Chapter 27

“Good morning, sweetheart.”

My eyes open slowly to find Arnav propped on his elbow, caressing my face.  But I quickly shut them, groaning as the bright sunlight hits my face.

“Baby, today’s Saturday and I still want to sleep. Why did you open the curtains already? It’s freaking early…” I whine burying myself inside his arms, bringing out a chuckle.

He wraps his arms around me, and places a kiss on the top of my head. Snuggling up closer, I inhale the familiar crisp clean scent, and smile.

“Come on wake-up lazy girl, it’s almost eleven o’clock. I’ve been up for a few hours, and am starving. Aren’t you going to feed me?”

For a moment, I do a double take at the time, then abruptly sit up. And there he is to distract me, laying on the bed with only his towel hanging low below his waist.

“Um… woh…”

“Yes?” The corner of his lip curves, as he cocks up his eyebrow.  

The man is amused at my expense, as I attempt to push aside the distraction clouding my mind. The only way to accomplish that, is to stare at his face, and nothing else.

“Well, I don’t care what time it is, I am going back to sleep. Finally after so long I could sleep in on a Saturday morning, and you being your bossy self wakes me up since you’re hungry. Why don’t you get your own food?  Am I your cook or something?”  

“What the…”

Not budging, I lay back down, getting inside the comforter, and cover my head. The sunlight is spread throughout the room, taking over my personal space. Not to mention the hot man in a towel, looming over me.

“Khushi, this isn’t funny! I already let you sleep in, and it’s officially eleven o’clock now. If you don’t get up, I will call your mother and tell her you don’t feed me…”

“I don’t care. What is she going to do all the way from Delhi? For once she didn’t wake me up today, it’s a sign from Devi Maiya herself. Now shhhh, and go away.” I raise my hand up, waving him away.

“I am warning you, if you don’t get out of this bed this instant, then I will…”

“Uff, would you give it up already? And I am not scared of your threats.”

“Fine! Khushi Kumari Gupta get ready for your wake-up call.”

What does he mean by wake-up call?

Before I can think further, he gets underneath the covers, and pulls me against him. Before I can shriek, he’s quick to cover my mouth, going a step further, locking me in with his leg over mine.

“You see, I already had my breakfast, but I was trying to get your lazy ass out of bed. I made plans for you this afternoon before we head out to the reception this evening. Seeing that you want to stay in bed, I am going to join you now.  But there is no way any sleeping is going to take place. Got it, Ms. Gupta?” He smiles mischievously, removing his hand from my mouth.

“Arnav, um… what…” There’s no way I can coherently piece a sentence together, so I opt to stop myself from speaking, and stare at him.

“Have I ever told you how seductive you look when you wake up?” His husky whisper laced with desire, holds me captive. “Your half asleep drugged eyes that shimmer when you first see me…”

I close my eyes as he traces them, then drops a gentle kiss on both eyes.  

“Your flushed warm cheeks…”

He places a soft lingering kiss on both of my cheeks, blazing them with his touch.   

“Your luscious sweet lips…”

He traces my lips with his finger, not once but twice, making me feel dizzy with pleasure.  

I lean my face up towards him feeling his hand comb through my hair. Anticipating and craving for what’s to come, I place my hands on the back of his neck, tugging him towards me.

He presses his lips with mine then brushes them gently. His tongue slides against my lower lip, and I welcome him opening my mouth. He lets out a moan diving further, deepening the kiss. His hand caresses my legs sliding my silk slip up further to my waist.

We pull back, trying to control our breathing. He lays me down on my back, and whispers into my ear. “Hearing you call my name, and seeing you with barely anything on right now, you are the epitome of seduction… I want you, Khushi.” He places kisses on my shoulder, before traveling to my neck.

My eyes fly open hearing the shrill ringing from my phone, and I know exactly who it is.  

Our eyes meet, and he grunts out loud pulling the cover off of us. He leans over me grabbing the phone from the nightstand, and hands it to me with a nod, urging me to answer it.  

“Promise, I won’t be long.” My quick peck on his lips does nothing for him, as he wants way more.

He resigns, sitting up, and leaning against the headboard. I place my head on the pillow, and pick up the phone hearing my mother’s warm voice greeting me.

“What happened today, Mrs. Gupta?  You are three hours late.”

“Chup Khushi! Is that anyway to talk to your Amma? You always complain I wake you up, so I thought I would call you later. But now that I know you love when I call you early, how about we change it to seven o’clock next week, chalega?”  She laughs.

“Accha, so sorry my pyaari Amma. And please call me at this time, eleven o’clock every Saturday. I finally got to wake up late today.”

“Pagal ladki. It looks like no morning run in the park today. Let me guess I bet you are still laying in your bed.”

“Of course I am still in bed, I feel lazy today. So, I don’t plan on doing anything but staying in bed.” My words stretch, and I sprawl out on the bed then put my legs over his. He shakes his head, and grins as I wink at him.

“You are lucky I am not there, otherwise I would have dragged you out of bed so long ago.”

