speak volumes of how much happy they are.
    Khushi’s concern for Arnav was heartwarming to see.


    Now I am waiting to read how their date goes 😉

    Lots Of Love.. 😊😊

  • varsha2KD

    The birds and the bees 😂😂😂
    I think Arnav and khushi have that covered 😁
    Love Garima and khushi’s bond as well as Nani Anjali and Arnav’s 😊

  • nadiajhung

    Awww what a sweet update!!!!It feels that we are presnt there at their shadi,he does every thing in his power to make his khushi happy ansd she gets upset when he forgets to eat.they are made for each the ways birds and bees talk was hillarious😃

  • ravalilovely1923

    Great update di.
    Garima concern, nani, anjali happy tears, Khushi and arnav love 😍 was awesome.., the concern, frustration for leaving whole work on arnav worry pain was evident in khushi’s actions.
    These are moments they cherish for life time
    Waiting for shadi update
    Thank you di
    Take care

  • muskaansobti4

    Lovely tittle birds and bees 😅😉
    Superb mindblowing update d conversation betwen mom n daughter was amazing i mean d way khushi’s mom was tryng to Explain her things was thinking if she comes to knw her daughter has actually done everything she will be faint 😂
    And our khushi tryng to control dis awkward conversation n comparing with birds n bees was hilarious 😂😂
    Our man is really very excited n gvng us all surprise wid all dese things really is appreciable, der small cute moments was cutee..den d way he proposed her fr dinner was amazing
    Lovedd d update…..looking forward to the dinner time..
    I m loving dis😍😍😙😘😗😙

  • chocmoc

    They are so damn adorable. Not just them, their whole family is a blockbuster package.
    Isn’t he up for a lesson from Khushi for the stunt he just did! Their Shaadi seems surreal like the couple they are. Lovely Shaadi special Jigs!

    I can’t wait for Monday to be here. :))

  • drfizaahmed

    Aww ths is such an awsum update
    I swear I laughed hard at mom talks abt the things … evything is taken care already

    Arnav khushi are a dream … thy r so magical .. beautiful n watching I mean reading thm reach this point is aaawsum

  • pinkly007

    I loved the way Garimawas telling Khushi about “Sharing the Bed” with her husband after marriage 😁… good thing was khushi’s dad interrupted them at the right time.

    I enjoyed reading about the Ganeshji pooja, Roka ceremony, Anjali, Nani and Arnav’s group hug, Arnav and Aditya’s bonding, khushi’s care for Arnav and especially the meetha sessions.

    Very nice chapter Jigs and beautifully written.

  • gprs

    Aww..only they can make us feel like sweet..God, only if Garima knew;)haha
    The whole family members are so lovely..they’re there for each other in little the concern and care for Arnav..he sat for the pooja for them..such little things matters in life..Saree draping lessons are mother’s special♥♥the entire part is so cute and adorable..looking forward for the date..

    Thank you sis for this beautiful shaadi special♡♡

  • gprs

    Aww..only they can make us feel like sweet..God, only if Garima knew;)haha
    The whole family members are so lovely..they’re there for each other in little the concern and care for Arnav..he sat for the pooja for them..such little things matters in life..Saree draping lessons are mother’s special♥♥the entire part is so cute and adorable..looking forward for the date..

    Thank you sis for this beautiful shaadi special♡♡

  • abaszayer

    I m still in dream world flying with them … god so much romance … Khushi’s mother telling her about what happen after marriage … mummy ur daughter knows all …

    Beautiful update

  • Anamika

    Fabulous part
    Loved the way Garima was trying to explain things to Khushi……
    Glad that he was able to make Khushi agree to go on a date
    Can’t wait for the next one
    Thank you 🙂

  • godis222good

    awwww, the bond between Khushi & mum was palpable. It’s beautifully written. Amazing 👏👏👏. The dialogues were equally amazing. Anjali/Arnav , Khushi /Anjali etc.etc. Well done girl ❤️❤️❤️

  • anupamachand567

    Jigs meri jaan,

    This was all things sweet and beautiful! Kyushu and Arnav truly such an aspiration, a forever couple one cannot get enough of. They make us realize that the world would be a better place and far more enduring with great love stories rather than the apathetic hate that is sadly so ubiquitous. Garima quite terrific in this chapter, aiming as most Indian moms would, to fill in the last 15 seconds they get with their daughters abalone with shaadi ka gyaan and things they neglected to discuss on the grounds of some irrational propriety until that time.😂 As is usually the case by then, and here too, she is rather late with all her maternal advice!

    Thank you for blending our two favorite scenes from the original IPK – Khushi lifting the box down , a scene I always thought left so much to the imagination, from the amount of skin the sari did not manage to cover to the lust-filled longing in Arnav’s gaze, and the one of him failing because of neglecting his medicines….your Khushi thankfully is not the vengeful harridan the IPK Khushi was thank goodness, otherwise imagine our bechara Arnav! Of course , him stealing that meetha was another thing we all wished to have seen at some point! Khushi, Anjali and their shared concern for this man who is their everything, a jesting Akash, super cool Mami, and the eternal passion of Arnav and Khushi….thank you for this incredible story written in inimitable Jigs fashion! ❤️👌🏼



    For our awesome twosome and equally fab writerji !

