Chapter 28

“Khushi…” His husky tone, makes me tremble as he pauses gazing down on me. “… I think… it’s time for you to get another promotion, don’t you think?”

I giggle, shaking my head as he smirks at my reaction.

“Mr. Raizada, you just promoted me to COO, and if I’m not mistaken there aren’t any other positions for me.”

“There is one vacant position, an important one.”

We both stare at each other for a few moments. But when he pulls away to hold both my hands in his, my heart skips a beat when he whispers.

“Ms. Gupta, I would be honored if you would accept the position of being Mrs. Raizada…”

I gasp, my heart slams rapidly inside my chest, when he gets down on one knee.

He pulls out a ring from his pocket and then raises it up to me.

“I think it’s time to make this official… Khushi Kumari Gupta will you marry me? “

“Oh Arnav…”

I bite my lip feeling tears spring in my eyes, my emotions taking control as I stare down at the man who is patiently waiting for an answer.

“Sweetheart, I hope you remember your promise from earlier about saying ‘yes’…”

“YES!” I interrupt him, fervently nodding my head, and bend down, holding his shoulders making him stand up.

“Yes, I will accept the promotion to be your wife. I will marry you, Arnav Singh Raizada. I love you.”

He pulls me into his arms, and I close my eyes nestling inside his warm embrace.

“I love you more, sweetheart!  Thank you making me the happiest man right now.”

He leans down to kiss me softly, before pulling away.

“May I?”

I nod once, and he takes my hand to his mouth, placing a kiss on my ring finger before slipping it on with such ease. It’s a perfect fit.

I stare down at the ring that adorns my ring finger, a shining, emerald cut, ruby center stone with two diamonds at both ends. A circle of diamonds surrounds the center stone along with the side of the ring.

A tear falls down from my eye onto his hand, and he lifts my chin then wipes them away.

“Khushi, do you see the claws holding the ruby in place, it reminded me of tear drops. And I rather see those drops on your ring everyday for the rest of our life than in your eyes.  The moment I saw this ring, it reminded of you. Unique, modern, and most of all exquisite, like my Khushi. I hope you like it.”

“It’s beautiful, I love it!  Thank you.”

I place my hand on his shoulder, and lean up placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

“Sweetheart, look at the color of the sky now that the sun is fading away.”

“It’s stunning, Arnav. And with the nightfall we can start our new beginning. Our tomorrow will lead us…”

“To our forever…”

He places a kiss on my forehead, and I go into his arms as we watch the night sky appear.

“As much as I don’t want to share you with anyone tonight, I think we need to head to the function.”

“Do we really have to go?”  

He chuckles, taking my hand in his, and we start to slowly walk off the bridge.

“I am not going to look at you since I will be tempted to give in, amongst other things to those lips. Plus don’t you want to see everyone? We can personally share the news with them tonight. I can picture the waterworks.”

“Hai Devi Maiya, I didn’t even think of that. But will it be appropriate at someone else’s function? Oh my parents, what are they going to say? Mr. Raizada, you do realize we have a lot of explaining to do, since this is not the traditional way of getting engaged in our culture.”

He laughs loudly, shaking his head.

“Sweetheart, there is nothing traditional about our relationship. You do know that, right? Don’t worry about your parents, we will handle it together. And my family loves you, sometimes I think more than me, so it will be fine.”

I let out a soft sigh, as we approach the car where Mohan is waiting for us. He pulls away towards the Boathouse which is a few minutes  away. We both sit in silence with our hands entwined together.

What are my parents going to think?

I hope they won’t be disappointed in me for not consulting with them prior to saying yes. But they wanted to see me settled, so there shouldn’t be an issue… right?

I take a deep breath looking out the window, as the car stops. Arnav opens my door, and helps me out of the car.

He offers me his arm, which I take as we walk towards the entrance.

The short walk, seems long today as my nerves make an appearance. It hits me this is the first time we are appearing as a couple in public. Prior to this, I have always been Khushi, Anjali’s friend or someone who works at AR.

My grip tightens, and I feel his free hand covering my hand on his arm. He stops at the door, and looks down at me.

“Khushi, what’s wrong?”

I hesitate before meeting his tender gaze that is fixed on me, slightly helping me calm my nerves. But how do I describe this apprehension to him?

“Um… woh…”  I stutter looking at the door.  

He leans down placing a light kiss on my lips, and smiles at me.

“Sweetheart, there is nothing to be nervous about. I don’t plan on leaving your side throughout the evening, and I doubt my family will either. Let’s go inside, and enjoy the function.”

“I know… it’s just that, this is the first time we will be seen as a couple. What if they…”

“All they will be thinking is look at that beautiful woman on his arm. I can go on and on. But the bottom line is we are a couple in love, which is apparent when we are together. Unless Khushi Kumari Gupta has cold feet…”

I glare up at him, lightly smacking his chest for even saying such a thing.

“Never will that happen Arnav Singh Raizada, you are stuck with me whether you like it or not.”  I take a deep breath to shake off the nerves, taking one step forward. “It’s time to show the crowd what a lucky guy you are. Shall we?”

A few moments later, we walk into the Boathouse and Arnav helps me out of my shawl, handing it to the greeter who checks it in.

“Welcome Mr. Raizada and Ms. Gupta, if you will please follow me to the party room.”

How did she know my name?

Why does he have that smirk on his face?

“Sweetheart, stop thinking so much. You will get your answers in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…”


I get startled hearing Arnav’s family yell as they greet us when we enter the private party room. And in the next few minutes we are engulfed in hugs as everyone wishes us.  

“I can’t believe my dream of seeing you both together a few years back is actually coming true. There is no one I would rather see my brother with than you, Khushi. I am so happy for both of you.”  Anjali wraps her arms around the both of us all teary eyed, and I can’t stop mine either.