I frown, thinking about the many times my mother used to wake me up. But then I am saddened thinking about times sleeping on her lap as she would rub my head as I tried to convince her to let me sleep a few minutes more.

“Yes, I know, but you also would let me sleep longer when I would put my head on your lap. I miss that…” I say softly.

“Mera bacha, I miss you so much. But I will see you soon with Arnav Bitwa, when you both come to Delhi. I am counting the days, almost one month left now. You watch, it will go by really fast. How is Arnav Bitwa?”

I take a deep breath, fighting back the emotions, as Arnav wrap his arms around me.  

“Yes, it will. Arnav and I can’t wait to see you both. He is doing well, keeping himself, and me busy with work. And until we come there it will be crazy at AR as we close out the year. Where is Babuji?”

“Make sure you both take care of yourselves and eat properly, theek hai?  Babuji went to his friend’s house to do some work, he will back late so I figured I will call.”  

We spend the next few minutes catching up, and I tell her about my weekend plans. When I mention the reception we are attending tonight, she lectures me to dress properly in Indian attire since I am going with Arnav and his family. Then proceeds to tell me the proper etiquette at how to behave at the function.  

Mothers, I tell you!  

Arnav bursts into laughter when I get off the phone.

“What is so funny?” I throw daggers, and a pillow at him, which he catches.

“Your facial expressions when you talk to your mother. The best was when you were talking about tonight.”  

“Arnav, I am twenty-five years old, and she still lectures me how to behave in public. Unbelievable! And being the nice daughter I am, I will now get out of bed.”

As I am making my way off the bed, he clasps my arm and shakes his head.

“Not so fast, sweetheart, we have some unfinished business.” He says, gesturing me to get back in bed, pulling me forward with his penetrating gaze.

But he drops my hand, realizing he had grasped my injured hand. It’s healed, but slightly discolored.

“I am so sorry… what the…”

I stick my tongue out at him and start laughing, as he furrows his eyebrow cursing under his breath. Before he can get a hold of me, I climb off the bed, running towards the bathroom. But I am not fast enough as he catches up to me and grabs my waist.

“Gotcha, remember I am faster than you. You should keep that in mind whenever you try to run away from me. Now let’s go, time for a cold shower.” He bends down, lifting me up over his shoulder.

“Arnav! Put me down, I don’t want a cold shower.” I whine as we walk inside the bathroom, and he puts me down outside the shower. He keeps a hold my hand, while leaning in to turn the water on.

“I know how we can make the shower hot.” I watch him drop his towel, and I swallow thickly as he stands in front of me with nothing on. His toned body, along with his other assets have my insides burning with swirling desire.  

“Um… but… you already took a shower.”

“Yes I have, but this will be a different type of shower.”

Indeed, it will be.

And it most certainly was. One of the best showers we have ever had, I might add.

I smile, placing my hands over my cheeks, which are still blushing recalling the passion we shared in the shower. I walk inside the closet dressed in my robe, and luckily Arnav is not in here.

Who knows what else could happen with him taking advantage of my flushed face?

Who am I kidding?  I enjoy every bit of intimacy we share. There, I boldly admit it, but only to myself.

When I look around the closet, I notice how perfectly things are placed.  I remember seeing it for the first time when I visited the penthouse, and it looked capacious, and some what empty.  Not because of the lack of contents filling the closet but something was missing.

But now it’s divided into two sections, one side belongs to him, and the other to me. I realize the emptiness is now gone, filled with both of our belongings which makes this closet complete, like our relationship, in an informal way.


I shake my head at that thought, and take a seat on the bench in the middle of the closet at the edge of the island in the middle.

But we are complete, aren’t we?

We both love each other in every way possible whether it’s emotional or physical.

We respect and support the other whether it’s professionally or personally.

We practically live together as if we are marrie-

But we aren’t… married.

With everything happening around us the last few months, we had put off the topic of formalizing our relationship, or discussing whether that’s something he wants.  

If I am honest with myself, I am ready to make this official. I want to be his wife, and him my husband.

Wait… is Khushi Kumari Gupta dreaming about being married to the love of her life, Arnav Singh Raizada?

How do I bring up the marriage topic to him?  

I guess I will have to find the right time prior to going to Delhi. Knowing my parents, I can imagine them wanting to discuss this when I go home, especially my mother. They have been rather accommodating, not asking questions about our relationship. But the fact remains, I have been hiding our living arrangements. I know it’s wrong in the eyes of my parents. So perhaps, it’s time to make this permanent by finding a solution that Arnav and I can agree upon with our families blessings.

For now, I need to push these thoughts away for another time, and get ready.

I decide to put on my favorite jeans and a long sleeve royal blue kurta that my mother recently sent over with Arnav. After speaking with her this morning, I miss her, and the kurta is a way to make me feel close to her.  

But I sit irritated in front of the vanity attempting to fix my hair which is not cooperating. After ten minutes I give up, deciding to tie it in a ponytail.