    • twinklemj

      Kushi was excited and Arnav want to met his soon to be Mrs..
      About Arnav attending the pooja..its quite obvious that he is in Love.. The care between them too awsm..let’s see the Date alone

  • aranya19

    Gosh!! I am not able to control my laughter after reading Garima’s hesitant advice to Khushi… Poor her… I wonder how would she react if she knows the actual relationship status of her kids (Arnav is equivalent to her son nw.. Right??)…It was surely an embarrassing moment to such talks from her mother when she has all the advanced knowledge in the subject which her mother couldn’t even imagine 😅 Apart from this, it was such a lovely scene to read… Mother and daughter time.. It’s a dream of every mother to see their little girls married to their prince charming and Garima was glad to have Arnav for her Khushi.

    Our great ASR managed to sneak some private but very much required romantic moments with his Khushi. 😍😍 The impatient ASR suddenly turned all patient just for his bride and in the mean time forgot abt his health which is his to be wife’s priority…but surely after seeing Khushi’s panicked reactions and Anjali’s advice, he would take good care of himself.

    So now they are heading for a dinner date… That’s awesome. Considering the time they have to stay away from each other, the sparks are bound to occur in their date… Waiting for it 🙂

    Nyc banner and choice of song Jigs!

  • nccrwrt

    Mom getting the daughter ready for married life was precious. Talk about Birds and Bees was very funny. Poor Arnav is restless because of separation.

  • Choco_b

    Mummy’s are the best angels on earth and besties of girls 💖

    That awkward conversation was 😂😆 mummy dearest you’ve no idea how knowledgeable your damad and beti is in this area😏

    Bossy caring Khushi is someone patidev will soon get used to when she unleashes her wifey avatar.

  • damjar

    Lovely update!!

    The Beautiful moments spent between the Mother & Daughter. The emotions during the wedding.

    Loved the meet of Arnav & Khushi after 3 weeks. The worry and care they have for each other as well as the understanding behind each others emotions in any given situation.

    The Love & Bonding of both the families. The Happy atmosphere once Arnav has also joined in the festivities of their wedding.

  • Saraspeaks

    Logged in after so so so long to see this sweetest surprise! This is the best news I’ve had all day. And as for the story I couldn’t say anything other than it’s mind blowing. The way you put together it, I can see it all in my mind happening 😍❤ I read all the chapters I missed in one go.. 😊

  • soharachowdhury

    Thanks for this treat.
    Arnav and Khushi’s official marriage is happening! Or moreover in perfect way like the big fat India wedding!
    Loving their furtive and fervent romance .
    By the way Khushi’s mom is so cute teaching her about sex life without knowing that Khushi is already experienced in this matter

  • arskus

    The heading itself had me giggling knowing what was to come! Garima is really ahead of her time trying to talk about birds and bees with her daughter. I still don’t know if it happens in my family. These two are perfectly in sync. Waiting to see each other and getting any chance to be near other, panicking as if it was she who was feeling sick and feeling relaxed after seeing other one better, shows every bit of love for each other. Loved the surprise puja event. Wonderful as always, Jigs! ❤️

  • Ifra Asad

    Omg that talk b/w Khushi and her mother was really embarrassing.Garima helped Khushi in wearing the saree.
    For Khushi’s happiness Arnav was ready to sit in the puja. That was amazing.The two of them met after a long time.
    Oops Arnav forget to eats and have his medicine and started feeling all dizzy. The talk Anjali and Arnav had at that time was really nice. Loved the little moments they had here and there. The two of them will be going out on a date. Thats interesting

    Loved the update.

  • madhurao1210

    Beautiful updste…

    Wow garima too good trying to tell her daughter her role doing mother’s duty.. lovly mumma..

    Thank god she didnt see khushi’s expression…

    Arnav suprised everryone with happliy participating in prayer…
    Serioisly his stunt kept znjali khushi on toe like khushi’s svolding to him…
    Loved the way Arnav stole the windows to be thrte with khushi alone…
    Wow a date too good

  • ilfordian

    Garima is trying to tell her daughter what happens between husband and wife. .She went as far as saying that they sleep on the same bed and… Khushi saved her blush by saying she knows all that. Funny. Loved the way they showed their care .
    Thank you for the chapter 2

  • Savera84

    Oh the birds and the bees talk was cute. Garima thinks her daughter is Sayani and knows all about it. She has no clue that they are beyond birds and bees, has she? Innocent mum. The wedding atmosphere was nice.
    So, Mr Raizada is keeping an eye on his soon to be wife’s schedule. He firmly grabbed the one evening she is free from rituals. Nice job Arnav.

  • pakpearlfauzia

    Lovely update..
    Garima is too innocent..

    Anjali has no worries now as Khushi is there to take care of Arnav ..

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