Chapter 22

“Would you like to get a drink with me right now… Darling.”

I turn around, meeting his piercing gaze, and the fury inside me takes over.

“This is your first and last warning, don’t you ever touch me again. Now remove your hand from my shoulder.” I pause, fixing my eyes on his hand then back at him, waiting for him to remove it. He simply smiles, and takes his hand off my shoulder raising them up. “And my name is not Darling. Didn’t I make that clear earlier in the week?”  

“Why are you getting so uptight about this? I am just trying to break the ice that has been there between us this week. You really need to loosen up…”

“Is that what you call this? Breaking the ice, by asking your Boss out for drinks?  Calling her Darling? Because in my book that is considered harassment when the other wants nothing to do with it at a workplace. Just so we are clear- I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!  The only thing we have between us, is work. I suggest you get that through your thick skull otherwise this is not going to work.”

I look away clenching my fist, trying to contain the rage boiling inside of me being next to a man I despise.

Where is this elevator?

“I don’t know why you are making this into such big deal. All I asked was if you wanted to get a fucking drink, that’s all!”  He raises his voice, and I can’t help but laugh at him.

“You haven’t changed one bit, have you? Fine, let’s take the work equation out of this for a moment, Sameer…  After what you did to me, do you really think I would go out with you again?”

“Listen to me, Khushi…”  He reaches out to touch me, but I back away glaring at him. “I had tried reaching out to you many times to apologize before leaving for the States, but your father would not let me talk to you. You also changed your cell number and email.  What was I supposed to do? Seeing you again here and working with you has made me realize what I have lost. Why can’t we try this again? Won’t you give me another chance…”

“Tell me Sameer… did you think about me and what I would feel when you slept with other women? I tried to make our relationship work for almost three years, putting all my effort into it. I even changed myself for you but you couldn’t keep your pants on. Why should I trust you now?”

He stares at me for moment then runs his hand through his hair.

“You don’t have an answer- do you?  Let’s just keep this professional. You and me, will never work nor do I want it to work anymore. I have moved on and I am content with my life now…”


He stops abruptly as my cell phone starts to ring with an incoming call.

I sigh seeing it’s Arnav, I know if I don’t answer the phone he will have the whole town searching for me.

“I hope you are not still upstairs at the office…”

“Will you please relax? I am waiting for the elevator and it’s finally here.”

I wait for the doors to open, and make my way inside to one corner, while Sameer makes his way to the other.

“I had called earlier to tell you that I am going to see your parents tonight. But you distracted me, as usual.”

As I talk to Arnav, Sameer looks straight ahead with a serious expression on his face.

“Really?! That’s great! Can we talk when I get home? I want to make sure you have my full attention. I want all the details.”

He chuckles, and sighs.

“Yes my Sweetheart, call me soon. Now hurry home.”

“I will be there in ten minutes. Bye.”

I am grateful we have reached the ground floor and I quickly make my way out walking towards the exit.

Damn, I forgot to call Mohan.  

As Sameer catches up to me, I stop in my tracks hearing his question.

“Who was on the phone?”

“That is none of your business.” I say curtly looking up at him and continue walking out the main door.

I smile seeing Mohan wave at me waiting in front of the building.

“So, do you take the Subway or a taxi home? Maybe we can share a cab…”

“No thanks. My ride is here. Good night, Sam.”

I walk away without waiting for a response feeling his fixed gaze on my back, as I walk towards the awaiting Mercedes.

“Good evening Ma’am. Sir called to inform me you would be needing a ride home.”

“Yes, thank you for coming this late.  And for once I’m very grateful your Sir called, since it slipped my mind.” I smile.

He laughs knowing my reaction is usually the opposite. He opens the door for me, and waits for me to get inside before closing it. I glance out the window to see Sameer standing there with his hands in his pockets as he watches us pull away with a grim expression on his face.

Let’s hope what I said earlier is enough for him to back off.

Once I get into the apartment, Arnav and I talk briefly since he needs to go into a meeting. He fills me in on how he had called my parents last night and they invited him for dinner tonight.  I had already filled them on his busy schedule, so when he spoke to them they were understanding, telling him to stop by whenever he was free, which put him at ease.

I could sense the nervousness in his voice about meeting them, and wish I could be by his side.

It should be interesting Arnav meeting the Gupta’s without the daughter.

My hands go on my waist, as my stomach growls, and I realize I haven’t eaten anything since lunch. And that too a salad which I barely touched, as I was in the midst of putting together my recommendation.

What should I eat at this time of night?

I glance at the clock, and see it’s after ten o’clock.  

It’s not possible to make anything, since there isn’t anything in the kitchen. I could get something delivered. This is New York City, the city that never sleeps, so there are places that are open late and most of them deliver.

As I ponder what to order, I get startled hearing the doorbell.

Who could it be this late at night?  

Could Sameer have followed me here?

No, it can’t be him. I came here with Mohan, there is no way he would know where I live.

The doorbell rings again, so I walk over and look through the peephole to see who it is. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves as I open the door.

“Hi Ms. Gupta, your food was just delivered. Here you go.”

“Hi Henry. I think there is a mistake… I didn’t order any food, but I will be ordering something shortly.”  

I shake my head at the doorman, who is smiling at me.

“Mr. Raizada ordered it and asked me to bring it up when it arrives.”

My eyes widen in surprise, as he holds out the bag towards me. I am speechless for a moment before I take the bag from him.

“Thank you. Hold on let me get my wallet…”

“There is no need, he has already paid for it. Enjoy your late dinner!”

I close the door behind me, making my way inside the kitchen in a trance not believing what just occurred.

Despite him being busy today, he took the extra time to call and text knowing I was in the office late by myself. Then he knew I would forget to call Mohan which he took care of. Now, dinner.

As I look inside the bag to see what’s inside, I get excited seeing he ordered my favorite noodles and soup from the Thai restaurant we order frequently from when we stay at the apartment.  

This is exactly what I needed, indulging in my favorite food after a hectic day and a dreaded encounter with Sameer.

Damn, I love this man. He is absolutely perfect!

I know he is in an important meeting for the next few hours with his phone switched off. But I need to thank him.  Picking up my phone from the counter, I decide to text him.

“How do you manage to know exactly what I need being so far away?  I have become so reliant on you being by my side for the last six months, that not having you with me the past six days-I am lost without you. Thank you for calling Mohan when I didn’t remember and for ordering my favorite meal when I didn’t think about eating until after we spoke. Now I just wish you would come back soon because your Khushi is not the same without her Arnav. I love you!”

