Arnav’s Interlude II

What could be wrong with Khushi?


What I would do for that woman to be here with me right now.


That night, I barely get any sleep with her on my mind. Even during my meetings the next day I am not focused, my thoughts wandering off from time to time. All due to not having heard from her, since calling her after leaving her parents home last night.


It’s ridiculous that we can’t seem to connect, which is frustrating the hell out of me.


After the meeting is over I go upstairs to the penthouse, and am determined to hear her voice. It’s almost midnight in the States, as I call her.  


Hearing her sleepy voice, my eyes close on their own accord at feeling content.




“Hi my sweetheart. I am sorry to call this late, but I just needed to hear your voice.” I say softly, sitting down on the couch.


“Oh baby, I miss you too. Why can’t you be here with me?”


I smile as she whines, half asleep, and it’s as if my Khushi is right beside me.


“And what would we do if I was there with you?”  


“A whole lot of everything that we do in bed. First we would start by kissing gently, which would take no time intensifying. I would make you thoroughly kiss me over and over again…”


I lay down on the couch stunned as she openly expresses her desires to me.  How I love a bold Khushi.


“And then?”


“After you would kiss me all over, every part of me, scorching me with your touch. Making me crave to have you inside of me…”


“Oh Khushi, I really love the sound of that. After that what would you like for me to do?”


“When I can’t take the torture anymore, I would have you make love to me… quietly of course if we are here…”


It looks like she is the one torturing me right now, getting aroused with her seductive voice expressing her desires.  If this continues, it won’t be good for either of us being far apart.


“Oh really? I think you have surpassed being quiet even there. But please continue, what else?”


“Well, you know what happens after that…”


“I am an innocent and pure man, so I have no clue what you are referring to.”


She laughs, and it serves as music to my ears. My heart savoring the melody to get me through the next few days being apart from her.


“Mr. Raizada, there is nothing innocent about you, and pure isn’t even in the vicinity when we are in the midst of passion.”


“I can’t help it when Ms. Gupta is there to seduce me into her spell. What is a man supposed to do?”


“Touche, my love.”


She lets out a long yawn, making me feeling guilty for waking her up.


“It’s late, so why don’t you go back to sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you, but I just needed to speak with you…  Khushi, is everything okay with you?”


“Yes baby, I am fine. Please don’t worry, just come back to me soon. Waise, what are you doing? Are you in the office?”


“I just finished up my meeting, and came to the Penthouse. Now, I will be moving out of here until I come back home.”


“Moving? You’re not making any sense…”


“Well let me help you understand. I am moving in with your parents, and to top it off… I get to stay in your room. What do you think about that?”


“What?! You in my house… with my parents? And in my room?  How?”


I can’t help but laugh, aware this was exactly how she was going to react upon hearing the latest news.


“You see it seems that, like you, Auntie can also get me to say yes. You should have seen the way she was nervous to ask me, and then Uncle also requested for me to stay back… so I couldn’t say no.”


She doesn’t say anything for a moment, and I am aware why.


“Sweetheart, please stop crying.  I thought you would be happy. Do you not want me to go stay there?”


“Um… Arnav…  thank you… for doing this for me. It means so much that you will be spending time with them at my home…”


“I would do anything for you. You do know that right? But just so you know this is not for you…  woh, your father threatened me so I had no choice but to say yes. Otherwise who knows what would happen to me.”


She gasps, then I hear her soft laugh before she tries to get serious.


“My Babuji did no such thing! You are too much…  what time are you leaving?”


“I actually need to head out now, since I told them I would be there around lunch time. Why don’t you go back to sleep and call us later, okay?”


“I will. I love you. Muahhh!”


“And, I love you more Sweetheart. Muahhh!”


Once I get to the Gupta’s house, I realize how comfortable the three of us are in each other’s company compared to last night. The conversation flows without any awkwardness.


It feels good to be welcomed so warmly by both of them, which makes me at ease as if I were at home.


Shashi Uncle gives me a tour of the four bedroom house. Their bedroom is on the main floor, while Khushi’s is upstairs with the other two bedrooms.  The other two bedrooms have been turned into home offices. One is Khushi’s which is on the smaller side with a small day bed, while the other is his. I am amazed with his home office which is spacious with renderings of his car designs displayed on the wall and about 100 small car models on one wall. He shows me his upcoming piece that he is designing for a luxury German car maker. It is magnificent- heck I actually want to buy one for me once it’s in the market. I am truly impressed with his work.


“Bitwa, do you need any help?”


I turn around to see Auntie walking into Khushi’s room while I am in the midst of unpacking.


“No thank you, Auntie. I am used to traveling so this has become a habit.”


“I hope everything is okay for you in here. We have kept Khushi’s things the way she left them, but if you want me to take anything away, let me know.”


I see her smile tenderly as she looks around the room recalling memories of her daughter.


The room screams of Khushi’s personality with warm colors and a sophisticated design; it’s chic and stylish. There are childhood memorabilias such as trophies, her degrees, and paintings displayed around the room. There are also a few picture collages of her with friends and family. Including Di from when they were at Wharton.


