Chapter 18

Note: Text conversation in italics 🙂

Finally, I have a few minutes to myself before I need to go back downstairs for dinner. It’s time to see what my sulking boyfriend is up to.

Yes, sulking! That too, no less than a child. It’s hard to believe the moping type behavior that has taken over this shrewd business tycoon the past week with regards to me being away. Mind you, it’s only for two nights.

To make matters worse, we haven’t had a chance to connect properly, since I left work last evening. Either he has been busy with work or I have with preparations. Along with being out shopping with Payal earlier today.

But, it’s time to change that, and see what he’s been up to.

“Are you home?  Call me if you are not busy.”

He replies immediately, bringing a bright smile to my face. Though reading his text, I shake my head.

“Well, look at who it is… is this the Khushi Kumari Gupta?”

“Nope. It’s your sweetheart. 🙂 I was hoping we can talk if you’re not too busy for your girlfriend.”

“Nah. You go enjoy yourself, while I work away on a Friday evening. I am busy right now… I have been calling and texting you since last night, but it looks like you have no time for me. :(“

This guy can be so stubborn at times. But he should know me better by now, I always get my way. And there is one sure thing that will have him calling in no time.

Switching to the camera app on my phone, I point it towards me, and take a selfie. Not just any selfie, but one with my signature pout that he can’t resist. After a quick glance at the picture, I am satisfied, and hit send.

And, now I wait. Let’s see how long it takes him to call me.

Wah, Khushi, what a brilliant idea, I tell myself.  It hasn’t even been a few minutes, and he’s calling. Before I can even say anything, his husky voice comes through.

“You think you’re so smart, Ms. Gupta.”

“What can I say? I’ve learned from the best, Mr. Raizada. Still upset with me?  I am missing you very much if that is any consolation. We both are suffering.”

“I am not upset, just miss you. Sorry, I saw you called earlier, but I was in a meeting.  This office isn’t the same without you, heck I’m not the same without you.  Lavanya refuses to deal with me today, and left work early. I think I may have been a bit too rude. Nothing is going right. My lunch meeting with the new software company didn’t go well. It’s just not a good day, and to top it off you’re not here.”

“Baby, I realize you are having a bad day. But why do you take your frustrations out on Lavanya? Especially today, when it’s a big day for her.  You need to learn to be nice to her.  After all she is about to become a part of your family.”

“Family?! What are you talking about Khushi?”

“It looks like NK and Lavanya are getting married. Her parents are here right with their rishta. They have been waiting for NK’s parents to come from Australia. So, they came as soon as they got here. I am so happy for them. And of all the days, you had to be rude to her today.”

I wait for a response from him, but he doesn’t say anything for a few moments.

“Arnav, are you there?”

“Yeah, I got preoccupied with something. So, they’re getting married, I suppose that’s good news. Listen Khushi, I am finishing up some work. Can we talk later?”

“Sure, figured I will call you before dinner. Afterwards, I will be busy with Payal with tomorrow’s preparations. But I will text you before I go to bed… I love you.”

“Me too… talk to you later.”  He murmurs, before disconnecting the call.

I lay down on the bed looking at his picture on my phone, feeling disappointed that yet again, we didn’t get a chance to speak. After having all his attention last weekend, I have missed it this week. And, so has he.

Work has been extremely hectic for him this week, which hasn’t allowed us to spend much time together with the exception of a couple of nights in the beginning of the week. Nights which were filled with passion, as we explored our intimacy. Not being with him the last couple of nights has left me desiring him in ways that I had never thought possible. Even now I yearn to have him by my side to hold me, touch me.

And I can’t help, but worry that there was something about his tone towards the end of the call which didn’t seem right. He wasn’t his normal self. Perhaps he’s just tired with his day not going well. Plus there was the important meeting with a software company he is looking to acquire.

Arnav has always made time for me no matter how busy he is. What could be bothering him today that he ended the call so abruptly?

Maybe I am just overthinking it.  

I should really get back downstairs to help Payal in the kitchen to set-up for dinner.

As I make my way back downstairs, I notice the living room is buzzing. Not spotting Payal and Anjali, I head straight into the kitchen to make myself useful.    

“There she is! Khushi where were you?” Anjali asks anxiously the second I enter the kitchen.

“What happened? Are you okay?” I walk up to Anjali giving her a glance over, and place my hand on her shoulder.

“Yes, I am perfectly fine. How can I not be when no one allows me to lift a finger? You won’t believe the latest news. They have finalized NK and Lavanya’s Roka for Sunday afternoon. There is so much more to do now, and we are going to need your help. There isn’t much time and I am not able to do much in this condition, I hope you don’t mind.”

“Why would I mind? You just tell me what you need, and I will help where I can.”

“I am so glad you’re here, and now if only my brother would get here. I can’t believe he is coming tomorrow right before the Godbharai starts.”

“Arnav has a breakfast meeting with some potential clients that are here from out of town. Otherwise, he would have been here.” As soon as I finish my explanation it dawns on me what I have just done, noticing the smirk on Anjali’s face. Looking away, I walk towards Payal to help her arrange the food on the serving trays.

And then, they both start laughing.

“Payal, it looks like someone is defending my brother. Finally he has someone on his side.”

“Waise Di, did you also notice it’s no longer Mr. Raizada?”

“It’s about time.  Kyun, Khushi?”

“Um… what? I don’t know what you are talking about. All I said was he has a meeting, and since I work with him…”

Anjali and Payal both surround me, as I try to walk away.

“It’s the way you said it. No matter how much you try to hide it, it’s apparent there is something is going on with you two. And we couldn’t be happier.”  Anjali beams, wrapping her arm around my shoulder

“Khushi, would you like to share some good news with us?” Payal inquires, taking my hand in hers.