As I hit the send button, I feel the tears fall down my cheeks. With the emotions of this week catching up, I can’t hold them back any longer.  I allow the uncontrollable tears to stream down my face, sitting up on the couch embracing myself.

I cry for feeling guilty hiding this from Arnav.

I cry for having to deal with Sameer when I want nothing to do with him.  

I cry for feeling helpless and lost today.   

I cry for not being able to be there with Arnav and my parents as they meet for the first time.

But most of all, I cry for the man I love who is not here with me.

Arnav, I need you, please come back to me…

An hour later, I am feeling much better after letting my emotions out that have been held back, and after having eaten. Something I have not done properly since he left.  

Before going to bed, I decide to call my parents to see if they are ready to meet Arnav.

“It looks like my Amma has forgotten about me. She doesn’t call me anymore.” I whine after hearing my mother’s voice.  

“Is that even possible? Your Babuji doesn’t let me call you saying you are very busy at work. And in the evenings you are at Anjali’s house so…”

“But you can still call me, I am never too busy for you. I miss you Amma.” I say softly as my emotions make a reappearance.  

“Oh mera sona bacha. If only you knew how much I miss you, and how much I think about my baby…”

As I hear her voice crack holding back her tears, I want to kick myself for bringing this up knowing how hard me being away from home has been on her.

“I hear you have an important guest coming for dinner tonight.” I say, changing the topic.

“Sach main? They are not that important. It’s just someone coming to eat that’s it. No big deal.”`

“Haww! How can you say it’s not a big deal? And Amma he is very important… to me.”

I hear my mother giggling.

“Arrey wah, look at you defending him. I was joking Bitiya. How can the man that brought my old Khushi back to me not be important? I can see how happy you are, that is all I ever wanted. I am excited to finally meet him in person tonight. I just hope he doesn’t find our house small.”

“Amma, I know he will love our house, you watch. Oh, I called to tell you that Arnav has diabetes, so please make sure you make sugar free meetha for him. He loves kheer, so you can make that and add extra almonds.”

“What?! Oh no, how can someone so young have diabetes?  Is he okay?”  

“He has had it since he was five years old. And don’t worry he’s fine, he just needs to watch what he eats and take care of himself. But I know he is working non stop there without thinking about his health, but that’s how he is with work. Now tell me about all the yummy food you are making for him?”

We spend the next few minutes talking about the menu, along with Arnav’s likes and dislikes. I can sense the excitement and anxiousness in my mother’s voice to be meeting him.

Now it’s  time to see how my father feels…

“Titaliya, please tell your mother to calm down. Ever since Arnav said yes for dinner, she has been cleaning the house, and making me move things around the house. Can you believe she sent me to the market as soon as I woke up without even offering me tea and breakfast. She is acting like the PM is coming over.. she has lost it!”

I can’t help but giggle hearing him and imagining what my mother must be putting him through.

“This is not funny. If you were here, I can guarantee you would be feeling the same way.”

“Babuji, only if I could be there…”  I stop laughing and whisper.

“I know you want to be here, and we want you here as well…  Would it make you feel better if we don’t meet him? It will save me some work today, I don’t mind. Just say the word I will cancel the dinner and refuse to meet him.”

“What?! Arnav is coming there and you will meet him, bas. No excuses! So what if I am not there.”

“Look at this Garima, my daughter is ordering us to meet Arnav. I guess we have no choice now. But Khushi… I would rather have you here than him.  Remember you are daddy’s little girl.”

I smile hearing his affection coming through for me.

“Okay so this daddy’s girl has a favor to ask from you…”

“Have I ever said no to you? What is this favor you want from me?”

“Babuji, please be open with Arnav. I know you still have hesitations about him, but he is not Sa… Sameer. I hope you will be able to see that tonight. He means so much to me, like you and Amma. Just give him a chance today.  Can you do that for me?”

He takes a deep breath.

“I will be honest; I am still a bit apprehensive about his money, but I know he is not Sameer. That is apparent in the way he treats you and us. But Khushi, after seeing you broken and in pain after what happened… I just can’t see you like that ever again. I blame myself for what happened. It was I who picked him for you, and then was ready to marry you off. My daughter was unhappy and I didn’t know…”

“Babuji, please don’t blame yourself.  How would you know, if I didn’t say anything? Besides, I would appreciate it if we not talk about him or my past anymore. I rather us talk about Arnav, who loves me for who I am, and respects me. He is such a caring and dedicated person, the way he is with his family, his work and me. Ever since I have known him, I see him doing things to make others happy, and never think about himself. And I know him coming to meet you alone is another example to make sure I am happy with getting your approval. Sorry I said all this, but I was giving you time to get to know him.  Now that he will be there, I just want you to make him feel comfortable.”

“I will for you because I can see how much my daughter has changed and how much you love him. Be rest assured, I won’t scare him.”

He laughs.

“I doubt you can scare him. He tends to intimidate people around him when he is ASR, but then he has a soft side which people rarely see. That side is reserved for his loved ones. I will wait to see what you think of him.”

After an emotional goodbye, I turn off the lights and get inside the bed. But I fail miserably at falling asleep as I toss and turn with a myriad of thoughts running through my mind.

I turn on my side and caress his side of the bed. I smile thinking about the many times we have stayed awake just talking for hours about our future, or even just about how our day went.

How I wish I could tell him about my day today.

What is Arnav’s reaction going to be when he finds out about Sameer?

Should I confide in Anjali?

No, I can’t! If she finds out, there is no doubt she would not allow this to continue and notify Arnav right away.

But I would rather he find out from me since he is not going to take this news well. I can predict his reaction, he will make sure Sameer is out of my life as fast as he came in. He will forget thinking about this from a professional aspect, and I don’t want to see this happen.  

Arnav already has a lot to deal with in Delhi, without me adding this to his list of problems. He is in the midst of a huge loss with a high profile merger that was closed out a couple of months back, which he is there trying to salvage. Not to mention the stress he is feeling meeting my parents, more so my father.

As much I hate to admit this, AR needs Sameer right now based on his relationships with the clients and his intel on the product offerings. And to make it worse, all the patents have his name attached along with Symphony; this makes it complicated to let him go.