Seeing her baby pictures, I can only hope if we have a daughter that she looks just like her. A cute, beautiful baby, with a chubby face and big hazel eyes shining through all the pictures.


“I think this room should always stay the way it is. It’s perfect… just like Khushi.”


She tilts her head, looking at me fondly.


“If you don’t mind, can I ask you a question… about Khushi?”  


I sense the hesitation in her tone, so I take her hand and make her sit down on the bed.


“What would you like to know?”


She looks up at me, and smiles.


“Is she okay? I mean, she appears to be fine and I know she is very happy with you. There is no doubt about that, but this mother has seen her strong daughter shattered into pieces, and change to someone who was not my little girl. And since I can’t physically see her, I need you to tell me. Is my Khushi…”


I shake my head, and wipe the tears away from her face.


“Auntie, all I can tell you is that the Khushi I met six months ago, is the not the same Khushi I know today.  She is very happy, confident, secure in our relationship. I admire the way she has moved past it all to be where she is now. You should be very proud of your daughter. She’s doing really well, and has moved on from what has happened. And I promise you to always be by her side, and keep her happy.  Her past is behind her now. And we should also do the same. For her.”


She takes a deep breath, and smiles at me putting her hand on top of my head.


“Khushi is very lucky to have someone like you in her life.  Hamesha khush raho!”


The weekend helps us bond with the time we spend together. Despite me having to work, where I am locked in Khushi’s study on Sunday for several hours. Though I do my best limiting my remaining time to work well into the night.


Since Auntie has been cooking nonstop for me, on Sunday evening after much reluctance I am able to convince them to allow me to take them out for dinner.  Khushi informed me about Auntie’s favorite restaurant, so when we arrive she gets excited. Throughout dinner Uncle and I see how happy she is to be out, enjoying her favorite dishes. We both glance at each other throughout the evening, happy to see her this way.


But Monday arrives, and I am off to work with no time to spare.  


Who would have figured after spending a few days with them that I would get attached to them. And this is not due to the fact they are Khushi’s parents, but are genuinely kind hearted people who have embraced me as their own.


By the time I get home Monday evening, it’s after eight o’clock. I am in disbelief at the sight that I walk into inside the living room. Garima Auntie is sitting on the sofa crying, while Shashi Uncle has his head buried in his laptop as he works.


“Auntie, what happened?  Why are you crying?  Shhh, please stop crying, tell me what happened…”


Rushing towards the sofa, I sit down next to her. Not able to see her like this, I wipe her tears before pulling her into an embrace.


“Woh, Bitwa… it’s nothing.  I am okay…”


“What do you mean you are okay? You were crying… how can you be okay?  And Uncle why are you just sitting there when she’s crying?”


They both stare at me, and then start laughing.


“Would you both care to explain what is so funny?” I stand up folding my arms across my chest, and raise my eyebrow at them.


They both come stand next to me on each side, and wrap their arm around me.


“Sorry, we didn’t mean to laugh at you, but you see Garima always cries when she watches her serials. I am used to it, but seeing your reaction… I couldn’t help but watch you. You should have seen your face…”  


He stops and continues to laugh uncontrollably, as he squeezes my shoulder.


“Leave my Bitwa alone, he was just worried about me. I didn’t mean to laugh, but I was just shocked at your reaction… sorry…”


She tilts her head, and gives me her sweet smile similar to Khushi’s. But I decide to play a game of my own.


“You know what sorry not accepted… I am going upstairs to my room.” I take my bag from the sofa, and make my way towards the stairs.


“Please, Bitwa don’t be upset.  Come let’s have dinner, we were waiting for you so we can eat together.”


“Haan, your Auntie has made pasta today. Aren’t going to try it…”


Hearing their concerned tone, I decide to end my game. I turn around, and the look on their faces which probably mirrored mine. Just like them, I laugh.


“Yeh ladka bhi na… you scared me!”  She shakes her head.


“Okay my turn for sorry, but I couldn’t help it. And Auntie, I am starving… can you please get the food ready while I go freshen up?”


She nods, and walks towards the kitchen while Uncle continues to laugh as he sits back down with his laptop.


I can really get along with these two, Khushi will be surprised to hear this tale.  


The following evening I get back a little earlier since I plan to leave the next night for New York. On my way home, I keep debating whether I should ask if they have made a decision. It’s something I would prefer to know prior to leaving. But I respect that they might need time.


After dinner, I am surprised, when we sit down in the living room, and Shashi Uncle himself brings it up.


“Don’t you want to know our decision before you leave?”


I nod, anxious to know their response.  


“We already knew how much Khushi loves you, and always saw the love you have for her. But what we wanted to know was who you were as a person.  We both can now be at peace knowing our daughter will be in good hands.  The way you have cared and respected us, is way beyond a girl’s parents can expect. Not once have you differentiated about our status or complained about your accommodations here. You truly are a gem for my princess. Our answer is yes, Bitwa.You have our blessing to marry our Khushi.”