“Wow, Bhai and Behen are going to get married… wait, that didn’t come out right since that actually would be gross. I guess it’s going to officially be Bhabhi but you will always be my Behen.”

“Congratulations Arnav Bhai and Khushi… Bhabhi. I am so happy you are coming into this family. I finally will have company in the Bahu department. There is no one I would rather share that with, than you.”  

“The youngest member of the family feels left out, Adi wants to wish his Mamu and Mami. Congratulations to the both of you!”  Shyam approaches us with Aditya in his arms who smiles at us spreading his arms out at me.

“Awe he looks so cute wearing a kurta. Come here my chotu bachu. I have missed you so much little baby.” I take him in my arms as he continues to smile, then he turns his head giggling towards Arnav who is tickling him. The both of us take our turn holding him, until we hear Nani.  

She is standing by herself adoring all of us from a distance.

How did we miss her?  

“Khushi Bitiya and Chote, badhaai ho.” Her gaze glistens, as we walk towards her. She smiles at both of us, and we bend to touch her feet to take her blessings. “Hamesha aise khush raho. And may you have a happily married life and gift this old lady great grandchildren before she…”

I put my hand over her mouth and shake my head before embracing her. Arnav towers over us, wrapping his arms around us.

“Angel, I am not letting you go anywhere. And now you have no more excuses to come stay with me in the city, since Khushi will be with me. Of course after we get married.”

“Nani, you will always be with us. And once your great grandchildren arrive, I am going to need your help the way you help with Adi. You have to promise me.”

“Promise, I will always be there for the both of you. Now that he is not going to be a bachelor anymore, I will definitely come stay with you both. Khushi Bitiya, we are so fortunate to have you become part of our family as a daughter.”

I am overwhelmed with the love and the blessings that this family has given Arnav and I for our engagement. But there is one thing that makes this incomplete for me, my parents not being here.  

This gets harder to push away, as I am told this is actually our engagement party, and not someone’s wedding reception as I had been told. Which is why only Arnav’s immediate family is here at the moment, dressed in their finest, with the guests to come thirty minutes later.

“Khushi, let me see your ring. Arnav wouldn’t let anyone look at it, since he wanted you to see it first.”

“That’s because it’s her ring, Di, so she should be the first one.” He shakes his head, and I can’t help giggle as she sticks her tongue out at him like a child. I extend my hand towards Anjali and Payal who are eagerly waiting, and both gasp in surprise.

“Oh my God this is absolutely exquisite. Damn, my brother has really good taste. Nice job, Arnav! Make sure you give us presents like this during the wedding, kyun Payal?”

“Absolutely, Di. This ring is beautiful.”

As they continue to admire my ring, I hear my mother’s soft voice. But I shake my head, knowing it can’t be possible.  


I blame it on the fact that I have been thinking about them and the void of not having them here on an important day.

Then my father’s voice echoes around me.


I look up at Arnav, watching my every move. His lip curves up in a smile, and I shake my head. He nods, almost as if he is confirming the impossible. But somehow, I can’t get myself to believe it.  

How would he know that I miss my parents and have been hearing their voices in my head?

He turns me around, as I keep my eyes shut tightly still in denial.

“Khushi, open your eyes and see who is here for our special day.”

I open my eyes slowly, seeing a blurred image of two people who look familiar.  But it can’t be, no way. How is it possible? Arnav comes to stand next to me and wipes my tears away.  

And the images become clear as they walk towards us, my Amma and Babuji.

They really are here.

For a moment I am left shocked, staying rooted in place not believing my own eyes. Then stare up at Arnav as he speaks.

“You are not dreaming, they’re actually here. Your Amma and Babuji. Did you really think we could do this without the blessings of the two people who mean everything to you?  I would never let that happen. Now stop staring at me… go, they are waiting for their daughter to acknowledge them.”

I simply nod, then turn to face my parents who have walked up to us.

“Garima, are you sure that’s our Khushi? She doesn’t look like my little girl. I think she might be some princess in New York. Arnav, where is my Titaliya?”

“How can you not recognize our Rajkumari? That’s my Bitiya all grown up. Aren’t you going to hug your Amma, Khushi?”

There is a sheen of tears in my mother’s eyes, which are steadily fixed on me as she opens her arms. I lose the battle of controlling my own tears, which stream down on my face as I leap into her welcoming arms. The both of us engulf each other, unable to control the happiness of being reunited after months.

How I have missed being hugged by my mother.


“Oh mera bacha…”

“It looks like you both are not going to let each other go anytime soon. So I am going to join in, I finally get to hold my Titaliya in my arms.” He whispers holding back his tears, putting his arms around the both of us. But feeling him slightly tremble, I know he is crying along with us.

The three of us reuniting today is the best gift I can ever receive.  How I missed my parents, and felt the lack of their presence these past months.

Moments later, I take a deep breath trying to gather myself when we pull away.  I look around the room, and there isn’t a dry eye as everyone’s attention is on our family reunion.

Arnav was accurate about the waterworks taking place today. And this is all thanks to him.

My eyes search for him, and I spot him standing in between Nani and Anjali. His love shining on me, warms my heart to no extent. I smile at him while my eyes convey a silent thank you. He nods in acknowledgement, then walks over to us.

I stand there in awe, as my parents embrace him like they would embrace me.  The bond the three of them have developed emanates with the myriad of emotions in their expressions.  

When they pull away, he comes to stand next to me gesturing towards their feet. And I am taken back for a moment, but I follow his lead as we take my parents blessings.

“Are there any more surprises up your sleeves that I should be warned about?”  I raise my eyebrow at him.