Any which way this goes, I can’t win. On one side it’s the man I love and the other is AR the company I love.  

I need to figure out a way to protect both.  

The next morning, I wake up seeing Arnav’s response to my text which gives me courage to go figure out a solution.

“Your Arnav promises to be home really soon, sooner than you think. I am very close to fixing this problem at AR, which is all thanks to your support. Knowing you are handling things in NY has allowed me to focus on this grueling task .  I miss you more than you can imagine. Life is not the same with us being apart is it?  So Ms. Gupta we shall end that soon. I love you. I am looking forward to meeting your parents, hope they are as kind as their daughter 😉 Talk to you soon, and have a good day with your minions.”

It’s Friday, and the last day of the working session with Symphony, before I start putting together my recommendation and finalize the new structure next week.

During the session as we map out the working model, it’s obvious that all the key players have their acts together today and are fighting for their positions here. Except for one. Sam is being uncooperative and vocal about everything I say, and I’ve had enough of his behavior.

“Sam, I suggest you leave this room, if you have nothing productive to add.”

“I disagree. The changes you want to implement are absurd. I don’t see how you can incorporate this business into another one. This is all nonsensical.”

“Sam, I suggest you watch your tone…”  Aakash intervenes.

“Aakash, let me handle this.”  

“But Khushi…”

I look over at him, and gesture him not to say anything.

“If you don’t like the way this is going, then you can easily go elsewhere…”

I roll my eyes in frustration when Lavanya walks in.  

“Khushi, ASR wants you to call him immediately.”

“Tell him I am busy right now!” I snap at her for the interruption.

“He said it’s urgent, and needs to speak with you right away.”

I feel Aakash’s hand on my shoulder, and try to control myself as I look up at him.

“Go talk to Bhai. I will handle things here, you need to cool down.”

I nod, and then furiously look over at Sam who is sitting there challenging me for a response.  

“Sam, when I get back you can either fix your attitude or leave this discussion.”

He arrogantly shrugs his shoulders, and I shake my head at his audacity before walking out with my cell phone.

“Khushi, is everything okay?”

“No La, everything’s not okay. That guy is such a prick, and I just… I just want to… I don’t know what to do with him!  DAMN IT!” I yell, making my way inside my office switching my phone back on.

“Relax Khushi. It will get better, you have been on edge this entire week.  Have you talked to ASR about it?”

“Let me call him back to see what he needs. Can you please close my door on your way out? Thanks, La and I am sorry for snapping at you earlier.”

“It’s okay, I understand, plus I am used to it. Did you forget who my boss has been for the past four years?” She winks at me before leaving the room.

“Arnav, what was so urgent that you needed to pull me out of a meeting? Do you have any idea what you interrupted?” I lash out at him before he can say anything.

“Who the hell is this and what have you done to my girlfriend? I was looking for my Sweetheart, can you please give her the phone?”

“This is not a joke. You have no idea what I have been dealing with here.  And right now I was taking care of this jerk, before you called.”

“Why don’t you tell me about this jerk?  I will take care of them for making you upset.”

“Sa… you know what forget him, I will deal with him afterwards. You tell me why you called?” I close my eyes thankful for stopping myself before saying anything further.

“Is everything okay? I can tell by the sound of your voice that something is very wrong. What happened?”

“Um… it’s just… the working sessions. I am just tired dealing with the team this week and we are wrapping up today.  So I am a bit on edge right now. But now I feel better hearing your voice.”

“Wow, you are that preoccupied that you have no clue why I would be calling… do you? And here we were wondering why you weren’t calling every ten minutes.”

“Hai Devi Maiya! How can I forget? I am so sorry… are you still at my house? How did it go meeting my parents?”

“I actually left about twenty minutes ago. And I suppose it went well. How about we talk about this later? I know you need to go finish what I interrupted. Just don’t get too worked up about it.”

As much as I want the details about their meeting, I do need to get back in the conference room to deal with Sam.

“I am so sorry to cut this call short, but promise me you will tell me all the details?”

“Promise, now go show that jerk his place and what Khushi Kumari Gupta is capable of. Best of luck!”

I can’t help but smile at the irony of what he has just said.

When I get back to the conference room, everyone’s attention is on Aakash who is mapping out where I had left off. He gestures to me that he will finish up, while I work off my laptop.

I glare over at Sameer who is indifferent with me being back in the room, acting as if nothing happened.  

As we break for lunch, Sam is about to approach me, but Michael takes him outside to avoid another confrontation.

“Khushi, come let’s go out to lunch. You need to take a break away from this.”

“I can’t today Aakash. I just received the budget for next month, there are a few gaps which I need to discuss with Finance.”

He walks over and closes my laptop.

“I am not giving you an option. If you don’t come with me, I will call Bhai to let him know what is happening here. It’s your choice, I will meet you in your office in ten minutes.”

I sit there stunned with my mouth open, and watch him leave the conference room.  

Did Aakash Singh Raizada just blackmail me?

Yes, he did!

“Okay Khushi spill it. What has been troubling you this week? And don’t make the excuse that Bhai is away.  There is more to it…” He questions once we place our food and drink order.

It looks like he’s not wasting time to grill me.

“There is nothing to say. I just have been frustrated with the sessions this week. That’s all.”

I look away for a moment afraid he would see right through the facade I have been putting on. When the truth of the matter is, I am tired hiding how I’m really feeling and keeping everything built up inside of me.

“I don’t believe it, since this is unlike you. I have seen you under tremendous pressure before but you have always  handled it with such ease. And Symphony is nothing compared to the other acquisitions you managed single handedly without Bhai or my help.  Khushi, I want to help you, pleases tell me what is bothering you.”

As our drinks arrive, I take a sip of my water and place my glass back on the table.

His concerned gaze is fixed on me, and I can feel my emotions wanting to make an appearance but I take a deep breath to compose myself.

Why do I feel the urge to open up to Aakash about what has been bothering me this week?

Can I confide in him, and trust him to keep this between us?

I know deep down, that I can trust Aakash. And maybe opening up to him might help figure out how to deal with Sam before Arnav gets back.

“Before I say anything… I need your word that you will not say anything to anyone. I mean it, no one, it’s only between us.”

He reaches out for my hand across the table, and grasps it tightly. The sincerity in his gaze, gives me the courage to open up.

“I swear this will only stay between the two of us.”

I take a deep breath to prepare myself to tell him everything about Sameer.  I need to in order for him to understand me.