“You look very pretty, I like that color on you. Is that the one your mother sent for you?” He walks over to me, as I approach the living room.

I nod, amazed that he remembers such little details. But then I smile, as I notice he is wearing the black pullover I bought for him with jeans.

“I guess you approve of what I am wearing.”  He smirks, shrugging his shoulders.

“It looks better than I had imagined on you. I love it!” I lean up, and place a kiss on his cheeks.

“So, Mr. Raizada, your cook is here. What shall I make you to eat? I assume you want lunch now, correct?”

He smiles, putting his hands in his pockets.

“It is, but you’re not cooking. We are going out for lunch, and then I have something planned for you.”

“Really? Where are we going to eat? And what did you plan?”

“You will find out soon enough, If you are ready shall we go?”

I glare at him for not filling me in, but he pays no attention as we head downstairs to an awaiting Mohan, whose benign gaze lights up seeing me laughing in Arnav’s arms.

“Good afternoon Mohan.”

“Good afternoon Sir, and Ma’am. It’s nice seeing you happy.”

I nod, and smile at him, touched by his care for me. His concern, and extra protectiveness has been apparent after the Sameer incident.

“Thank you. And as I have mentioned before, please call me Khushi.”

Mohan shakes his head, and urges me to get inside the car. I sigh knowing he’s not comfortable. Though maybe one day he will be.

Arnav frowns when I pick a fast food mexican place for lunch, but reluctantly agrees to go when I pout. I look up at the front seat, and notice Mohan smiling at my antics.

As much as he won’t admit it, I can see he enjoys the food, eating his share and is now working on finishing my share.

“That was your sister, telling me about the dress code for tonight. Can we go by the apartment? I have all my formal Indian clothes and jewelry there.” I put my phone down, after looking at the text from Anjali as he continues to eat.  

“Let me take care of  picking the clothing. For now, we need to head back, since I made an appointment at the Spa you wanted to try out at the Mandarin.”

My mouth drops open in surprise, and he smirks taking his last bite of the burrito.

When we arrive at the spa, I am blown away with the services he has scheduled for me that will keep me here for at least a few hours.

“Khushi, please relax and enjoy yourself. After the week you have had, you deserve this. Not to mention, I want my girlfriend to look stunning tonight. So let them do what I have instructed. Theek hai?”

Overwhelmed with emotion, I look around the Spa. I had mentioned coming here a couple of months ago, and he remembered, bringing me here when I need it the most.

“Thank you!  You’re right, though I don’t know if I deserve this, but I definitely need it. It’s been a long time since I have visited a spa. Look at my hair today, and these nails… yuck. Plus, I will be on the arm of ASR tonight, I need to make sure I look my best to live up to your standards.”  I smile mischievously, seeing the amused glint in his eyes as he shakes his head.

“Sweetheart, I highly doubt anyone will be looking at me when you are on my arm. Now go, these ladies are waiting. I will be back to pick you up, once you are finished.”  He leans down, and kisses my forehead.

As I am walking away with the massage therapist to a private suite reserved for me, I watch Arnav giving his business card to the receptionist and instructing her to call him when I am almost finished before leaving the spa.  

The next few hours I am in heaven in one of New York’s finest spas. I am pampered with a full body massage, a rejuvenating facial, and even a bath with their signature oil blends. I then receive a manicure and pedicure, and since I don’t know what Arnav will pick from my wardrobe at the apartment, I opt for a french manicure and pedicure.  

Now the last thing left is my hair, I stick with keeping my hair down with soft loose curls. I gleefully take up  offer to do my makeup as well, which I hate to do myself.

Overall this spa experience was a girl’s dream come true, being indulged and feeling pure bliss. All thanks to the one and only Mr. Raizada, who is waiting for me as I walk to the main waiting area.

“Look at you, I don’t think I have ever seen you so relaxed. Hold that thought, you are that relaxed after we make…”

“You are incorrigible.”  I interrupt before he says anything further.

He laughs, and takes a hold of my hand. As we are approaching the door, I stop him by tugging at his hand. He raises his eyebrow.

“Woh Arnav, I forgot to pay…”  

I look inside my bag for my wallet, but he stops me putting his hand over my open bag.

“Let’s not go there today, please. I have already taken care of it.”

His serious frown tells me that it’s best not to say anything further. The last thing we both need is to argue about money. Something we haven’t done in a long time. I have to accept the fact that it is a part of him, and I can’t let it come in between our relationship.  

I nod without saying anything further, as we make our way upstairs to the penthouse.

When we get inside I panic seeing the time.  

“Arnav, it’s almost four o’clock! Don’t we need to be there at five? Hai Devi Maiya! Wait did you pick up my clothes and jewelry from the apartment? Why are you standing there smiling?”

“Only you would react like this. You looked so relaxed and in matter of minutes it’s gone. Khushi the crazy has made an appearance…” He shakes his head and walks away towards our bedroom.

A few moments later when I walk inside the bedroom, I gasp seeing the clothes laid out on the bed.