“Khushi, you were so right. Bhai is the master of surprises. Who would have thought he could pull this off. The mighty ASR wooing his lady love, like they do in those romance novels.”

‘Shut-up Aakash!” Arnav warns, hitting his shoulder.

“Arrey, I helped too. How do you think he came up with these ideas?” Anjali pipes up smirking mischievously.

“Oh really, Di.”  He crosses his arms across his chest, raising his eyebrow.     

“Anjali, sorry but I am on Arnav’s side here. Only he could pull something like this all together.”  

“Of course you would take his side, Khushi. Now we need to finish the preparations for the traditional engagement before the guests arrive. I am sorry but you have to give me your ring.”

She hesitantly puts her hand out to me, gesturing towards my ring. I automatically shield it by covering it with my hand not wanting to take it off.  Somehow parting from my ring doesn’t feel right.  

“Bitiya, it’s only for an hour then Arnav Bitwa will put the ring back on your finger.”  My mother comes over to me when I shake my head. She puts her hand on my shoulder. I pout, as Arnav takes my hand.

“It will only be for a little while, then you will never have to take it off.” He slides the ring off, handing it to Anjali, then kisses my finger after they walk away.

Everyone gets prepared to greet the guests, while we are told to wait in the private dressing room in the back until we are called out to make our entry.

As soon as he closes the door, I go inside his arms and he pulls me close, kissing the top of my head.

“I hope you didn’t mind all of my surprises today, but we have been so preoccupied the past few months. So I took the initiative to ask your father’s permission to marry you when I was in Delhi. And lucky for me he said yes.  And I went full speed ahead to get to where we are at the moment.”

“I can’t believe you did all of this for me.”

“For us,” He interrupts.

“Yes, for us. You are truly one of a kind, and you are mine. Thank you my love.”

He leans down placing a long tender kiss, and at that moment time stands still as I clutch onto him tightly returning the kiss.

“We have a few minutes before we have to go back outside. Did you want to freshen up?” I gasp looking at the mirror, and even with the waterproof make-up my face looks like a disaster.

“Hai Devi Maiya! Look at my makeup, it’s ruined. And my face, it looks horrible!”

He shakes his head then walks towards the door to reveal the lady who did my makeup at the spa waiting outside.

“Di suggested that I have her come here with all the waterworks that were bound to happen.  And Khushi, your face does not look horrible. I will be waiting outside.”

Once he leaves, this amazing woman works her magic on me and I can’t believe it’s the same face that was looking in the mirror ten minutes ago.

Once I am ready, we make our way inside the party room, where the guests have now arrived. I notice some familiar faces and some faces I have never seen before. Arnav and I are greeted with warm wishes by everyone. I realize there was nothing to worry about being amongst people who are genuinely happy for us.

As Arnav and I step onto the raised platform for the ring ceremony, I notice how incredible it looks. It’s surrounded by my favorite flowers and sheer layers of fabric sprinkled with fairy lights. That is when I pay close attention to the room where the party is being held. I was overwhelmed when we first walked in, that I had missed looking around. Just one glimpse around tells me all the little details that Arnav has put into coordinating the function. From the dark burgundy calla lilies centerpieces to candles lit all around the room.

Our immediate family joins us on the platform as we conduct the traditional engagement ceremony. Anjali does the ritual from his side, while my mother from my side. Both of them elated throughout the rituals unable to stop smiling. Nani seems to be glowing looking at us as she stands next to Anjali advising on what needs to happen when.

I realize exchanging rings in a traditional ceremony in front of our families is a way for us to make them part of this milestone. They have looked forward to this day for a long time.

“Titaliya, that is my choice.” My father whispers in my ears proudly.

My mom hands me a modern platinum band with a single round diamond. If I had to the pick the ring, this would be exactly what I would choose.

Arnav puts out his hand towards me, which I take in mine, then slide the ring on his finger. Not only a perfect fit, but looks it as well.

When Anjali hands him my ring, I smile widely, and I can tell he is amused as his lip curves up. My mother gently hits my arm, as I shamelessly put my hand out to get my ring back on my finger.

He smirks, putting the ring back on my finger and places a soft kiss on my hand. Everyone applauds, while our families and close friends scream in excitement as we conclude the ceremony.

“It looks like someone was very eager to have their ring back.”  He whispers in my ear, as everyone starts to make their way off the platform.

“Hell yeah, it was off my hand longer than it needed to be.”

As I turn to walk away, he holds my hand urging me not to go. I watch as a server approaches us to hand us a glass of champagne. When I look out at the guests, they are also being served.

All attention is on us, as Arnav starts to make a speech.

“Thank you everyone for joining Khushi and I as we celebrate our engagement tonight, the beginning of many special occasions to follow soon. Also to both of our families who have made this day memorable. Thank you for being here and giving us your blessings. Without them this day would not be possible for either of us.”

He pauses for a moment raising his glass to our families as they look up at us fondly. Arnav continues with his speech facing me, taking my hand in his.

“Last but not least, to my Khushi, eight months ago you literally fell into my arms and I knew there was something about you that I didn’t want to let go. Since then I have realized why. This man, whose life only consisted of work and nothing more, has found what that ‘more’ is with you. I didn’t believe in love before I met you. But you changed all of that for me, love is you, and more is us being together, hamesha. I am honored that you agreed to marry me. Thank you sweetheart.”

He shakes his head to wipe the tears gathered in the corner of his eyes.

“I would like to make a toast to this beautiful woman who has become my life, to Khushi…”

“… and to Arnav, the love of my life.”

The evening continued with everyone having a great time, the people surrounding us and the food making it complete.