“You know… Sam…” He nods. “Well I know him as Sameer, and we were engaged to be married. But then our wedding was called off a few days before the ceremony…” I say slowly, struggling to voice it out in front of him.

He stares at me shocked, and doesn’t utter a word for a few moments.  

“I don’t want to pry into your past, or ask you anything that you are uncomfortable talking about. But I need to know one thing… does Bhai know about Sam… or should I say Sameer?”

“Arnav and Anjali both know everything about my past with Sameer. Nani also knows I was engaged along with the wedding being called off, though she doesn’t know with whom or at least I don’t think she does.”

“Really, even Nani?”

“Yes even Nani, who has been so understanding, and has embraced me with my past.”

“She is a special lady.”

We stop our discussion, as the server places our food on the table. But I have lost my appetite, as I start to pick at my food.

During the course of our lunch, I open up to him being honest about my relationship with Sameer during Grad school, and tell him the real reason why the wedding was called off. I tell him about how I spent the year working non stop to prove I can make something of myself before deciding I needed to come to NY to rebuild my life. And how I was able to move past everything, all because of Arnav.

He listens intently throughout the conversation, asking questions when needed. As I open up to him, I see many emotions cross his face. But most of all I can see the respect he has for me.

“And now here I am, trying to figure out how to deal with my past, when my present and future is far away.”

“What are we going to do till Bhai gets back?”

I raise a questioning eyebrow at him.

“First of all, I am not letting you deal with that asshole by yourself… no way in hell is that happening anymore now that I know. He is not getting anywhere near you. Second, we can’t tell Bhai till he gets back. I agree and support you there, you need to tell him face to face.  He is not going to like the fact that he brought him into your life unknowingly. You and I both know the consequences if he finds out while he is in Delhi. Khushi, why don’t we just fire him?”

“I don’t want my personal relationship to come in the way here. Both of us know we need him for the product knowledge. Also, the patents he submitted are under his name, as well as Symphony’s. I think he did that deliberately for job security. If we fire him, he will claim it as his, and we get stuck in a legal battle trying to claim it back.”

“Which means Symphony is worthless to AR if we can’t use the product, not to mention the client implications if we don’t deliver per their contracts…”

“Exactly! I have asked legal to see what our options are but it will take them sometime. For now we have to be patient.”

As we make our way upstairs, I feel a bit relieved having shared this with Aakash. Having his support now, will help me figure out a solution that will benefit AR.  

Now I just need to figure how to handle Arnav when he returns.

The rest of the afternoon is uneventful as we wrap up the meeting.  There are follow-ups that everyone takes away, including Sam who hasn’t said one word all afternoon. I find out later from Michael, that he spoke to Sam about his behavior and we should have his full cooperation going forward.

But Aakash and I don’t believe it based on his body language and his facial expressions.

As we make our way home for the weekend we decide to leave work at the office and enjoy our weekend. The two of us fall into our normal non work related conversation as he drives us to New Jersey.  

“Aakash, why don’t you take Payal to the city for the weekend?  You can even stay at the Penthouse since it’s empty.  The weather is going to be nice so you can walk around the city. She is always at home, and I know it would be nice for her, even you to have some time alone together. What do you think?”

“Come on, Khushi… do you really think Payal will go away with me for the weekend? She will make up excuses about having to take care of things at home.”  He shakes his head, but I had seen the glint in his eyes at my suggestion.

“You leave this to me, I will take care of it with Nani and Anjali’s help.”

“If you can pull this off, I will give you whatever you want.”

“I don’t need anything. Having your support is all that I need, Bhaiya.”

He glances at me, his smile widening.

“Anything for my Behena… but you need to help me plan what I should do with her in the city. I want to do something romantic, but I don’t have a clue about this stuff.”

I shake my head in disbelief.

“If that’s the case you need to take lessons from your Bhai.”

“What?! Bhai and romantic? I don’t believe it…”

“Believe it! And he is great with surprises though they drive me crazy since he won’t utter a word until he pulls it off. Actually I have some ideas for you and Payal, and I will make a few phone calls to arrange them.”

Since there is traffic, we get extra time to plan out a couple of things for them to do around the city.  I also make them a dinner reservation at Tao’s since I know Payal would love the place and the spicy food there.  

Once we get home, I tell Payal that Aakash is calling her so I can tell Nani and Anjali about my plan about sending them to the city.  

“That’s a great idea Khushi Bitiya. If I ‘order’ them to go, then Payal can’t make an excuses.”

“Yes Nani, and there is nothing going on that she needs to be here for so she can’t even use that as an excuse. Poor girl has been doing so much for Adi and me, she deserves a break. And Khushi, you are the best!”

Anjali engulfs me in a hug, with Nani joining us as well.

After much protest from Payal, they leave Saturday morning happily, which warms my heart.  They deserve this time with each other after the past few months of working non stop.  

Later that afternoon, Nani and I are sitting in the family room as she watches a movie, while I am working on my laptop. Though I am still paying attention to the movie, and both of us add our critique throughout the movie.

There is so much that I have had to put off, being in meetings all week that I decide to catch up now while it’s quiet.

“Khushi, are you working? I swear, I don’t know who is worse, you or Arnav.  Come on put that away, we are going shopping.” Anjali says walking into the room after putting Aditya down for his nap.

“Yes, why don’t you both go out for a little while. Anjali Bitiya, leave Adi home with me.”

“Are you sure Nani? I was thinking we can all go, plus Shyam is home so he can watch Adi too.”

“I am good at home, you both go.  And tell me what you want for dinner, so I do some prep after the movie finishes.”

“Don’t worry about dinner, we can bring food… Mexican?”  

I can’t help smile as I watch Nani’s face light up since she has gotten fond of Mexican food, being here.

We decide to go to Paramus Park Mall, since it has all the shops we need to get some serious shopping done for winter clothes for me, while Anjali needs new clothes after having the baby. We start out with Saks Fifth Avenue, which is a high end department store that will have majority of the clothing we are looking for.

“It’s been a long time since we have shopped together. Doesn’t it feel like when we were in school going shopping together on the weekends?”

I give her a small smile, looking at how excited she is being out shopping but I keep my eyes fixed on the clothes on the table.

“Actually, no it doesn’t… it’s different now. I am a mother, and you are a woman in love with my brother, which makes us happier than when we shopped because we were miserable.”