Taking a deep breath, I push back the tear at the corner of my eyes, glancing at these loving people who have come to mean more to me than just my girlfriend’s parents. And to hear him say this, makes me feel humbled and honored to get their blessing.  


I stand up without saying anything and go touch their feet, but both of them stop me before pulling me into an embrace.


“Thank you. Both of you have just given me the best gift I could ask for… now I can finally make Khushi mine forever.”


After I spend the next few hours explaining my plan to them, and thankfully they have no issues with it. They are both excited about seeing this being pulled together.  


Prior to me leaving for India, I had also filled Nani and Di about my intentions so they have been anxiously waiting for Khushi’s parents approval.  


Since Khushi is at work, we decide to call them since Nani wanted to officially speak with them and apologize for not being able  to meet them personally to ask for Khushi’s hand for me.  


It looks like things are going according to my plan, and I can’t wait to see Khushi’s reaction when the time comes.  


Now it’s time to go back home to my Khushi.  


By the time I finally land in New York it’s after six o’clock, Thursday evening.  All I can hope is she hasn’t left the office.  


Once Mohan starts driving from the airport, I make a quick call to Aakash.  Luckily they’re still in the office, and he has an excuse to send her over to the Penthouse in an hour since she is in a meeting.  


“Interesting. He and Payal spent the weekend in the city, now why wasn’t I made aware of this? I wonder what else I don’t know about…”


Once I get to the Penthouse, I have twenty minutes before Khushi gets here so I opt to freshen up with a quick shower.


As I make my way out of the kitchen with a bottle water, I see Aakash’s text saying she is on her way here.  


Finally the wait is almost over, and I can have her with me again. My heart starts to beat rapidly as I make my way to the living room where I decide to wait for her.  


I hear the door open, then close. Her heels click against the floor as she walks through the foyer.


Why is she walking so slowly?  


Come on already, I want to yell out not being able to wait a second longer.  


And then I see her as she comes to the main living area, looking as beautiful as ever. It looks like she hasn’t seen me yet, as she is takes in the surroundings.   


But I instantly notice there is something different about her, as comes closer. It looks like she has lost weight. Her eyes, there is something different about them.




Her eyes immediately dart in my direction, and freeze in place. I can see she doesn’t believe I am here, as she stares at me.  


“It’s really me, Sweetheart…”


I put my arms out for her, and she nods as tears start rolling down her face.


It’s then I realize something is definitely wrong, but I can’t think about it further as she takes quick strides towards me and stops in front of me.


She puts her hand up caressing my face, and smiles. The smile that has always melted my heart, leaving me in awe.


“You actually are here, I wasn’t imagining your presence when I entered the penthouse. Oh Arnav…”  


Not able to stop myself, I pull her into my arms, and she wraps her arms around me tightly. Neither one of us saying anything for a few minutes.


“It looks like you missed me so much… that you stopped eating?”


“More than you will ever know. And how could I eat knowing your were eating away Amma’s khana. Do you know how jealous I was of you?”


“What if I tell you Amma has sent all your favorite homemade meetha and achar. Oh and she has packed parathas.”


“Really?!  Where is it I want some now…”


I pull her closer as she tries to walk away.  


“Not so fast… aren’t you forgetting something?”


She looks up at me, and I see the shy blush adorning her cheeks.  


I lean down bring my lips to hers, both of us simultaneously closing our eyes as they meet. Brushing her lips gently with mine, I then capture them in an intense kiss, tasting her sweet delicious mouth that I have craved these past couple of weeks.  


Both of us reunite, feeling each other as she runs her hands all over my back, and I run my hand over her body.  


I continue to deepen the kiss wanting more, but stop to catch some needed air.  


I lean my forehead against hers, both of us craving for more, but stop for now to spend time with her. Most of all, I need to see what is going on with her. After seeing her, I am not convinced it’s only because I have been away.


For dinner we opt to eat what her mother has sent, rather than ordering in.  All of a sudden, I have lost my appetite, knowing there is something amiss.  


But I decide not push it watching her savoring the food. She also forces me to give her all the details about my stay at her parents. I happily share everything, as I recall the memories I have made with them.  


“Baby, it’s almost ten o’clock. We should go to sleep, you look tired. I need to go to the office but you stay home tomorrow since it’s Friday.  There are few things we need to discuss about AR, but that can wait.” She says once we are in the bedroom.


“I am not tired, come here…” I sit down on the bed, extending my hand out of her.  


She sighs, then walks over to me. I gesture her to sit down on my lap.  


“It looks you haven’t slept on the plane. Did you count how many times you have yawned? Let’s go to sleep my love…”


“It does feel like jet lag is catching up, but I was thinking… remember you said those things we would do if I was here with you?”


She raises her chin and smiles, wrapping her arms around my neck as she shifts onto my lap.


“Of course I remember… but are you up for it?” She whispers in my ear, then places soft kisses down my neck.


“Why don’t you tell me if I am up for it?” I pull her closer, and she gasps, feeling my arousal.


“But seeing I have jet lag, I think… you should do all the work tonight.”  