I watch my parents as they easily blend in with Arnav’s family. Arnav makes it a point to introduce them to the key people at AR, along with family friends.  When I find out that they have been here for the past few days staying at Anjali’s home, I get annoyed that I am seeing them now. But of course after a few hugs and apologies from my parents I am fine. When they tell me that Arnav received them at the airport, and had gone to Anjali’s house everyday to visit them; I am overjoyed that he has done all this to make them feel comfortable.

Everything starts to fall in place, this explains why he hasn’t been in the office this week. It wasn’t new ventures or off-site meetings he was attending, but it was my parents and planning this surprise.

Arnav Singh Raizada put his work on hold to plan this extraordinary event… maybe he should go into party planning. I smile at this thought until I hear my mother’s voice

“Bitiya, tonight we finally get to come stay with you. There is so much we need to catch up on and the planning we need to do for the wedding. I already told your Babuji, that you and I will sleep together. I can’t wait to see your apartment.”

“How can I forget, that I get to sleep on the sofa. At least I won’t have to hear your snoring. Good luck with that Titaliya.”

Holy crap!  They are going to come to my apartment after this party, but Arnav’s things.

“Amma, Babuji, I just remembered something that I need to talk to Arnav about.  Sorry, I will be right back.”

I rush off, and frantically look around for Arnav everywhere. But I can’t find him.  

Where is this man?

Finally I spot him, talking to a few of his friends from Grad school in the back where the bar has been set-up.

He turns around as if he knew I was around, and smiles, waving for me to join them.

After an exchange of pleasantries with the group, we excuse ourselves and I take him to a quiet corner.

“What’s the matter sweetheart and why did you bring me here?”

“Arnav… hai Devi Maiya… um…  woh… what are we going to do?”  I panic, incoherently shaking my head, placing my hand on my forehead.

He cups my face with his hands, with his concerned gaze on me.

“First take a deep breath, and calm down. Now tell what happened that has you this worked up?”

“I just realized that my parents are going to stay with me tonight. At my place.”

“Well, yes, that’s quite obvious. I would think you would be thrilled.”

“I am, genius, but your things are all over the apartment. Half my closet consists of your clothes. How do you expect me to explain this to them?”

He starts laughing uncontrollably, I stand there with my hands on my hip which he notices and immediately stops.

“Why do you think I had to get you out of the penthouse for a few hours?  Come on Khushi, after all this, did you think I would forget?”

“How would I know? I just panicked when Amma mentioned about them coming over.”

“You can relax, I took over a few of your things that you will need and removed all my belongings from every room this afternoon. I had Mohan and Henry help me. But, you do realize what this means.”

“You will be sleeping alone, until my parents leave.”

“Actually it’s until we get married.”

“What?!  Please explain further since I have no clue what that is supposed to mean. Don’t tell me you planned our wedding too?”

“No, this is the only thing I planned. Now I am handing the wedding planning reins over to you. All yours. I was thinking we can get married in the end of December. That’s when we were planning to go to Delhi for a break so we already had built in two weeks for our time off. With the holidays and New Year, things will be slow at AR so we can extend it out for another couple of weeks. What do you think?”

“But that’s a little over a month from now.”

He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer.

“You are lucky I am giving you that much time. If I had my way, our wedding would have been tomorrow. Plus our families have already started planning everything. That’s all they have been discussing since your parents arrived.  Sweetheart, please I can’t wait too long. It’s going to be torturous staying away from you until we get married.”

I smile, and wrap my arms around his neck.

“January 1st.”

“I approve, starting the New Year with the beginning of our married life.”

He leans down bringing his lips close to mine, but stops hearing Anjali coughing.

“Excuse me, lovebirds, but everyone at the party is looking for you both. So you can continue whatever you were going to do later.”

“Perfect timing as always, Di. You really know how to ruin a romantic moment.”

“Listen Chote, get used to it till you get married since both of you will be surrounded by people. And, if you wanted privacy, you should have gone to the private room. Do I have to teach you how to sneak around with your fiance?”

Both of us look at her incredulously, as she stands there furrowing her eyebrow.  

“What the… Di, I don’t need lessons from you. Khushi and I have that covered.” He gives her an audacious wink.

I stand there with my mouth open at the conversation these two are having.

“Unbelievable you two! Shall we get back to the party before there is a search party looking for us.”

I hear both of them laughing as I walk back inside to join the others.

After dinner, as I am talking to NK and Lavanya my heart stops for a moment hearing Arnav’s husky voice calling out for me through the speakers.


I look at the middle of the dance floor, where he is standing with a microphone. He gestures me to come over to him.

What is he up to now?

As I am walking towards him my heart picks up its pace.

“Before this night is over, I wanted to dedicate this song to you, and I was hoping you might dance with me. May I have this dance Ms. Gupta? He extends his hand out to me, and I put my hand in his.

“I would love to, Mr. Raizada.”

He smiles, placing his one hand around my waist. I straighten feeling a slight caress, which sends shivers down my spine. But as I realize all eyes are on us, I give him a warning look to behave. He shrugs his shoulders, then takes his other hand entwining it with mine pulling me close to him.   

“What am I going to do with you?”  I whisper.

“Oh there are a lot of things you can do with me, but I don’t think it’s appropriate right now.”

I feel my cheeks flaming up, but I can’t help giggle since this is the exact response I expected from my Arnav.

But I stop laughing, feeling my breath hitch in my throat hearing the music beginning to play as he starts to sing along. I follow his lead around the dance floor as we sway to the music unable to keep my gaze off of him.

Woh pehli baar jab hum mile

Haathon mein haath jab hum chale

Ho gaya ye dil deewana

Hota hai pyaar kya isne jaana

Teri aankhon mein jannat basake chala

Teri zulfon ki chhaaon mein chalta chala

Tere neinon mein chein tere labh pe khushi

Tujhko hi main mohabbat bana ke chala

“This song is so touching.”  I whisper into his ears.