“I am so glad you realized that, because it is different. Now I am trying to find clothes that Arnav would like to see on me, before I didn’t even care. Waise, how is this sweater? Can I pull this off at work too?”

“It might be slightly casual for work, but for weekends and evenings it will work. Plus I love the dark green color on you. And Arnav will approve. So how are things with you both?”

I decide to buy the sweater, and start looking at some dress pants for work.  While Anjali picks up a couple of  casual shirts for herself.

“Things are great, but with him being in Delhi we haven’t had a chance to really talk to each other. Our schedules keep coming in the way. Can you believe, I still haven’t heard the details about his visit with my parents? Though he did tell me it went well.”

“It probably went fine, don’t think about it too much. And come on, I was looking for some juicy details, not about your long distance nonexistent relationship!”

I gasp, and then quickly make my way to the register to avoid her. She comes up right next to me with an amused smile on her face.

As we are passing by the men’s section, I notice this nice black pullover that would look stunning on him. I open it, and smile picturing him in the sweater.

“This would look so nice on Arnav, hai na?” I look at Anjali for her approval, but she shrugs her shoulders which makes me frown. “It will and I am buying this for him.”

Anjali looks at the price tag, and shakes her head.

“Wow, my brother is lucky that you are buying him a designer pullover, that too an expensive one. That means, this relationship has reached at least second base. Or has it reached farther…”

“For your kind information, I saw the sweater and thought of him so I am buying it. It has nothing to do with the fact how far we have gotten. And aren’t you his sister? Why would you want to know?” I walk away to look at a few t-shirts for him since he mentioned he needed them.  

“Because this is rather fun… my brother and my friend in a relationship. So I want details…”

“My dear friend the only thing I will tell you… Arnav is an amazing… person who I love very much. Let’s go I am done here, now it’s time to shop for my Chotu Bachu.” I laugh at her as she stands there staring at me, and then we walk towards the register.

“That’s interesting, because I can interpret that in many ways. You do realize that?” She says raising her eyebrow.

“I shall neither confirm or deny your interpretations.” I wink at her, and we both burst into laughter as people around us look at us as if we are crazy.

My weekend flies by with Arnav’s family who continue to keep me amused and occupied in his absence. It also helps me block out all that has happened at work the previous week.

Though the first few days of the week at work, I get involved in other aspects of the business keeping my schedule busy leaving me little time to work on Symphony. That changes in an instant when Aakash comes frantically in my office.

“Khushi, you won’t believe this? There has been a leak out to a few of Symphony’s clients stating the tracking software is flawed and not secure making their proprietary information vulnerable to be exposed to the public.”

“How is that possible?  We already confirmed through our testing this is one solid product, which was why Arnav acquired them.”

He sits down, and hands over print outs of the test results, along with a few copies of client emails that have came through this morning.

“Right now, it’s only a handful of clients. But if this makes its way around, it will not be good for us. What I don’t understand is how this…”

“It’s not how, but it’s who… Sam.


  • ~Ruchi~


    Sameer is such a numbskull. Does he really think Khushi will want to venture anywhere with him voluntarily?! I love the way she’s giving him what for! And that image of him staring after her as she was driven away … balm to my outraged self!

    You write Khushi’s emotions so beautifully. How she’s holding it all together, even while yearning for her Arnav’s support. I cry at the poignancy of the pain and hurt that are pouring out of her.

    Khushi’s conversation with her parents was so lovely to read. The bond she shares with them is evident in every word. The open joy of her mother, the reserved one of her father, but both welcoming their Khushi’s Perfect Man 😉

    I’m so glad she opened up to Aakash. Just speaking aloud about things always helps to make them clearer, as you said. And I loved how he said ‘we‘ will deal with it. Her ‘bhaiya‘ is there for his ‘behena‘. Arnav’s family has truly already become hers. The love they have for her, as herself, the way she cares for their happiness.

    Details‘ – that’s what comes of having your best friend as your future sister in law! No danger of Ekta maata being allowed to venture in here! Arnav in black 😍 And the way he cares for her, her well being – ‘tum paas ho ya door, ho to mere hi saath

    And the creep gets even more abominable 😡

    • nzmonica

      Jigs – You would become the richest person in the world if only you could clone this Arnav of yours eh!!
      Can he be any more perfect?😍😍😍😍😍😍
      No wonder Khushi is feeling lost without him.

      I’m glad she talked to Akash – she can deal with him by herself but now she has some backup while Arnav is in Delhi if needed.
      Apart from Akash she’s got Anjali around as well – the banter between the girlfriends was fun.

      Eager to know more about Arnav’s dinner with the parents.
      But to be honest I’m more eager to see how Khushi lagaos Sam’s waat❗😈😈😈😈😈😈

      No song this week as you have got one of my favorite here already😚😚😚

    • Vin (newfan2016)

      ” I never lose. Either I win or learn”. Jigs, I was relieved to see the banner. Not that I had any doubts about Khushi handling ‘the’ situation, but more as a re-assurance 🙂 . And that set the tone of this chapter.

      Khushi has come a long way — professionally and personally. Breaking the shackles that could have otherwise hindered her growth. Kudos to her for the way she handled that jerk. And boy this jerk certainly has a lot of planning going on in the background. Our Khushi is no less.. she’s smelt the smoke already. And now, she’s found a confidante in Akash. I was initially in a dilemma — should she have gone to Arnav first? And then I think of how much he’s already involved in the crisis at Delhi, plus the meet with the prospective in-laws, and it’s only a matter of time till he is in a relaxed state of mind. Who knows this all, better than Khushi? I am waiting for Arnav’s return to the City. Not sure if the storm would have been weathered by then, or Arnav also gets the pleasure of treating the jerk in his own style 😉 . And oh, before I forget — loved all the planning for Akash and Payal’s weekend escapade.

      Arnav — kya bolun? He’s bowled me over, over and again. This man is sitting thousands of miles away and knows how to care for his lady love. He knows she needs a drive back home. He knows she needs some quick-fix food after returning to a locked house after a long break. And he arranges it all 🙂 . I actually like Henry too 🙂 🙂 . I want to know more of the Arnav and Gupta’s interaction. Guess have to wait until the next chapter for that… err… wait until Khushi has more leisure time to listen to Arnav. The preps at the Gupta house… so typical and endearing.