Our drugged gazes lock on each other as we lay down on the bed losing ourselves in the depths of passion.  As our bodies reunite, we make up for the lost time from the past two weeks.


When my eyes open up, I look over to my side and notice Khushi is not in the bed. The room is dark, but I can see sunlight peeking through the curtains.  I look over at the clock and notice it’s almost ten o’clock.


Have I been sleeping that long?


I grab my phone from the side table, and notice there is a text from her.


“Good morning my love! I hope you slept as well as I did last night 😉  I am so happy you are back, and sorry for not being there when you wake up. But I have some urgent meetings this morning 🙁  Why don’t you work from home today, and I will try to get out of here early.  Then we can start our weekend, just you and me. See you later! I love you baby XOXO!”


I smile recalling my vixen during our love making from last night. Perhaps I should let her do all work more often.  


But, there was something about her yesterday, from when I first saw her to when we fell asleep in exhaustion.  Though I wanted to stay up and question her, but I couldn’t keep my eyes open and neither could she.


There was an array of emotions I noticed about her… sadness, pain, even vulnerability… but I can’t pinpoint it to anything in particular.


Could it be the stress with work?


It can’t be, I know her work ethic and her capability where she can handle whatever I throw in her direction. I have seen it the last six months first hand. She did mention there were some things she needed to discuss with me about AR.


What could it be?


Well I’m not going to find the answer laying naked in bed, though I wouldn’t mind if she was here.


I shake that thought away, getting out of the bed on a mission to find some answers.


It’s time to make an appearance at AR!




“Di, what are you doing here?”


I am surprised when I see her by the security desk in the residence building when I make my way downstairs from the Penthouse.


“Hi Arnav! It’s so good that you are back.” She smiles, and comes towards me pulling me into an embrace.


“It is! And what’s in all these bags? Are you coming to stay here? Wait… where is Adi?”


“Oh my God, all these questions at once.  Well, I had an appointment in the city this morning, and left Adi home with Nani. I thought of bringing some of Khushi’s things over. I figured you both would want to spend some time together, alone…” She winks at me, and has a mischievous smirk on her face.


I shake my head in disbelief.  


Is she really insinuating what I think she is?


What is wrong with her?  She’s my sister…


“Really, Di?! Khushi is at AR, and that is where I was headed. Did you want to come up with me? Maybe we can go to lunch if she and Aakash are free.”


“Sure let’s go. I am not turning that offer down.”


I ask the guard to have the bags sent upstairs, before heading to AR.


We make our way upstairs, and discuss their plans to go shopping and work on preparations this weekend for the upcoming event. I have been instructed under no circumstances should I bring Khushi over to her house, and I happily oblige since I wasn’t planning on sharing her this weekend.


As we walk towards my office, she stops, and is apparently stunned. I follow her gaze, which is fixed on the glass enclosed Executive conference room. There’s a meeting currently taking place, with Khushi talking to the Symphony team, along with Aakash and Aman in the room.  They can’t see us since we are at the end of the hall, before the open area leading to the offices, and conference room.


“Um… Arnav… woh… what is he doing here?”  


She grasps my hand tightly, and I can see the panic on her face.


“Di, what’s the matter?  Please calm down…. who are you talking about?”


It doesn’t take long for the panic to turn into anger as she grabs my arms.


“SAMEER! What the fuck is he doing here?!”


Hearing the name, my heart skips a beat, before slamming against my chest.


“What are you talking about?  Why would he be here…”


“He is right there, the guy in the navy shirt at the end of the table.”


I look towards the glass wall, and stare at the man who has been responsible for hurting my Khushi.


How the fuck did this happen?


Is this why Khushi has not been herself?


What is he still doing?


Why don’t I know about this?


“Sam… that’s Sam… he works for the company we just acquired…” I say completely dazed.


She shakes me out of my thoughts that are spinning in my head, feeling the rage coming over as my hands tighten in a fist.  


As I start to walk towards the conference room, she stops me.


“Arnav… you need to fix this. But not in front of everyone. You need to talk to Khushi first… alone.  There has to be a reason why she hasn’t said anything.  But you barging into the conference room, is not going to help.”


“Are you telling me to not kick his ass out of here… that I should let him just sit in that room with Khushi in it?  There is no way I am letting him be near her… over my fucking dead body!”


“Listen to me… please calm down. Don’t let this spiral out of control in front of everyone with your anger. That is not going to help the situation. You and Khushi need to discuss this…”


“Fine, I will talk to Khushi, then take care of business. You go home, and please don’t say anything to Nani.”


She puts her hand on my shoulder, and I can see her eyes glazed with tears as she looks at me, then towards the conference room.


“Please take care of her, and yourself.  Do not let this come between what you both have together. Remember she loves you. Only you.”


She pulls me into her arms, then leaves quietly. Once she is out of sight, my attention goes towards the conference room.


I watch as Khushi confidently conducts the meeting, and has the group under control. It looks like she is fully in charge, as she stands, probably giving out orders. There seems to be some animosity between her and the asshole.  It’s apparent in their body language. It looks like he is not happy at what she is saying. She looks fierce, ready to take him on.