I wait for him to say something but he says nothing, approaching me.

“Where? How did you get this?”  

“From a friend who happens to be a designer. I had called him during my visit to Delhi, and asked him to do me a favor. I was going to gift you this later but think it’s fitting tonight, since the dress code is formal. I would love for you to wear this for me.”

I walk past him over to the bed, and sit down, stunned as I look at his selection. I can see the label from one of India’s elite designers, someone whose pieces I have admired. And looking at the blue raw silk lehenga with a red and coral thick border embroidered with zari and stone work, it is more beautiful than any I had seen before. The matching navy velvet choli matches the intricate design, along with a sheer gold heavy dupatta that pulls together the ensemble.  

There are also matching bangles and an antique kundan set where the necklace is delicate, but the detail in the large earrings stands out.  I tilt my head and can’t help but smile looking at a packet of matching bindi.

This man has thought of every detail, I look up at him unable to voice what I am feeling at that moment.

It’s not the materialistic things in front of me that has my heart soaring with happiness. It’s easily something I can afford to buy for myself. But it’s the fact that he has gone to such effort to put this together is what makes this special and priceless.

“It’s all so beautiful, Arnav. I can’t believe you did this for me, I mean I can… but I never expected you to do all this. I would love to wear the lehenga… though, isn’t it too fancy for tonight. I mean too heavy, for a function where I don’t even know the couple. What if I save this for a special occasion?”

He shakes his head as I make my plea, and puts his hand on my shoulder.  

“I don’t think so, and no more excuses. It’s final, you are wearing this tonight, plus we don’t have time to go back to the apartment.”

The bossy tone makes an appearance, which I love sometimes like right now  looking at the lehenga that I am excited to put on.  

I stand up with a wide smile on my face, mirroring his, and wrap my arms around his neck.

“Yes, my love. I won’t say no to anything you ask for today. You have made today so special by letting me sleep in, the shower… lunch, the spa and now this. Thank you so much, Arnav! I love you soooooo much!” I pull him closer unable to control my love for this man, and place soft kisses all over his face.

“I am going to hold you to that later… not saying no to anything I ask. For now let’s get ready.”

There is an unknown glint in his eyes, which leaves me wondering what he’s referring to.

I decide to kick him out of the bedroom, which he isn’t thrilled about. But both of us know what would happen if we get dressed in front of the other. So it’s best to stay away.   

Thirty minutes later, I walk out of the bedroom to see him looking striking dressed in a dark navy blue bandhgala suit. There is something about him dressed in Indian attire that I find very appealing.

“It looks like Mr. Raizada has thought of everything today, we are coordinated.  You look very handsome, quite sophisticated, and regal. Now if you will close your mouth, and tell me how I look.”

He covers the distance between us, wrapping his arm around my waist,  A soft moan escapes me feeling his other hand trail my open back since the choli barely covers me. And seeing the smirk on his face, I realize that this is his doing.

“Beautiful… you my love, look exquisite tonight. This looks perfect on you, and I am honored to have you by my side tonight.”

His dark gaze is fixed on mine, and I feel my heartbeat quicken, finding myself blushing at his compliment. I close my eyes, as leans down placing a kiss on my cheek.

When he pulls away, I open my eyes to see his arm extended out to me with a smile on his face.

“Shall we?”

I wrap my oversized shawl around me, and take my clutch from the table.  I put my arm inside his, and we make our way downstairs.

When we get outside the building, the weather is beautiful for a fall day. It’s quite warm, for this time of the year, not to mention the evening when it tends to get colder.

The function is being held at the Boathouse, which is located inside Central Park. Arnav and I have been there for dinner a few times, and both of us love the ambiance of the place, which is situated right on the lake.  There is a magical, romantic aura about the Boathouse that leaves one mesmerized.  Another treasure in the park, that the both of us are fond of.

“Khushi, should we take a horse carriage ride into Central Park? I know you have always wanted to ride in one.”

I am taken aback at his suggestion so I stop in my tracks as we are walking towards the car.  

What is wrong with him today?

Did I sense a nervousness in his tone?

I shake that thought away, since Arnav Singh Raizada doesn’t do nervous.

“Wait… but you always said you would never climb into those horse carriages.  So why now? What are you upto? Out with it!”

“Because it’s something you have wanted to experience, and I would love to share it with you. That’s all. And why not this evening? The weather is perfect… I think it would be rather romantic.”

I stare at him fondly, as my heart swells with the love he continues to shower upon me.

“Arnav, what do I say?”

“Say, yes…”


He smiles, one that reaches his eyes and there is that unknown look again as he stares at me.

What could it be?

Since I am wearing my heels, not to mention my formal attire Mohan drives us to Central Park South where there is a horse and carriage waiting for us.  

Once we are settled in the carriage, the driver rides into the park. I take a deep breath embracing the slightly cool air as the horse picks up the pace.