      Jigs, jaldi se get Arnav back to the city. Ruchi must be waiting for him… I too will 🙂


  • drfizaahmed

    oh i love this man .. so far yet so close to her… his love is such a big strength ..

    oh im waiting for the details of meet the parents

    sameer is ahole.. and he will see his right full place soon im so dying for tht day…. khushi is such a strong woman n i so admire tht in her … such a beautiful balance of emotions n brains …
    not to forget the new bhaiya ..lolz it was very sweet

  • Choco_b

    😍😍As much as I loved and still shamelessly love the angry wala ASR turning Into the Arnavji of Khushi in the show it’s the Arnav’s of your stories that takes the prize for being the best men they can be to the women in their life
    The Men you write about love respect and are the best cheerleaders of their women👌🏻

    Back to the story Sameer is an asshole period🤢 Soon he should be getting a broken nose and a couple of broken teeth for the stunts he’s been pulling on Khushi 🥊🥊
    Disgusting piece of trash super pissed is this the universal attitude of majority of men who thinks they’re entitled to right to invade personal space of a woman despite she clearly warning them not to😠

    The gall of the retard to ask for a second chance 👌🏻 Have to say he’s got the skin of a hippopotamus and the mind of a donkey😣 Further cooking more thamasha in office challenging her

    Maafi dii for ranting against S 😬 Credit goes to the way you penned the words 👏🏻

    Now to the good parts 😁😉

    Arnav the guy who’s one step of his Happiness😏 Mohan then dinner does anything go past his Khushi radar 😍🙃 imagine his response when he comes to know who brought Sameer back into Khushi’s life😪😭

    Arnav Gupta meeting rather his swagath into her world ☺️Her parents are goals😎

    Akash the much needed support and her official bhai👏🏻

    The rest Anjali Nani Payal what can I say perfect recepie for a very happy dish 👌🏻

  • pinku0483

    Hey jigs what an update…. I love this arnav…: i wonder in reality this type of men exists ? How he take care of Khushi is mindblowing …

    And man like sameer need a serious treatment …which I know our Khushi will give it dearly….

  • readersworld253

    Does this arnav exist? Hmm… ordering food and getting the driver from even when extremely busy in another country… i love this thoughtful arnav…
    sameer just leave her aline and let her get on with life… whats your problem and what’s with you mr sam?
    Software info leaked so if it’s sameer khushi has found a way of getting rid of him I suspect… or if the product really is worthless then no reason to keep Sameer anyway… looks like win win to me for khushi and… AR might not benefit from it though… look foto to next update…

  • ayushivishui

    awesome update yar……..
    loved it so much……..
    its good that khushi had said everything to akash…….
    sameer is a jerk and I am waiting for arnav to come back to give him wat he deserves

  • radhikavelineni

    Nice update.I think sameer is going to do something with khushi.May be some misunderstanding is going to happen between Arnav and khushi.Waiting for the next update and thanks for this wonderful update.

  • Hashy

    Once again this story leaves me amazed. U r incredible writer. I so wish u could update the next part tomorrow. Would be so so great.

  • Hemalatha

    Read chapters 21 and 22. Great way to start off again after the holidays. It was an amazing break.

    Love this chapter. Sam is a total creep. It’s wonderful to see Akash looking out for Khushi. She needs a big brother taking care of her.

    Sam needs to be shown his place.

  • godis222good

    Jigs, your portrayal of human characteristics & emotions are quite apt. The pest Sameer is really an irritant & one can easily compare him to jerks like that in real life. I’m waiting with baited breath of what our Arnav will do to the jerk upon his arrival. Thanks ever so much 👌👌👌

  • varsha2KD

    Amazing update 😊
    Arnav is the bestest BF ever… he cares about khushi alot…
    I am glad atleast khushi told Akash about Sameer…
    Don’t wana think about what Arnav will do to Sameer once he finds out…

  • sharuag

    I want an Arnav, to make my wishes come true, even without me saying it

    Him arranging his deiver and then delivering the food. Plus texting and checking on you.

    I m glad, Khushi shows Sameer where ge stands in her life.

    Loving this story.

    Hope you would open the “Revealed” for your readers.

  • xyzsm

    that sameer is really a piece of shit!!!….but at least relieved that he didn’t harm khushi physically….I really hope arnav come soon and pretty much sure that once he is here, he will take care of that shit once for all……but glad that khushi at least shared with akash and she has his support…loved the update <3 <3 <3

  • ravalilovely1923

    I love this Arnav.. How this man can go for his loved ones.. Dinner, ride and Iam eagerly waiting for him to know about this jerk Sam or sameer.
    Khushi you can handle it well and akash is also with you. Even arnav has given you all rights to make anything.. So no worries..
    Khushi thinking of payal and akash and making plans shows her love for her family..
    Loved the update di
    Thank you..
    Take care

  • fermeen30

    Loved the update, brilliant. Arnav is so perfect, taking care of his Khushi despite the distance, I’m so in love with Arnav, alas he belongs to Khushi. Glad Khushi told Akash, strength in togetherness of family. Eager to see Sameer getting his comeuppance. Eager for the next part.

  • sanabhunia

    Hi Jigs,
    It is really a very nice update. This chapter is so well written that Arnav was not physically present but he was everywhere. I simply love this Arnav, so loving and caring, a dream lover and would be best husband. Khushi’s new relation with Akash is just beautiful, this quiet and sincere guy would be a perfect brother to Khushi who protects his sister from anything and everything. I want to see a very strong Khushi who would teach a lesson that jerk Sammeer.
    Go girl.

  • trvia1432

    Interesting update… Loved Akash and Khushi’s conversation… Waiting eagerly for Arnav’s reaction to Sameer… Sameer is a jerk who thinks that he is above everyone… I hope he gets a taste of his own medicine…
    Really waiting for Khushi to take some action….
    At the end, I loved the update…and I loved you…

  • mdtharun

    I agree with all the ladies here , this Arnav is ladies killer . Each one of us would love to have this Arnav as their partner wink

    Arnav has ordered Mohan to pick Khushi , has ordered her favorite food from across the continent . He is perfect .
    Khushi has decided to deal with this A******e Sam , alone , until Arnav comes back . She is right , she is an independent & strong woman , she hasn’t scaled heights in her profession just like that . She would have dealt with so many egoistical men out there .
    Akash has vowed to protect his sister from this scum till his Bhai comes back . The whole Raizada family is bunch of protective and lovely people . No wonder Khushi loves them all .