Woh pehli baar jab hum mile

Ho gaye shuru ye silsile

Ho gaya ye dil deewana

Hota hai pyaar kya isne jaana

“It was the one song that stuck with me since I had heard it in college, and I always loved the words. A few weeks back, I realized that it describes how I feel about you.”

Khilti kaliyon mein dhoondhoon bas tere nishaan

Main na jaanoon hai aakhir ye kya karvaan

Tujhe dekhoon to aaye labh pe khushi

Khuda na kare ho kabhi dooriyaan

“And here I thought you didn’t like music.”

“There were a lot things I didn’t like before you came into my life.  But now those things have a different meaning when they relate to you.”

Ho gaya hoon main paagal ab tere liye

Tere bin dil bechara ye kaise jiye

Maine khoke hai chein paayi tujh mein khushi

Tu bani jaane jaana meri zindagi

“And I can say the same about you. Without you in my life, there would be no Khushi.”

We both smile knowing how far we have come with this journey that has led us to our present. The support we give one another gives us the strength to continue to move forward everyday. The respect, truly makes us equal partners in our relationship. The unconditional love which holds no bounds, for what we feel for the other. But most of all it’s happiness we want for the other.

“Khushi Kumari Gupta, I promise to always keep you happy, because that is what makes me happy.”

“Arnav Singh Raizada, I promise to do the same now and forever, since it brings me happiness.”

As the music stops, without a care in the world, he leans down placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

“I love you, Arnav.”

“I love you more sweetheart, hamesha.”

And there you have it, the last chapter of journey. Like they say, “True love stories never have endings.”  I know they will live with me forever, this was my first piece of writing, a take on my favorite jodi. I dedicate this final chapter to all of my readers because without all of you this journey would not have been the same.

Thank you so much for your support that has given me motivation to write better and better with every update, and comments that I will cherish forever. You all have been a writer’s delight, and I am eternally grateful!

Will join me next week when I post the very long (over 10,000 words) Epilogue?

Love always,



    • nzmonica

      Thank you Jigs, for sharing your first piece of writing.
      Being a latecomer to the ff world I hate to think I could have been deprived of jem.

      A simple love story with great depth of emotion and told with such heart that it will linger in my memory for….hamesha.
      The anticipataion of an extra long epilogue allivates some of the sadness of this being the last chapter.😍

      This chapter that was magnificent in showcasing the sheer perfection of this man. He made sure that the whole day was sublime for his sweetheart. The minutest details were looked into including the timely removal of their pre wedding co-habitation.😗😗
      That little moment had me laughing as well.

      The proposal on the bridge was dreamy but the act that proclaimed his love and devotion was ensuring her parents presence.💕💕💕💕
      I expected it but the reunion still brought tears to my eyes.

      Lastly the song, I’d heard it couldn’t place it and then Googleji helped and the lyrics are so fitting. ( musu musu hasi was my baby sisters favorite probably because she crushed on dino morea🙄🙄🙄)

      • nzmonica

        मेरी दुनियाँ है तुझमें कहीं
        तेरे बिन मैं क्या, कुछ भी नहीं
        मेरी जान में तेरी जान है, ओ साथी मेरे

        पलकों में तेरे रूप का सपना सजा दिया
        पहली नज़र में ही तुझे, अपना बना लिया
        है यही आरज़ू, हर घड़ी बैठी रहो मेरे सामने
        मेरी दुनिया है तुझ में…

        आँखों के रास्ते मेरे दिल में उतर गई
        साँसों में तेरे जिस्म की खुशबू बिखर गई
        हर जगह रात दिन, प्यार से मैं जानेमन, तेरा नाम लूँ
        मेरी दुनिया है तुझ में…

        ऐसा लगा मेरे सनम, हम जो यहाँ मिले
        सेहरा में जैसे शबनमी, चाहत के गुल खिले
        ये ज़मीं, आसमां, कह रहे, हम तो कभी ना होंगे जुदा
        मेरे दुनिया है तुझ में…

    • Vin (newfan2016)

      “Mujhse shaadi karogi?” Loved the banner ❤️.

      This Arnav… ufff… Jigs, I am sure all the ladies here want a slice of him. He has planned the entire (day), night (and beyond) to the T. The diamonds in the engagement ring symbolizing Khushi’s tears, better off being on the ring itself and not her eyes— only you could write this Jigs 🙏🏻. The proposal, the gathering for the traditional ceremony and then having the Gupta’s over for this special family moment… Arnav’s also made sure that Khushi’s conservative parents have nothing to complain while they are around and until Arnav and Khushi get married! This man is the best. And just right for our Khushi. The man and his lady are all set to live happily ever after. With love in abundance, hamesha. Their own, and their family’s .

      I really want to know what’s in store for us in the long epilogue. I will not consider this as the last chapter of this Arnav Khushi journey… because the two will be with us, as much as your writing, hamesha 😘.

      Thanks Jigs!