Arnav sits close to me, with one arm wrapped around my shoulder while he holds my hand with the other. Both of us sit back, and enjoy the ride, more so me than him. I animatedly talk non stop about seeing everyone tonight after two weeks. He is unusually quiet, which I find odd. Even as we pass some of our favorite spots in the park, he doesn’t say much.

“Why is he stopping at Cherry Hill? The Boathouse is not here…”

“I asked him to make a detour, since the sun will be setting soon. I figured we can watch it from the bridge.”

He smiles at me, and all I can do is nod. At this point, I have no words left to say, feeling overwhelmed yet again as we arrive at Bow Bridge. There are so many memories here, and it’s a place I cherish deep in my heart.

A perfect way to end the day with just the two of us before going to a boring party.  And at this moment, I would rather just be here with him.

As we walk towards the bridge, neither of us say a word, walking hand and hand. The companionable silence feels right, words somehow aren’t needed. I take the opportunity to capture this moment in my heart that I will remember for a long time to come.  

This all feels like a fairytale walking on this beautiful bridge as the sun is getting ready to set showcasing the different hues surrounded by a natural oasis and tall buildings outside the park.  

And I gaze up at the man by my side who is no less than a prince. My prince charming who has given me a new life and taught me the meaning of true love.

How time and the people you love change your perspective on life?

We stop in the middle of the bridge and he comes to stand besides me. His arm grazing mine, as both of us face out at the lake looking at an orange glow shimmering on the water.

I shiver slightly hearing his voice as I am brought out of my reverie, feeling his touch on my waist.

“Khushi… we have come to this bridge and have stood in this spot so many times in the past eight months, but never at this time of the day. It’s stunning, isn’t it?”

“Yes it is. I am so happy we came here together. There is a sense of peace, similar to the time when we were at the Hamptons on the beach.”

“I hope you aren’t planning on going swimming in that lake…”  He grins gesturing towards the water, putting his hands in his pocket.

“You never know I might just do that one of these days. But not today. There is no way I am ruining my new favorite lehenga that my boyfriend has gifted me.” I smile, seeing him curve his lip.

“I am glad my girlfriend likes it. Sweetheart, you look amazing in it. Everyone at the party won’t be able to keep their eyes off of you. I am going to have to ask Nani to do… what is that thing called? To keep the evil eye away…”

“Kala tikka. And I can say the same about you, my Rajkumar. In fact, we need to keep the evil eye away from you. Here… mere Arnav ko, kissi ki nazar na lage.”

I take some kajal from the corner of my eye, and then place it behind his ear.  He takes a deep breath, wrapping his arms around my waist. And I move in closer, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Khushi…” His husky tone, makes me tremble as he pauses gazing down on me. “… I think… it’s time for you to get another promotion, don’t you think?”


  • ~Ruchi~


    A sublime setting for the culmination of their incredible journey. On the bridge that arcs over the eddying waters of her past. Taking her away from one man who wanted to snatch her sense of self from the world, to one who wants to lay the world at her feet. The orange glow of the setting sun obliterating the darkness of her past pain, lighting up her future in it’s glorious glow.

    I loved the way Arnav had made the day so special for her. The love, care, attention to the minutest of details, so touching to see. Adorning her in clothes commensurate with her beauty. As for his way of waking up a somnolent Khushi … thud, not to mention his special restorative shower …

    I would put my head on your lap. I miss that…

    Ahh Jigs, where else does one get that sukoon, but on your mother’s lap. That belief that lingers in your subconscious however old you are, she’ll make it all go away. All teary eyed here along with Khushi.

    The last part brought back memories of walking in Central Park. Am now regretting not getting on one of those carriages. Next time?

    • nzmonica

      Tauba Jigs, jaan hi leli Arnav ne. Beshumar pyar, passion and pampering.😍😍😍😍
      Aur kyun nahi bhai, apni hi dulhan ko saja raha hai, right

      Khushi is thinking of marriage, but Arnav is a few steps ahead.
      I wonder if Khushi’s parents have come over? Is Mrs Gupta capable of hiding that from Khushi during their Saturday chat??

      Jigs – I love how you have made Arnav focus on the tiniest of details to make this dsy special for his sweetheart.💞💞
      The whole time I was reading my excitement and anticipation kept increasing…..hopefully I’ll come out of the romantic haze in a few days.