    Sam was , is , and always a prick . Even now he couldn’t digest the fact that Khushi is better than him . So he is behaving like an ass at every available opportunity . He just wants to put Khushi down in her work place , well that is not going to happen . He doesn’t know who is Khushi’s boyfriend . When he comes to know he will feel like a fool .

    Amazing chapter Jigs
    loved it

  • Anitha

    This story leaves such a wonderful feeling after you finish reading..lite and romantic!

    Non matter how much hardships khushi has been through, it has made her only stronger..I am so glad she stands against her every fear and fights with her strength and her strength in this case is her Arnav..her true love. It’s what is needed in any friendship or relationship. His little gestures melts not only her heart writerji..even ours. His thoughtful ways to think about her work ethics and her food,.i hope he does look after himself wonder..she feels so overwhelmed to ensure her parents take care of him well, which he truly deserves unlike Sameer.

    Their long distance discussion makes them longing for each other but it hardly seems like they are missing out too much..ofcourse their is little details.

    There is so much I analyze and sink reading all these beautiful just calms the storm in my daily mundane life.

    As it and thirsty for more 😉

  • jyothim78

    I love the behnaa bhaiya conversation, how Khushi is totally and heartfully part of Raizada family, something that Anjali should take hint as in to the stage of Arnav-Khushi relationship.

  • ccf94

    Wonderful update as always. Sam is such a asshole. Why cant he accept that kushi is talented and at a place she deserves. He is not truthful to her nor his company. Hope arnav deals with him in his ASR way. Waiting for arshi meeting. Loved the new bhai behaan combo. Awesome update

  • ritzsubu1204

    Right now for me, Perfect means Arnav.
    Oh man he is the best boyfriend, life partner one would wish for!!!
    Still there’s so much time for the reunion of my two love bird..
    You have chosen the apt song as per the situation
    Will be waiting for the next one.

  • nccrwrt

    Khushi’s response was perfect. I can only imagine Arnav’s response when he comes to know what she had to deal with in his absence. Calling the driver and ordering food for her, can he be any more perfect. waiting for their reunion.

  • mystiquegirl2012

    I just finished reading all the chapters again. This is an awesome story, kinda the chocolatey romance type 🙂 but the existence of Sheetal and Sameer add spice !
    Loved going through all chapters again and waiting for Khushi and Arnav to tackle Sam !

  • oopppsss

    Arnav is a sweetheart❤️Khushi has had the opportunity to be with the best and the worst man possible…I must say she is lucky.Contrast brings out the best in us.
    Akash is a solid man like his Bhai.These Raizada boys are too good to be true.
    At this point I am looking forward to three things Khushi getting rid of this pesky Sam,the details of Arnav’s meeting the Parents and ArnavKhushi’s reunion❤️❤️
    Awesome chapter as usual❤️❤️❤️

  • johngaltif

    Sameer is still dumb and juvenile….
    Can’t wait for Khushi to butcher him…..evil favourite part of the story….Karma…..with Arnav by her side…

  • muskaansobti4

    I hate dis sameer alot he is a total jerk,asshole. Dat was really emotional where khushi cries fr arnav
    N d way arnav orderd her dinner n everything was also beautifully described so finally arnav gonna met her parents, i really loved d way khushi supported arnav n d love she has fr him looking forward to read wat was dat experience
    A cliffhanger in d end somewhere my conscience is sayng dat dis is sameer who leaked d information abt products bt juz to see khushi down can he srsly stoop dat much low can be….i am really happy dat khushi shared her pblms wid aakash
    Eagerly waiting fr arnav’s return nw
    Plzzzz make him come fast
    In d end it was a powerful pack update

  • rajichellakani

    Wonderful update…
    The way arnav had taken initiatives to call for the driver and dinner is a dream for every girl…
    The nok-jokh between khushi and her parents were beautiful…
    Finally khushi found her bhaiya in akash and the way he is protecting khushi is just wow…But this makes life plainful right and thats were the problem of sam jas erupted….such a nice twist and looking forwardfor more amd how khushi handles it….

  • cutiepieash

    A round of applause for you🤗🤗
    Finally Khushi has confided into Akash about Sameer and now Akash is with her in every step.
    This Sameer is taking a toll not only in Khushi’s life but mine also.
    Now Sameer has dine something that will not keep Khushi,Akas quiet for long.

    On the other side I am curious to know about Arnav’s meeting with Khushi’s parents and with details.
    The most important part is what will happen when Arnav will learn about Sameer.
    Well this is not going to be goo😓

  • anu1017

    Awesome update J!! Arrgh Sameer is such a nuisance and he needs a good dose of ASR. Aww Arnav’s family is so cute and their bond with Khushi is really good to read!!!!

  • gprs

    Yey..this is awesome..from the banner to the people in the update are amazing(except that jerk) dare he was to question Khushi about the call..

    Arnav♥♥♥ what can I say about him ..he is simply the man of everyone’s dream..he’s supporting, caring, protective and what not..
    Khushi’s cry melt my heart..she’s in so much stress..but she’s behaving professional and thinking about company’s problem rather than her own..
    Khushi’s talk with her parents is lovely..that clearly shows their trust on her and her love for Arnav..
    I’m glad that she shared her problems with definitely helps her to relax a bit…
    The weekend is a much needed break from stressful week for her and Akash..the shopping and besties’ s small talk are so relaxing..

    bhaiyya-behana find something about that man..waiting to see their action against them..

    I’m so happy to be back in this place sis…waiting to read Arnav’s side of story♡♡

  • Anamika

    Wonderful part
    Loved the way Khushi talked to her parents about Arnav
    Arghhhh..this Sameer is so irritating
    Glad that Khushi at least shared her past with Akash
    Can’t wait to see how Khushi and Akash are going to do about this leak and Sameer
    Thank you 🙂

  • random

    Awesome update! Sameer is a jerk. What does he think of himself. Glad of Khushi’s reaction. Lovee Arnav! How can one be so perfect. Looking forward to the next update

  • msingh27

    hey sweetheart…hope you are doing well. just got caught up with chap 21 & 22. what an amazing update. damn arnav is how he takes care of khushi without being there..loved akash & khusih’s easy camaraderie AND I want to kick Sameers ass..please pardon my french but this guy has some serious issues. can’t wait for arnav to come back & take charge of his woman.
    just superb writing. loved everything about these updates..thank yo so much

  • amadea15

    good chapter
    waiting to know more about Arnav’s dinner with her parents.
    Eager to see what will khushi do with samer
    i loved arnav and khushi relationship

  • neha2013g

    awesome update..
    its good that khushi told akash about sameer..
    looking fwd to the details of arnav’s meeting with khushi’s parents..
    and sameer is so disgusting.. he definitely needs to be taught a lesson..