    • aranya19

      Has the story really ended?? 🙁🙁🙁 Can u plzz extend it some more… I just can’t accept that it has ended 🙁
      This is the most amazing, simple yet complex Arshi love story that I have read. Always moving on its own pace, presenting new twists at the right time keeping me hooked to it at all times. I’ll surely miss this…
      For this update and the story, a big round of 👏 for u 🙂
      The wedding proposal was so unique and lovely…full Khushi’s baby Arnav’s style. For sure this side of his is reserved only for Khushi 🙂 Right from planning the whole event, the ever thoughtful and beautiful ring selection, the promise to say only yes – I am bowled out by such a heartfelt wedding proposition…😍😍😍
      Both are so unique and perfectly made for each other.
      Arnav had planned the whole event keeping in mind his Khushi’s choices and wishes. Then how could he not bring her parents on this special day…They both now share a great bonding with him… All thnx to his delhi visit and stay with them. All the family Meetings part surely was emotional 🙂
      The dance song- 👏 👏…I had never thought of this song from romantic angle… Everytime would relate to friends only… But u changed my opinion 🙂
      Couldn’t have chosen any better song at the moment for our favorite couple…
      Lovedd the update very much… Very much looking forward to the epilogue and whatever else u could give us as a part of this wonderful story ☺☺

  • nikrit13

    I wanted to write so many things Jigs…but I just don’t know…how you make me loose it….I am light, floating, teary & lost….you spoil us rotten don’t you ? 💟
    I have a busy day ahead but I swear I am going to get nothing done…gosh everything is so beautiful.😍

    Power of Love; two people who understand one another & care for each other deeply, and one lovely family….how I wish this happens to all and the world would be one big 💖

    Thanks for this amazing story Jigs….loved it as always !

  • Anitha

    Beautiful banner..a summary!

    I can’t digest when you say last chapter dear..say you are writing season 2 please!

    The proposal..mere rangunte kade ho gaye 😂

    So romantic and so adorable of arnav to make it so special with so much care and love. He is just magical.

    It was just an emotional happy chapter over all and makes you smile all through..job well done writerji.

    Wish this chapter really had lots and lots of pictures.

    Ab bolo surprise there is season 2…

  • cheers2all

    Oh my God!! What a sweet proposal…haiiiii <3 <3 <3
    Arnav is so adorable ya….arranging everything and making her parents feel comfortable. He is such a sweetheart. I am so glad reading sweet stuff doesn't cause diabetes, else my blood sugar levels would have been off the charts with this update.

    It's so sad to know this was the last chapter. I used to wait eagerly for the next update every week. Well, it does help to know that Epilogue is 10k words long. I plan to cherish every word 🙂

    Can we hope for a sequel to this wonderful story?? (kya kare? Dil hain…hi manta hi nahi)

  • Just4this mamta

    Oh jigs
    The story ended, my favourite fairytale, but will be looking forward the epilogue.
    Love u jigs.
    Thank u.
    Ps I will come back with my comment

  • rainyday30002017

    I Love You more more!!!❤️ What a beautiful proposal…what a beautiful evening…what a beautiful beginning…I absolutely loved this update…just smiling like a fool while reading…can’t wait for the “secret” meetings before marriage!!!😍😘

  • prachibartar

    Once again one of your 1st masterpiece comes to an end, making me feeling mixed emotions dobara.. happy & elated with rt out of fairytale wala proposal.. this arnav is one dream man i tell u.. Waterworks toh bante the.. a perfect ending to this sweet love story.. & now i m wondering what to do with my monday mornings.. i will miss this wait for nxt chapter.. waise i remember u have a wedding edition for this story.. can v b a lil bit greedy & ask for it?? Ofcourse if u have time..

    Will eagerly wait for that long update.. cheers

  • sweetyperu

    I don’t want this fairytale to end…!!
    Uff Arnav..❤❤❤❤
    If I get a man who will fulfill atlest half of the things Arnav did for khushi.. ill be a blessed girl I swaree. ..
    😍😍😍 #goals! !
    Khushi so deserves this love and care and pampering coz she is a beautiful woman with a soul of an angel…!!
    This story is what a relationship should be…
    Love should be..
    Such a heartwarming tale Di…❤
    I am forever going to cherish this one in my heart…
    Lots of love to you…😘😘
    Will be waiting for the epilogue..

  • Jyoti Pai

    Beautifully written. Loved the story thoroughly. In fact I will say that I watched the story than reading it in my mind. This felt so real.
    Thank you for this.

  • monalisaa1

    Woow amazing chemistry these two as always. I love this romantic Talking Arnav. And the strong intelligent but innocent Khushi. I will sure miss this amazing love story.

  • ganga16tr

    Wait what?! This is the end?! WHAT??? Omg 😭😭😭 I can’t believe this is the ending!
    But I guess all things have to come to an end. As for the chapter, I absolutely loved it! LOVED the proposal, loved it it!! Can’t wait to read the epilogue

  • xyzsm

    can’t believe we are at the end of this journey….amazing update….this can’t be anymore perfect of being the last chapter of this amazing story…..loved it so much…..I will miss this….<3 <3 <3

  • arjuhisis

    OH jigs, what a beautiful journey this has been. Thank you for re-writing this story. The thrill to read the next update was always there in spite of it being a re-read for me. Loved this story and love all your works. Will eagerly look forward to the epilogue.

  • fermeen30

    Loved the last chapter, beautiful, sweet and so romantic. Arnav pulls a lovely surprise for Khushi after a beautiful proposal. I am still sighing and swooning after the chapter. Eager for the epilogue. Lovely song, brilliant and meaningful.
    Whenever I will listen to my favourite song tere sang yaara from movie Rustom, this couple from this brilliant story comes alive.

    tere sang yaara
    khushrang bahara
    tu raat deewani
    main zard sitaara

    with you, O beloved,
    the spring is colorful,
    you are the crazy night,
    and I am the yellow star.

    O karam khudaya hai
    tujhe mujhse milaya hai
    tujhpe marke hi to
    mujhe jeena aaya hai

    it’s a divine mercy,
    that I have met you.
    after dying on you only
    have I learned to live.