      For now, I dedicate this song for ASR who is so in love that he is not able to completely hide his nervousness.
      Like really, did he really think for one second that Khushi wouldn’t say yes?
      But as ASR himself has said ‘ love can reduce anyone to anything” – The cool sophisticated ASR is not above proposal jitters. 😚😚

      अज्ज दिन चढ़ेया तेरे रंग वरगा
      अज्ज दिन चढ़ेया तेरे रंग वरगा
      फूल सा है खिला आज दिन
      रब्बा मेरे दिन ये ना ढले
      वो जो मुझे खवाब में मिले
      उसे तू लगा दे अब गले
      तेनू दिल दा वास्ता

    • aranya19

      Just one word – Marvellous!! This was so beautiful…
      It was all about their big day which lays ahead…. Full of love and life…
      It’s so nice to see Khushi relaxed after such a long time. No sameer, no other issues- just she and her love 😍. Well dats what she thinks as she is unaware of what lies ahead and which is what making me more excited. Arnav, on the other hand, was a bit nervous with the moment approaching… He did take all measures to make the day memorable for her sweetheart… Right from Waking her up in the morning, then lunch, then the spa booking for her girl friend… As he knew that she really needed all this pampering after the stress she had faced so bravely, the dress and jwelery selection.. He put in all his efforts to make her Khushi look absolutely wonderful on their special day. And as if that was nt enough, he even put aside all his apprehensions and made her take the most memorable ride of their lives just the way she liked… I am in complete awww of this man 😍
      I am dying to see Khushi’s reactions once they reach the venue.. Well he has already given her clue… By talking of her promotion – this time in personal life…
      Waiting for the same… Written very beautifully Jigs! Loved it. 🙂

    • Vin (newfan2016)

      Magical!! And I’ll tell you what? I was at the Bow Bridge too, courtesy your banner. That’s a beautiful picture there 🙂 . Arnav and Khushi’s expressions in the banner are one of the bestest ever. 🙂 Thanks Jigs!

      This chapter was all Khushi. She has blended so well with Arnav, in addition to being ASR’s supportive partner. The fact that she did not worry about the monetary aspects in their relationship while she was indulged heavily by Arnav, speaks volumes about how far this lovely couple have come together.

      And then, this chapter was all Arnav. He made sure that his Rajkumari had the best start to the day (wink, wink), the best relaxation at spa, coming at the most appropriate time, the carefully chosen designer Lehenga-Choli and jewelry, followed by the best ride that Khushi could dream of… on a horse carriage, through Central Park right up to the bow bridge, to watch a breathtaking view that they had never watched before, together. Hey wait, the day is not yet over! We are still waiting for the moment of the day. When the breathtakingly handsome Arnav, who’s feeling a tad bit nervous, pops the question. Yes, the Rajkumari is ready for the promotion!!

      Jigs, what makes this story magical is the fact that Arnav and Khushi are equals and they are together, always. I so want to read what you write about the proposal now.

      Very beautifully penned, Jigs. The moments of magic that you have weaved here will stay with us for a long time.


      • Anitha

        Romantic chapter after so much chaotic weeks in their life.

        Arnav is always super sweet in caring for her and showing her how much he adores her and knows her or thinks about her. Is he for real?

        Khushi is very adorable as well..equally reciprocates his care and love and knows how much that is precious for her. She feels the need to be married now and her Rajakumar is about to make that happen even with out her voicing. Isn’t that magical.

        I like the whole thing on how he makes it so special for her in getting her ready and taking her on a memorable chariot ride..did she not sense what’s coming?
        How does he manage to keep it so secretive with her..they seem so tuned always.

        I just can’t get enough of your stories. Can’t wait for the next chapter..

  • hppypeace

    This was beautiful! Arnav pulled off one hell of an elaborate plan. Can not wait to see how Khushi reacts once she realizes what arnav has in store for her.

  • Hemalatha

    Hi Jigs. I truly love this story. Can never get tired from reading it over and over again.
    Not sure if I commented on the earlier chapter or not. But that is an awesome one too. Shows Khushi’s inner strength and Arnav takingthe blame for leaving her alone.
    Arnav is such a romantic. I feel more so than Khushi. He’s gone to such lengths to make it a memorable affair.
    In all your stories, Arnav is the guy every girl dreams of.

  • prachibartar

    Will wait for that proposal of most important promotion.. Mr. Raizada is truly sneeky😉… Loved this easy as breeze chapter.. i will do kaala tikka of your writing..haye kissi ki nazar na lage🙂🙂

  • rainyday30002017

    Awww…I m envying Khushi…she is so lucky yo have such a loving Prince Charming…time for promotion indeed…can’t wait to read more Loved It!!!!

  • muskaansobti4

    Is he gonna propose her fr marriage omg..i wish u haven’t left us at cliffhanger, ahhh can’t wait for the next week…❤🎉🎊
    D update was lik reading a fairytale magical full of fantasies
    Arshi r couple goals i am juz too attached to both f ur stories jigs😍😚
    Loved d way arnav woke her up den der erotic shower though we dnt get details😉 den pampering her selecting lehnga fr her taking n making her fantasy true in a way like a prince sooo promotion coming soon aahhaa our man is gonna propose her today in frnt f der family y i feel lyk khushi’s parents r also here😅😊😑😜 u made me crazy wid dis Cliffhanger 😅🙈😜

  • varsha2KD

    A complete Arnav and khushi update 😁
    Umm… romantic wake up call… lunch date… pampering time at the spa… beautiful outfit… carriage ride… walk to the bridge… and I guess a propsal on the way 😀
    Now it’s time for promotion to become Mrs Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada 😊
    Can’t wait for the next update ☺

  • sonijigi

    Romantic update 😍😍 so marriage is on the card now. Mrs Khushi Singh Raizada, I guess that is the promotion that Arnav is talking about. I m so happy for them. Finally everything falling on the place. ❤️❤️❤️ lovely chapter 😘 just loved it.