But then when she turns her attention to Aman, I see the way he looks at her.  


Is he fucking checking her out?


That’s it, this shit is coming to an end. I refuse to allow this to continue further.  


I stride towards my office, and stop in front of Lavanya’s desk who has someone at her desk.  


“Welcome back, ASR!  This is your new assistant Sheila, I was training…”


She points to a girl in her late twenties, who is staring at me, and I have no time for this introduction.


I nod with a serious expression which makes Lavanya quickly realizes I am not in a good mood.


“I need to meet Ms. Gupta now. In my office.”


“Yes ASR, I will let her know.”


Before she can finish, I storm into my office, slamming the door behind me.




How the hell did I bring that bastard to Khushi? And I wasn’t even here to put an end to it.


I pace the room running my fingers through my hair.


Why did she keep something this significant away from me?


Doesn’t she trust me to do the right thing by her?


I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm myself down before she walks into the room.


I stand by the floor to ceiling window, looking out at the park and notice all the leaves have fallen off the tree.  The park’s natural green has been stripped away and looks bare from up here.


How ironic, as our relationship will be exposed to the biggest test we can possibly go through.  


Betrayed is what I feel right now for being kept in the dark about Sameer.


I close my eyes hearing a soft knock on my door, and then she walks in closing the door behind her.


I don’t turn around but I see her through the glass as I open my eyes.  


She is smiling looking at my back.  


“Baby, I thought you would work from home today. I told you I was planning…”


I turn around, with my hands in my pockets, as I steel my gaze not wanting to give anything away.  


“What were you planning, Ms. Gupta?  Let me see were you planning on telling me about Sam… Oh wait… it’s Sameer right?”






    • nzmonica

      Just as Khushi had become part of Arnav’s family, he’s managed to win her parents over.
      The scene when he gets all worried seeing Garima in tears – is so so cute.😍😍
      Perhaps that’s the moment when Shashi let go of the last bit of reservations he had about Arnav being worthy of his princess.

      The princess herself has no doubts – she was pining for him and how. She probably was able to shed her stress, along with the tears, with her man beside her.
      Her amma’s food and Arnav’s love would have revived her to face Sameer yet again.

      As for Arnav – finding out Sam is actually Sameer is a rude shock.
      He is absolutely livid that he was not aware , that HE brought that b***d into Khushi’s life again!!!
      I hope Arnav pays heed to Anjali’s advise, and hears Khushi out. She had valid reasons and was going to tell him on his return anyway.

      I do want to see Sameer annihilated but not at the cost of undermining Khushi’s confidence and professional authority. Am I making sence?
      Would be awesome if Arnav supports Khushi in shutting down his BS rather than a dramatic showdown.

      Looking forward to their first fight, and then making up – which is always fun.

      Muah, Jigs

    • Vin (newfan2016)

      Monday treat from Jigs!
      I would classify this chapter into three sections – each of which showcases a different set of emotions.

      First, the time that Arnav spent with Khushi’s parents was heart-warming. The easy bonding (from both sides), ‘that’ typical moment in Indian households when the ladies watch soaps and get carried away with the story and their own emotions, Arnav and the Gupta’s playful exchanges and then Arnav taking them out for a meal. Garima’s candid conversation with Arnav tugged my heart. In all, a time well-spent for the Gupta’s as well as Arnav even as they sealed the relationship with their stamp of approval.

      Since I am reading Stripped for the first time, I had no clue what to expect next. And it was a pleasant surprise to see Arnav back in NYC. Oh, those moments of anticipation even as he had Akash relaying Khushi’s coordinates 😀 . And oh, those moments of relief for Khushi to see Arnav in flesh, at the penthouse! Even as the romance played out, there was this feeling of anxiety bubbling up – Arnav noted the fact that he was not aware of Akash and Payal camping out in the city. He also noted the changes (some drastic and some subtle) in Khushi.. both physically and otherwise. And he set out to find his answers.

      Then comes the final section. A lot played out here. Anjali’s presence at the AR office – I welcomed it for the mini-reunion of the siblings. And then I did a re-take of that, when I realized what it had subtly led us to. May be Arnav should not have witnessed ’it’ first hand. The ‘it’ in question being the interaction between Khushi and Sam in the boardroom. But now that it’s in the open, time for the confrontation. Will I take sides? No! I love both of them and I want them to just have an adult conversation. Arnav is feeling betrayed. He was away but he ‘needed’ to be in the know. Khushi did not want Arnav to be all the more stressed by appraising him of what was going on in the other side of the world. A conflict of emotions. But who doesn’t go through these? I can only hope for the relationship binding Arnav and Khushi to come out stronger than before, after this confrontation. And with you Jigs, leading the way, it certainly will!

      • Super muah for the song. Absolutely love it!
      • Super-duper muah for the banner. Esp. the casual look — un-tucked shirt, rolled up sleeves..


      • Jigs~

        It’s such a treat for me to have a few of you here that are reading this story for the first time! And, makes me want to post the next update ASAP to answer your questions 😉

        Oh, I love that image of the rolled up sleeves! Hayeee 😍😍😍 It’s simple things like this that makes me happy!