  • dikilove6

    This is so so so so nice!! I am loving the relationship development between Aakash and Khushi. Can’t wait for the next chapter!! xx

  • inasaahil

    Jigs.. what an update!!!

    I keep on falling for Arnav when I see him doing little little things for Khushi. His gestures just melt my heart like anything and I just go gaga!! I think I am slowly turning into his ‘Jabra Fan’.
    I also loved how Khushi is confidently standing up against that ass***e. I mean he is such an arrogant ass!! What does he think of himself and despite knowing Khushi’s position, he still is showing her attitude!! Like really!! He needs to check his attitude for sure.. otherwise if ASR comes to know of this, then he sure is a goner!
    Glad that Khushi shared this with Aakash though. This thing was actually troubling her a lot and she couldn’t have shared it with Arnav over the phone for obvious reasons, so it was goos to see her opening upto Aakash. And this just shiwa how deeply she has made a place in everyone’s heart in Arnav’s family. I am a little less worried about Sameer now as I know that ‘Bhaiyya’ would be there for her ‘Behena’!! 😊
    The most touching moment for me was when Khushi was missing Arnav real bad and tears just fell out if her eyes.. I have never fallen in love but this acute pain of missing someone, was something that I could connect to instantly.. Don’t know how!! I think that’s the magic of your narration Jigs..

    Loved this update and can’t wait to read the next one.

    Lots Of Love.. 😊😊

  • samnyajain

    Hey I am just loving the story. You have give great details to the updates as before. It is one of the story you can read n no. Of times.
    Great Going

  • damjar

    Sameer has still not learnt to respect others nor has he learnt his lesson from the past. How low does he want to dig himself into a hole.

    Thankfully Khushi has opened up to Akash. He is a Good friend and brother to have noticed that something was amiss. Lucky for her he will be there to protect her till she can let Arnav know who has been behind her sleepless nights. Will she let Anjali know that Sameer is around. Probably not yet. Khushi wants to handle things for now. But looks like Sam is upto something. Will he ever learn.

    Looking forward to Arnav’s visit with Khushi’s parents and their Bonding. Her Mom is already waiting to meet Arnav and from the looks of it very soon Arnav will be in Shashi’s good books.

  • khushisony

    Heyyy di!!! Beautiful update!! Kushi. ✌✌😍 glad that she gave it back right to sameer!!! Hope he doesn’t have anything else in his brain now!! And arnav is just awesom😘😘😘 so caring and loving!! Love kushi s parents conversation also!!,finally kushi confronted with akash atleast!!! Anjali and kushi s bonding is good😊😊 wondering how wil arnav react when he gets to know this!!! Now what is this Sam upto??

  • asha519

    Sameer is such a creep and an idiot if the things that Kushi would want to be anywhere near him after the stunt he pulled on her.

    Kushi is one lucky person to have Arnav in her life. Such a sweetheart

  • Deesha1989

    Same is a vindictive little punk. Doesn’t he realize that by leaking the information that he’s bringing down himself as well? Looking forward to ASR’s return and hope that he hears about Sameer from Khushi and not someone else.

    Happy that Akash is with Khushi and that he was able to see that something was wrong with the situation. He didn’t judge her and I think that is one thing that she has been fearing with Arnav’s family.

    Sameer didn’t like being put in his place by Khushi or his boss.

    Love the update. You keep drawing me in for more. Looking forward to the next one.

  • dart4

    Loved the last chapter for both Stripped and Temptation. No updates yet 🙁 …pleasssse do soon…can’t wait to read further!

  • pujajk

    Lovely chapter, Jigs! I love how strong Khushi is here and how she confronted Sameer. Also love how even though Arnav’s so far away, he manages to take care of Khushi in whichever way that he can – so meltworthy! <3

  • soharachowdhury

    Sameer is such a jerk! I wished to kill him. How dare he stalked Khushi, tried to trouble her when she was alone. Thanks Arnav that he was over concerned for his girl and sent Mohan at the right time. I was a bit scared. Arnav even arranged late night dinner for her as he anticipated that Khushi would be hungry! How thoughtful he is! Khushi is sure the luckiest girl on earth to get such a caring and loving boyfriend, who will be her husband soon.

    I’m glad that Khushi revealed everything about Sameer to Akash. He not only can protect her in the absence of Arnav, but Khushi also could release the burden of tension what sameer was giving her.

    Khushi’s conversation with her parents was so endearing. They are very understanding and I hope they accepted Arnav as the best life partner for their daughter. I also love the bonding between Khushi and Arnav’s family. They are also very wonderful and understanding people.

    Expecting Arnav back in New York in the next chapter. he needs to teach Sameer a lesson urgently.

  • ilfordian

    Sameer is upto dirty tricks to make Khushi look incompetent but he is forgeting he is dealing with a strong Khushi.

  • kayarose

    Oh my it’s awesome, sameer is totally pathetic. Anjali wanted the insight of arshi’s love life but khushi smartly dealt with it.

  • vijusb

    Interesting and curious update. Loved the way Khushi is handling . she is lady ASR. atleast she confined with Akash. Love this Arnav to core. The way he takes care of her being far away with stress is amazing .
    Loved Khushi calling Akash Bhaiyya. It’s gud that she planned something for Akash and Payal .
    Loved friends talk and shopping .
    Sameer is real Jerk. definitely he is behind the pbm. Khushi is rt


    • twinklemj

      Sameer is an idiot and still he don’t know wt is going to hit him.. About kushi handling him was superb and with the help of Akash was good ..Akash was so supportive…About Forgot what is happens in Delhi was cule less..and Still Arnav don’t found the difference in her voice …let’s see who the culprit in leaking the data? We all knew ..but the proof is kushi will do that with er Bai..❤❤❤❤

  • pakpearlfauzia

    Khushi has handled the situation fantastically ..
    She confides iAakash.. another good step..
    Sameer must learn it hard way that Khushi se panga nhi lena..

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