  • godis222good

    Awwww you portray 💕 love in such a manner as to give it tangibility. Love it, love it, …..’love…..Mothers, I tell you!….’ that little phrase resonated with me as my kids refer to the phrase every now & then…thanks ever so much👌

  • pinkly007

    A beautiful chapter filled with love and romance. Khushi’s mom was so sweet, telling her grownup daughter to dress up nicely for the occasion :-).

    Arnav was a darling ❤️.. he had planned so much and at every point he thought about khushi and did so many lovely things for her… not waking her up in the morning, loving her in the shower, lunch, spa, dress with matching items, horse carriage ride, watching sunset… now I am eagerly waiting for the big moment.

    While Arnav had made grand plans to propose to her, I liked the way you have shown khushi’s feeling and thinking that she is ready to be Arnav’s wife.

    Very nice chapter Jigs. I was so beautiful.

  • fermeen30

    Loved the update, brilliant. Very romantic, kept sighing throughout the chapter. Is there a proposal on the cards, eager for the next part.

  • ganga16tr

    He’s going to propose! He’s going to propose, he’s going to propose 🎉🎉🎉🎉 OMG in so excited!
    Absolutely loved the update. Right from the first line to the ending, I was completely hooked.

    A very steamy start to their morning and yesss waking up to ASR in a towel is the best thing any woman could have in their life 🎉 Loved it and can’t wait to see how he actually proposes. (I hope he is proposing)

  • sagatwilight1

    He is going to propose!! How awesome is that!! Is it their engagement party they will be there to? And are Khushi’s parents going to be there too? How interesting and how very romantic of Arnav. This thoughtful Arnav has blown me away!! Can’t wait for the next chapter!!

  • ayushivishui

    awesome update yar
    it was superb….
    khushi loves indeed the luckiest women in this world because a partner like arnav is hard to find…..
    The way he take care of her is amaizing… he always understand her more than anyone…he will give her wat she wants before she asked it…… Khushi’s conversation with her mother was emotional…Ya the most peaceful place in the earth is our mothers lap…the peace and safety we feel there is something precious…. Now another promotion… To Mrs ASR… I believe so…. will be eagerly waiting for the next update

  • Dawn

    Wow !!! I could picture the scenes as I read through. Khushi’s conversation with her mum reminds me of mine.
    I am assuming it’s an engagement party for Khushi-Arnav and he is gonna pop the question. Right ? It could also be a reason she is being reminded by her mum , Anjali on the traditional wear. Gosh! am I assuming too much ?

  • lovebooksmusic

    My God!!! Is that a proposal coming? It’s a beautiful n the most romantic thing I have ever read….. Too good jigs 👏👏👏as khushi said the morning the shower the lunch n spa n the lenhga n 🐴 ride n the perfect setting for the proposal….. Aww …. Superb now plz update soon can’t wait till next week 😄

    • lovebooksmusic

      N I think there is a party later to celebrate the proposal….. Coz khushi mentioned the lenhga is too formal for somebody else’s reception party but arnav insisted n he is slightly nervous the entire day as khushi mentioned….. Wonder her parents r here? 🤔

  • desaimamta

    Wow, such a beautiful update, in fact, it was a relaxing update, khushi went to spa, to relax, I just read ur update and got relax and refresh.
    Amazing, really fairytale.
    Thank u jigs for such wonderful update.
    Thank u

  • xyzsm

    he is going to propose!!!!!….he is like every girls’s prince charming…..such a darling man…..along with khushi, makes me fall in love too :P…..loved it…<3

  • Anamika

    Awsome read!!
    It seems he is going to propose her and later he is going to take her to the surprise party where all of their family memebers are there
    Such a romantic part!!!!!
    Waiting for the next one
    Thank you 🙂

  • violetgirlsite

    Loved the …whole part..the full circle is almost getting complete with the end with the sunset with the backdrop of the gorgeous bridge:)I loved reliving this chapter .cheers d

  • ritzsubu1204

    It’s a beautiful night, we’re looking for something dumb to do
    Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
    Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice
    Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you

    This is what Arnav is going to say.
    Hayeee!!! Waiting for this since forever <3 <3

  • nadiajhung

    Oh my God!!!such a beautiful update,so many tender and loving moments.Arnav made khushis day so special I had tears in my eyes.beautiful end to their beautiful journey.I hope every girl finds her rajkumar like Arnav.

  • sweetygirl28

    The man is ready to propose 😍😍 lovely update.. It was like a fairytale .. The waking up late.. The pampering session. The detailed selection of attire. Every minute detail he has taken care of.. Just love it!!