        • dart4

          Yes Jigs, I am one of those who is reading this for the first time and so addicted, I can’t wait for the updates…will be AWESOME if you can update sooner :)!
          No harm in wishing, right?!!
          (btw, this applies for both Stripped and TT)

  • Anitha

    Lot of drama..

    The first part of inlaws and Arnav is very adorable..very rare but cute. He seems more like a son they never had.
    He is already sensing something is a miss with khushi..the inner connection seems to be so tight between them. The excitement comes through to see they are both back together in the same location now..enjoying their togetherness and blissful before the storm.

    Arnav is super mad but can he stay mad at her or will she give him back or will she she explain..I am just curious to see how she handles the suitation..poor khushi..she has to deal with 2 real idiot and one who can turn to be anything to ensure she belongs to him! But glad he is all charged up to protect her and he on her side. Although he realizes what he has put her through, it seems he is mad that she did not complain..looking forward to the showdown.

    • aranya19

      Gosh! Did u really stop at this point?? :/
      Damm! I m feeling jealous of all those of who have already read the story and know what will happen next.. 🙁🙁

      Well! The update was very nice.. Arnav has now become a part of Khushi’s family…he has so easily adjusted in her house and with her parents….loved their scenes. Arnav and Khushi were missing each other badly. And that could be easily sensed from their starting conversation.. They both were desparately waiting to see each other and they finally met… Great to see their passion and romance back.. 😉
      Arnav was already sensing something wrong with Khushi and finally hencame to know what was it. Sameer..well he will definitely take care of him in a good way but rite now he is very angry with Khushi… But I just hope he would at least listen to her first before drawing any conclusions…
      Waiting for the next update!!

  • dikilove6

    This update was so nice. I am so curious to know what will happen next. Loved the bonding between Arnav and Khushi’s parents. Looking forward to the next update. xx

  • Ravs

    This would make one hell of web series…
    Im nt good with words but this have to be one of the Awesome story on Arshi..My all time fav❤️
    Eagerly waiting for the nxt chap
    Khusi’s pain..Arhi hug..

  • cheers2all

    Nooo!!! This can’t be happenning 🙁
    1) Arnav is mad at Khushi, just what I dreaded and 2) You decide to end this chapter at such an interesting juncture!! :'(

  • ayushivishui

    awesome update yar……
    The way arnav had made her parents feel was amaizing yar……
    instead of being a son in law… he behaved liked their son… the care and concerns he showed was superb…
    Now arnav is mad and feeling betrayed because khushi had kept sameer’s news away from him… she doesn’t want to stress him that’s why she didn’t tell but we all know how much protective is arnav about khushi… he had a right to know about it..i am eagerly waiting to see how khushi handle the situation….

  • fermeen30

    Loved the update. Arnav getting on well with Khushi’s parents leading to their approval. Both Armav and Khushi meet after their separation leading to sweet romantic moment. Oh dear looks like Arnav has found out about Sameer being there, hope they both sort this rationally and maturely. Eager for the next part.

  • nadiajhung

    Wow what an update…lovely bonding between arnav and khushi’s parents.he is so in love with his khushi and now he has permission from her parents to marry her but before that they have to solve the issue of Sameer,he is so mad at khushi for not telling about sam but guilty as well because he brought sam into khushi’s life again and she was dealing with it alone.will have to see how khushi console him.

  • keerthana

    Arnav’s time with the gupta’s is 👌🏻❤️ Khushi and arnav’s reunion is emotional! I feel for them….. now that arnav knows about the ass, i cant wait to see the ass kicking😛

  • damjar

    That was truly touching. Loved the bonding between Arnav & Khushi’s parents. They fell into the groove of a family. Caring for each other and the best part was when they agreed to their marriage and have got some secret agenda to surprise Khushi for the wedding. Loved it.

    Khushi could not hide her sadness and cried on seeing Arnav. She is waiting for him to get back to AR to let him know about Sameer. But Luckily Anjali being there saved the situation by avoiding the delay. Man was she mad seeing him in front of Khushi.

    Now comes the downfall of Sam, seeing the situation, Sam is causing further problems for Khushi and Sam is in for shock when Arnav is going to let Khushi make the decisions which is right for AR and against Sam’s indifference.

  • godis222good

    Awwwwww👌👌👌I found it so ironic when Arnav uttered these words to his sister….Her past is behind her now…..” I giggled knowing Sameer is in the offing. I just can’t wait for the next episode. I hope Arnav deals drastically with the ‘toad’ Sameer. Well done 👍 girl.

  • sharuag

    Lets start with betrayed part.

    Even if I m an Arnav’s shoes I guess I would feel the same way. They are totally into each other and they are in for forever.

    Khushi should have shared it no matter what.
    We all make mistakes, but keeping sch a big thing from your wan-na-be husband, not a good decision

    The time Arnav spend with Khushi’s parents, he is a good human being. Adjusting into their home and respecting them and making them as his, i guess that is what every parent will be looking for for their children. Someone who can adjust and respect the parents, shows that he some one you can rely with your daughter.