  • ayushivishui

    First of all I just loved the banner…
    it was beautiful…..and i was so emotional from the beginning to end while reading it…No one can make a girl feel this much special other than arnav….He is definitely a prince charming……The proposal was mindblowing and I just loved it…..
    I was shocked when I came to know that it’s the last chapter…at that time I really how much dis story meant to me….I will really miss this…… will be eagerly waiting for the epilogue

  • rajichellakani

    A perfect ending for a perfect couple…
    A dream proposal for all girls…
    The way you write, the choice of your words makes me to imagine the whole scene…A beautiful dream…
    Will miss reading stripped…
    Thanks for this story😊

  • jayasamhita

    What a lovely fairy tale update! Perfect romantic scenario just what dreams are made of. You have left me speechless. Do continue writing for us hopelessly romantic readers.

  • pinkly007

    Wow, wow and wow… what a wonderful chapter Jigs. Arnav’s heartwarming proposal on the bridge at the perfect time of sunset.. it was so romantic ❤️. Such perfect planning he had done to make the day so amazing.

    Khushi’s apprehension before entering the venue, family congratulating the couple, Anjali, payal and akash’s enthusiasm, Nani’s lovely blessings… but the best part was khushi meeting her parents. I cried so much while reading that part 😭. I liked the way her parents hugged Arnav as their own. Wonderful function and it was like a memorable celebration on love.

    Again the time has come and this story is going to end. Jigs, such beautiful story you have created… I don’t have words. But my heart is heavy and I don’t want this story to end ever.

    I hope you will not close this blog. I want to read it again and again.

    I am waiting for the epilogue. Thank you Jigs for writing this story and sharing it with us.

  • johngaltifblog

    This is just superawesomely brilliant story!!

    Thank you for making it available to us again….

    Loved this beautiful end!!

    Thank Thank you!! Can’t wait for the Epilogue……Thank you

  • madhurao1210

    Simply mesmerising update…
    Ineed they live in all our hearts..this saga is forever…

    Beautiful proposal n the way he manage to keep it surprise to the T afterall he is great ASR😍👏👏💖

    Loved khushi’s shocked face after hearing that her parents will be with her..haha…

    Cant believe its last chapter so soon…😣

  • rinku28

    What a journey! I read this the first time around as well and I’m so happy to have read it again. I read a lot of these stories but there are a few that stick with you and you hope to read again and again, this is definitely one of those special ones. Can’t wait for the epilogue…as this ends, I hope to see another journey start!

    Thank you for creating such a beautiful story!

  • drfizaahmed

    aww khatam hogaya … whn cant b ur stories like daily soap ….
    i love stripped ..very very much operate world n a balanced love story is pretty hard to have .. with such natural emotions

  • dikilove6

    This is so so so exciting. Loved the proposal and the surprise and the entire the chapter. It was so adorable and dreamy!!! It felt so alive and real. Loved reading it. Looking forward to the epilogue. xx

  • varsha2KD

    Oh my… this has been an incredible journey for your writing and Arshi love… it had me in tears… like you wrote… water works 😢
    I can’t believe it was the end to a beautiful love story or should I say the beginning of their love story 😊
    Epilogue of 10000 words long… will cherish every word 😍

  • mahrusweety

    It is always an incredile journey with you.
    With your awesome arnav abd khushi its always feel like reading it fresh.
    Perfect song with the amazing full if surprises update . Arnav is the master of surprises.What a beautiful and amazing surprises he pull off for his lady love.
    Lived it.
    Waiting for epilogue

  • Choco_b

    Relationships are not made in heaven but it’s made on earth when two people find a space for themselves where they can be themselves where there’s a emotional bond as deep as the physical with a generous sprinkle of trust respect and acceptance of each other a perfect recipe for a healthy relationship is created.
    Arnav and Khushi has found the recipe that suits them👏🏻
    A beautiful Cinderella night it was for the Titliya of Gupta House. Unlike Cinderella who had to run as the clock struck 12 here she was forever in her Rajkumar’s arms.
    Her Rajkumar is special 😍😫can you give us details to get hold of Rajkumar’s of this kind!!
    The whole surprise planning right from the proposal to the ring the engagement function with the icing on the cake Bringing her family to her 💕 ❣
    An end to one phase of Miss Khushi and Mr Raizaada’s journey now to the Mr & Mrs Raizaada phase 😁☺️
    Let the fun and celebration begin 🎉 🍾

  • arskus

    A dream story to start your writing with. But nevertheless a refined one with every update. This chapter brought all the magnificence you endow in your stories, with the perfect setting and the perfect couple. You always make me go aww with your little details in everything. The engagement could not have a better audience and manner, first at the sunset and then their family. Shows how much it mattered to him to bring out the best for her, for them. I was waiting for her parents arrival and their meeting was every bit emotional and wonderful. Loved the banner you put in the chapter. Loved reading this. Thanks for sharing ❤️❤️❤️

  • cutiepieash

    Nooooo!!!! This cannot be the end.
    Alas! Every good story has to have a nice ending and so this dreamy story have to come to an end.
    Your first story Jigs have the same impact on me when I first read in IF. Reading ot again I just fell in love more if it is possible.❤❤

  • sweetygirl28

    The update was so beautiful 😍😍 can’t believe we have come to the end of this story.. In the beginning when I started reading this I always thought there was more to arnav.. That he is trapping her to extract some kind of revenge.

    But he turned out to be so good that I fell in love with this version. Can he be real? He is perfect husband material.

    And I love your khushi. She is strong, independent and lovable. Thank u for this amazing heartwarming story 🙂

  • nccrwrt

    Beautiful ending to this lovely story. As much as I loved your Arnav and Khushi I especially loved Nani’s character and Khushi’s parents too. I like how you showed the supportive side of the family. Of course there is another perfection when it comes to your story and that is the pair of Khushi and Arnav. Thank you for sharing this story. It was my first time reading it and I loved it.