  • pk2500

    Wow!!! Loved this chapter. Even though am reading it a second time nothing has lessened.. My heart still flutters anticipating what is to come, their love brings a happiness . Arnav has planned it meticulously and Khusi is surely in for a surprise 😀 Big one
    Awaiting the next update eagerly

  • riya70

    Awesome update
    Loved their morning conversation
    Loved the way arnav pampered his lady love his khushi😍😍
    And Finally he proposed her 😍😍
    Eagerly waiting for next update

  • anu1017

    Awesome J!! She just have to imagine and her very own personal genie Arnav would make it come true, ahh if only he was for real!! Totally loved the update and cannot wait for more!!!!

  • cutiepieash

    Every thing screams of their relationship that is going to be bind in the sacred bond🤵👰 =💑
    The ambience, stunning view of lake was so so romantic❤❤
    Arnav is finally going to propose Khushi😍
    Really can’t wait for it!!!

    • vijusb

      If… overwhelmed just by your work on my fav couple.
      What to say a beautiful Saturday waking beside ur loved ones, lunch, Spa, dress ( with every srinagar). Not but last horse chariot ride. Watching beautiful sunset. Words are less, I am not poet or an amazing writer like you. Not getting words to describe
      one word Awe. 👏

  • Choco_b

    One more journey of ArShi is coming to an end😕 but every story has to end and we’ve to let the Couple live their life😉
    The Man has gone all out for his woman😍 Treating her exactly like a Queen👏🏻 She deserves every bit of pampering.
    How far they have come in this journey, a girl who had a wounded heart because of a past relationship a man never interested in commitment but now they’ve come to the place of Hamesha.
    Beautifully written Jigs

  • khushisony

    Dii!!!!!! That was such a Fairy tale jaisa update❤❤how I wish to have such a life,😜😜 U r making us fall in love with Arnav more and more with each update😍😍what a day it was for kushi…and she has no idea what’s in store for her…can’t wait for her promotion✌✌ loved the update di!!!

  • dart4

    Awesome feel-good update Jigs. Can’t wait for the most anticipated proposal 🙂
    How the mighty ASR is humbled by his love for Kushi….him having proposal jitters is depicted so well. How on earth does he even have a doubt about Kushi’s response, but it certainly is sweet and cute to read. You have given us a wonderful fairy tale 🙂
    Thanks for the update as always.

  • luckyarshi143

    Romantic amazing update..
    Lovely 😍😍
    Arnav always makes me go Aww😍 n seriously would it be too much to ask someone like him in Asli Duniya 😘.. Nevertheless nothing wrong in hoping 🤷🏻‍♀️🙈..
    Such a cliffhanger
    Waiting eagerly for the next update

  • damjar

    A Beautiful Chapter and an amazing journey of two amazing souls.

    What a lovely gesture by Arnav, how meticulously he has planned a Memorable Day for Khushi. She is in awe to all he does for her without her asking and takes to heart to her choices.

    Their journey is such a sweet process and looking forward to the Rest of the day that Arnav has planned for his life Khushi.

    The heartfelt dialogue between Khushi and her Mother. Always so soulful.

  • soharachowdhury

    Arnav knows how to pamper his lady, how to make her feel special. Khushi is one damn lucky girl to get the man of her dream. Arnav absolutely treated her like a princess. From spa treatment to adorn her with finery, to take her on the bridge by carriage, all were so thoughtful and romantic! And I’m sure next will come his marriage proposal. Wow even Khushi was thinking to get married. Oh gosh, it seemed Arnav just read her mind!
    It felt like a fairy tale.

  • gprs’s so good to see them like this..peaceful lovely weekend morning without care about anyone/anything..such a lovely update sis..reading Khushi’s talk with her Amma reminded me of my hostel days..i guess it’s inspired by your own phone calls with dear ones:)

    what can i say more about this Arnav..sigh..this man is beyond words..are there really people like him exist ??!!he is loving,caring,pampering,understanding,trusting and what not..
    and the things he did for her were wise,Khushi is so carefree and happy here..i enjoyed reading their entire day which gonna be more special in the end;)
    I love the bridge scene..that made me travel to their initial days..the bridge,the park,meethas:);)
    A horse carriage ride?!!really!!i thought that it was just for the story that time..but seeing the picture for Ruchi sis,i love it..Our modern day Prince& Princess
    And please put kala thikka for yourself on my behalf sis..
    this is beautiful:)

  • ilfordian

    I remember suggesting horseride to my nieces when we were in the Central Park.But they refused , not because they were afraid but because they thought it was cruelty to the horses to make them carry people as well as drag the carriage. So we did not.
    But I don’t want to takeanything away from Khushi who enjoyed her ride through the Central Park. It was a lovely evening before they went to a ‘boring’ party.

  • vijusb

    Forgot to mention, Guess it’s personal promotion. Is he going to propose her ? Guess that’s the function they are attending. Are Khushi’s parents in NY?

  • pakpearlfauzia

    It’s pure love…
    He’s definitely going to propose her ..
    Tonight function is not about any random people..
    #excited !!!!

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