    Loved it.

    Looking forward for the convincing phase.

  • hailstorm464

    Though I know how things will turn out ( reading it for thr third time), the anticipation is still there. What more can I say about your wonderful story?

  • udithadarshani

    oh God how would I wait for next update fabulous one 😊😊😊 love the way arnav keeps his bonding with her parents without being ASR finally arnav got to know about sameer hope khushi will face it wisely please update next soon

  • xyzsm

    ohh God!!…I hope arnav deals with this with khushi carefully by not hurting her…he might be very upset with her…but he needs to take care of her… and this…loved his little time with khushi’s parents…this seems genuine…beautiful update as usual…loved it… <3

  • nccrwrt

    Your stories bring out good in all relationships that I absolutely love. Arnav’s relationship with Khushi’s parents was beautifully described. Trust that they have built with each other on this visit was very heartwarming. Finally Arnav is back with plan to marry Khushi. Eagerly waiting for next update to read how Arnav handles Sameer, This is my first time reading stripped so I have no idea. Thanks for the update!

  • mamtapuri2000

    I hope Arnav doesn’t start blaming Kaushik for betraying him!
    The part where Arnav is in India we’re so good! It made my heart fill, just reading about how Arnav and Khushis parents were growing into loving each other as a family.
    Just hope Arnav manages to put Sameer in his place!

    Awesome chapter!

  • mayabhi

    He freaked out n reacted on impulse, the control freak that he is. But he shud have listened to Anjali.. calmed down n tried to think of it from khushis perspective. He does know by now that khushi is always adamant about handling her issues as much as possible by herself. He shud b trusting her to do it.

  • arjuhisis

    Oh jigs, I thoroughly enjoyed the update
    Arnav’s stay at khushi’s home, Arnav coming back and surprising our khushi and Arnav’s rage on knowing about Sameer’s re-entry, everything was super duper – loved it
    Great update
    Waiting for the lion to unleash its anger on the jerk named Sam.

  • muskaansobti4

    Wow….super amazing update der wer so many things in this update the relationship between arnav n khushis parents was so cool i really liked d reaction f arnav wen garima was cryng fr serial d way dey al get accustomed towrds each oder was wonderful i am eager to knw wat arnav has planned fr khushi where her parents too supprts arnav 🤔😉
    I really loved d way dey both reunited agn bt alas d thing i was afraid of happnd befre khushi anjali saw sameer n infrmd arnav i hope arnav takes his di’s advice n try to understand d reasons y khushi hide it
    I dnt wan any misunderstanding between dem
    Overall a masala pack update i lovedd it thanks jigs 😘

  • mahrusweety

    Marvellous adorable mind blowing part.
    The most twisting abd turning part of story.
    Arnav anger hopefully melt down after listening khushi part of story.
    But i m waiting eagerly and anxiously fir sameer to be bliwn out from khushi life once and forever.
    Thank for giving such awesome update

  • ravalilovely1923

    Now comes the test part..
    We have to see how these ppl are going to deal with this..
    I can’t wait to see that damn sameer in arnavs hands.
    I loved the bond and relationship took place between arnav and khushi’s parents.. Anju timing is amazing and the words she spoke absolutely correct.
    Arnav she didn’t betrayed you.. Just hide the truth to not give any tension to you..
    Now pull your claws on him along with khushi..
    Update is amazing di..
    Thank you for this update
    Take care

  • pinkly007

    Aha… here is the second part. I was waiting for it or what…

    Arnav was so comfortable in khushi’s house with her parents. I loved everything about this chapter.

    The way Arnav was impressed with Shashi’s work and his new car design, Garima’s concern towards khushi and how Arnav rubbed away her tears and spoke about khushi, he did not want to change anything in khushi’s room and he loved it just the way it is, their dinner in Garima’s favorite restaurant, the joke they played on each other and Shashi and Garima’s concent and blessings to Arnav in the end… I can go on and on… it’s simple Jigs, everything you write touches my heart. And I cried a little when Garima was asking Arnav whether khushi is really happy :-). It beautifully shows a mother’s love for her child.

    Oh khushi… she is tired of dealing with that asshole Sameer. Khushi’s expression and disbelief on seeing Arnav was nicely written.

    Oh no… Arnav saw Sam. I can imagine what is going thru his mind. Another beautiful part Jigs.

    I am ready for the fireworks in the next chapter :-). Sameer… get ready to face ASR :-).