  • muskaansobti4

    Wat a beautiful update jigs
    So my guess was right khushis parents r here; it was truly a magical ring ceremony wjch every grl dreams of n d way u hav described each n evry sentence moments wer amazing .
    I loved d song selection it actually suited dem nw can’t wait for the marriage ❤😍😎
    Poor arshi hw dey will control der desires fr each oder till marriage 😉 it will be really fun to see
    I loveddddd dis chapter loadsss❤❤❤❤❤

  • keerthana

    im speechless! The proposal is dreamlike….. these two characters have touched me and will remain in my memory…. ur an amazing writer👍🏻 As always…. im waiting to read more stories written by u on my fav. arnav and khushi😊

  • Anamika

    Although it was my second time reading this story of yours but it’s been a wonderful journey and enjoyed it a lot
    You have an amzaing way of telling stories that makes your stories so vivid and unique
    Waiting for the epilogue
    Thank you very much for weaving this awesome story!!

  • damjar

    A beautiful round up of their Love for Each other. Such an amazing proposal and the way Arnav has touched Khushi’s heart by planning their engagement. The touching part being keeping Khushi in his mind he has planned the whole thing and the surprise of surprise being her Parents her heart and soul.

    This has been a breath taking journey of two souls and thank you for having let me read this book again.

  • sbfili

    Today I came to throw a bunch of gifs because the tears are clogging my throat

    FINAL chapter!!! What final chapter… I’m not ready… so not ready… they had the sweetest chemistry.. the affectionate nature of their relationship and huge understanding between them is so envy-worthy…

    Bye my lovely Jodi… you’ll live on iny mind with the tons of fictional scenarios I will create for you 😍😍

    Jigs… a master mind as usual ❤️

  • khushisony

    Diiiii!!!! That was awesome😍😍😍😍😍 just magical….wow…uff Arnav jaisa ladka mil jaye😝😝😜 update was too good…his proposal for promotion👌👌 and what a surprise it was👏👏👏””our tomorrow is thr beginning of our forever” that was my fav line in the update😘😘kushi s family reunion…even I had tears while ready….!!!totally loved the update di
    Thank u so much di for sharing this awesome piece of ur collection with us!!😘😘 I enjoyed reading it thoroughly and glad to be a part of this journey😊😊wil wait for the epilogue

  • mamtapuri2000

    Hate that they story is ending just as much as I love the story!
    Awesome chapter! The surprises were so good!
    Loved how Arnav brought the parents over and thought of taking care of everything!

    Looking forward to reading the epilogue!

  • soharachowdhury

    So beautiful!
    What a pleasant surprise Arnav gave to Khushi!
    He brought Khushi’s parents and proposed her in front of the whole world. Everything was so perfect! It was like a fairy tale.
    Thanks for sharing your first Arshi FF with us. Arnav and Khushi’s love story can’t be depicted so beautifully like you did through stripped.

  • gprs

    Jigs sis..this is beautiful..this beautiful journey started with these two lovely individuals taught us so many lessons.on reading this update,i too want to share a song from my only known indian language..hearing the song now,i felt like it was written for our beautiful couple..

    It’s a beautiful song composed by A.R.Rahman for the Tamil Movie “Vinnai Thaandi Varuvaaya”which later remaked in Hindi in the name of “Ekk Deewana Tha”

    Uyire unnai unnai yenthan vaalkai thunaiya yerkinren yerkinren
    Inni mel puyal,veyil,mazhai,paalai, solai ivai ondraga kadapomeey
    Unnai thaandi yethaiyum ennaal yosanai seiya mudiyatheey mudiyaatheey

    Sweet heart, I take you as my soulmate
    Lets cross the storms, deserts and gardens
    Walk through sunshine and rain together
    I can’t think beyond you

    Nee vaanavilaga,Aval vannam ezhaaga
    Antha vaanam veeda maaratho,maaratho
    Jodi pottu than neengal ponaaleey
    Kan pattu kaachal than vaaratho vaaratho

    With you as the rainbow.. she as the seven colours
    Won’t the skies change into a home for you two?
    When you both walk hand in hand
    Won’t evil eyes cast a spell that causes fever?

    Neelum iravil oru pagalum
    Neenda pagalil siru iravum
    Kandu kollum kalai arindhom
    Yenru yengu athai payindrom
    Boomi,Vaanam,Kaatru,Theeyai,Neerai maatru
    Puthithaai kondu vanthu neetu

    A long day in the endless night
    A tiny piece of night in a long day
    We discovered an art that we mastered
    When and where sis we learn that?
    Change the earth, skies , wind, fire, water,
    Make them brand new!

    Kaadhal ellam tholaiyum idam Kalyanaam thaane
    Indru thodangum intha kaadhal mudivilla vaane

    Doesn’t love usually vanish after the wedding?
    But love that begins today is endless like the sky

  • Anonymous

    Thank you thank you so much for reopening this story. Have been wanting to read it for a long time. Read till chapter 28 in one sitting and what Can I say except mind blowing and fantasgomoric are the only words which come to me. Hugging the thought that I still have the epilogue and the 8 chapters to look forward to.

  • vijusb

    Feeling bad that the story came to end. Both are engaged. Loved all the surprises, he proposing on bridge to get her parents, taking care of them is beautiful.
    I hav become fan of ur writing. Hope to get to read more of ur works

    • twinklemj

      The proposal was❤😉..He planned so much for his kushi..the love between them make me Appieeee…Wt this is final chapter I can’t believe this…but This Jodi never leave our heart and hoping to read new one from this amazing writterji ..❤

  • pakpearlfauzia

    It’s Romance Redefined …
    Arnav’s surprise was awesome..
    Khushi was overwhelmed to see all the Raizada clan to celebrate their engagement..
    N most of all,Guptas were there ..

    I m happy that it’s not last chapter for me ..
    Epilogue n Shadi special is yet to read..

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