    Jigs, for the next chapter, please give me a seat in the conference room to witness everything live… how Arnav fires Sameer’s ass… 🎉🎊💃

  • dart4

    Amazing update Jigs. What a cliffhanger you have left us with!!
    Please update soon…can’t wait to see the conference room action 🙂

  • luvraj4ever

    Finally the drought is over 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Arnav is here with khushi and I can’t be more glad 😍😍😍😍😍 I loved Arnav’s bonding with khushi’s parents… He is a sweetheart….
    And now I am waiting for Arnav to kick Sameer’s ass😈😈😈😈
    Waiting for the next update
    Continue soon

  • varsha2KD

    The beginning of this update was so nice… girls parents agree to Arshi wedding proposal 😊
    Oh no… a big fight is about to commence… hope Khushi handles the situation with Arnav as well as sameer… she has to be strong…
    Can’t wait to see what Arnav does to that a$$h@!e Sam 😠

  • random

    Just read both the interludes together. Awesome update!! Hopefully Arnav and Khushi discuss this whole thing through calmly

  • Varsha

    Oh…it came to this now…but I couldn’t blame Arnav for thinking like that…right now…though Khushi’s concern was not to pressurize him more when he was out of reach.
    But it was also good that she now knew she can handle Sameer in her own way.

    It’s become more interesting now…to know how they will cross this together..
    Enjoyed reading it!!

  • khushisony

    Di the update was😘😘😘😘loved arnav s bonding with kushi s parents..kushis mom crying over serial😂😜 they have bonded so well..and yayy arnav has permission to propose kushi💃💃 kushi and arnav😘😍😍 finally arnav gets to know about sameer but not through kushi!! Can’t wait for next update to see arnav in ASR mode!! Ur describings stripped by looking at the park👌

  • mklam

    And now the fireworks begin…its time to bring on the popcorn and ice-cream (just discovered the sinful Graeters brand) and will find myself the best seat in the house as A&K argue and make up with some steamy…-:)

  • desaimamta

    Hello jigs
    Fantastic chapter, loved the conversation of innocent man and his bold lady, ha ha ha.
    Arnav’s bonding with khushi’s parents was very pleasant to read.
    Now the elephant in the room has to be dealt with, let’s see how Arnav and khushi solve this issues.
    Thank u Jigs

  • soharachowdhury

    Beautiful update.
    Arnav gelled so well with Khushi’s parents as if they know each other for ages. he is really a gem and Khushi’s parents are so endearing. They also loved and cared him like their own son. And the best part was they accepted his proposal.

    Arnav came back to New york, but he sensed Khushi’s tension. She was disturbed and anxious and the reason behind her anxiety also revealed to arnav and that is Sameer. I just hope he doesn’t misunderstand Khushi, cause he seemed in rage. I hope she takes Anjali’s advice to get him out without creating any scene.

  • msingh27

    WOW!!! omg..arnav is back & he knows about the jerk..gosh what a brilliant update. absolutely loved it. thank you so much for an incredible read. cant wait for the next update.

  • neha2013g

    awesome update..
    glad that khushi’s parents agreed for the wedding..
    so arnav came to know about sameer and that too not from khushi.. some tough time ahead.. haha..

  • trvia1432

    Oh.. ! Arnav came to know about Sameer…I think he is in bit of a shock… That’s why he is reacting in that way…I hope Khushi and Arnav sort this without much of a complication…
    I loved the relationship that Arnav has built with Khushi’s parents…Thanks for the lovely update…
    Really liked it…

  • Broknangel

    Arnav finally won Gupta’ s dil.. it was so endearing to see garima and arnav’ s camaraderie.. and the scene where she was crying.. that was 👌.. now waiting for the confrontation between arnav and khushi..

  • madhurao1210

    Totallyloved every word of it…
    Restless Arnav he can sense khushi is distrube….

    Loved the way she hise her pain while talking to him…

    The bonding he developed with her parents too good….

    Finslly he got their blessings…

    Wow what a surprise to khushi his home coming…

    Their passion is mind blowing..

    Thsnk god Anjali was there n she saw sameer n calm Arnav down ..
    Looks like ASR is standing infront of khushi..
    Hope all goes well. KSSR ASR teavh that sameer a lesson..
    Looking forward

  • prudencesa

    I just enjoyed the time Arnav spent in Khushi’s house with her parents and their closeness. I wonder what is Arnav going to say to Khushi about Sameer. Thanks

  • linsiesamy

    after the parents consent for marriage … all colors for arnav
    until he reach home … and saw trouble khushi…
    but he is the volcano here… and anjali just break the
    info before khushi… so wrong timing

    nice update

  • ilfordian

    Why is Arnav feel betrayed?He is upset why did Khushi not tell Arnav about Sameer? He should know that Khushi is strong and is able to deal with slimeball Sameer.

  • twinklemj

    Both last interlude was superb..Arnav’s thoughts was incredible.. I love the nervous Arnav to met his future family with hope they like him..that was so good..when Her parents like him to stay with them was like a Awww. They all connected by the single thing was kushi..and they do that for their loved ones…superb.. About Finding the truth was expected reaction from our ASR..let’s see wt our ASRs plan! Something interesting.. And about the betrayal.. Well he will decide that❤❤
    End of the day He loves her❤

  • pakpearlfauzia

    Such a heart warming chapter..
    Arnav’s bonding with Khushi’s parents was instant .. n genuine ..
    They accepted his proposal 😀

    Now Arnav knows about Sameer…
    He’s furious..
    I hope he doesn’t say anything hurtful..

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