I sigh, looking at both of them, then try to move away.  

What do I say to them?

It would be best to change the topic.

“You two are too much. Don’t we need to serve dinner or is everyone fasting today?.”  I quickly walk over to the oven, and check on the biryani that I have prepared. It allows me to blush, and not hide my smile, hearing them giggling behind me.

After dinner, as Payal and I are cleaning up in the kitchen, I feel a bit anxious, and my heart picks up its pace. Though, I have no idea why. Could it be related to Arnav?

“Khushi, I am going to fix up outside with Hari Prakash, then start with the decorations. Are you okay in here by yourself or should I send someone?”

“No, I am fine, there isn’t much left. Once I finish, I will be there to help you.”

Once Payal leaves, I glance at my phone to see if there are any messages from Arnav. But nothing. I decided to take it upon myself, and text him to check in.

“Hi… I know you are busy, but can you please let me if you are okay?  Did you have your dinner?”

And now, the hard part… waiting for his reply, as my heart pounds against my chest. Luckily I don’t have to wait too long as he replies within a few minutes.

“I am much better than okay right now. As for dinner, I was hoping to have some of the biryani you made. It’s my favorite!”

“That’s why I made it. I wish you were here to have some. :(”

Then it hits me… how does he know that I made Biryani?

As I begin to type, I feel two arms wrap around my waist. Even without turning around, I know who it is, and smile. He’s here, my Arnav. That’s when I realize why my heart has beating so fast, aware of his presence.

He places a soft kiss on my neck, and I lean up against him, feeling bliss in his arms. How I had missed his touch.

“Hi.”  He whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down to my spine.

And, I turn around, burying myself in his arms.  

“I can’t believe you’re here…”

“I missed you, Sweetheart.”

Just as I look up at him, we hear someone let out a cough.

“It looks like my brother found what he was looking for. Kyun,Chote? ”

As I get out of his hold in utter embarrassment, being caught in this position, he slips his arm around my waist. I look up at him, pleading to let go. But the devil has other plans, tightening his hold. As I sneak a glance at Anjali, it seems she is soaking us in as a couple, almost in an awe.  

“Yes Di, I finally found what I have been looking for, and don’t plan on letting my Khushi go.”

His declaration has me overwhelmed with emotions, as I close my eyes, fighting back the tears that threaten to escape.

“You better not, otherwise you will have me to deal with. She deserves all the happiness, and more that I have been seeing on her face recently. You both look perfect together. Nazar na lagey tum dono ko.”

She slowly walks over to us with her hand over her baby bump, then embraces both of us.

“This is the best gift, I could ever receive. I have always wished for this moment, but it has been worth the wait to see it today. You both don’t know how happy I am.”

We pull away, and I wipe away her tears as she wipes mine.

“You both can stop the water works before this kitchen gets flooded. Now where’s the biryani that I have been smelling, since I walked in the door. Anyone planning on feeding me?”



We both admonish him at the same time, lightly smacking his arm. The amusement not overlooked on his face, as we laugh. There is a sense of relief not having to hide this from Anjali anymore.

Arnav helps Anjali sit down at the kitchen table, while I warm up his food.

“Aww how sweet… she’s making a plate for you. It must be nice not to fend for yourself. So, tell me how long has this been going on? I can’t believe you didn’t tell me earlier when I questioned you, Khushi. Humph, some friend you are.”

He looks over at me raising his eyebrow as I walk over to the table with his plate, and sit down next to her.

“Sorry Anjali, I just wanted to speak to him, before I said anything. Just so you know your brother has been chasing me, since I got here. Though I made him wait before actually saying yes. I wanted to make sure it was going to work out.  Especially after…”

Anjali takes my hand, and squeezes it, then nods.

“I completely understand. Anyway, I knew for a while, but figured you both needed time. I can’t wait to tell Nani, she is going to be so happy. Do you know, she keeps telling me to talk to you both? She even asked me for your parents’ number to talk to them about you. Maybe we should do your Roka on Sunday as well.”  She says giving us a mischievous wink. And it seems he’s ganged up with his sister, raising his eyebrow.

“By the way, your friend here had me waiting for forever. Did Nani really talk to you about us?”

Anjali animatedly tells Arnav about her conversations with Nani. Along with her own wishes to see us together ever since she had met me at Wharton. There’s a sense of contentment with the happiness that surrounds the three of us.

But I can’t suppress this unknown fear inside of me, about our relationship being public. Which makes me interrupt the conversation.

“Anjali, can you please not say anything to anyone just yet?”  

“But why, Khushi?”  His questioning gaze seeks for an answer, which I don’t have at the moment.

I gesture at him to understand, but he simply looks away, continuing to eat.

Thankfully I hear the voice of reason.

“Yes that’s perfectly fine. We can do this when you both are ready. In the meantime, I will have a lot of fun blackmailing you both keeping your secret. Let me go see what’s going on outside. We need to make a list for the Roka.  You both take your time in here, but don’t be too long. I will make sure no one comes in here.”

I help Anjali up from the chair, and watch as she leaves the kitchen.

“Can I get you anything else to eat?”  

He looks up at me, and for the first time in our relationship, there’s affliction in his eyes. Which he blinks away, before finishing his food in silence.

“Baby, please talk to me.” I plead holding his hand, as he puts down his fork.

He takes a deep breath, and stands up.

“This isn’t an appropriate place to have this discussion. We both know how I feel about this situation, and frankly, I am tired of sneaking around. I want to share this with our families, they have the right to know. But I know this isn’t something you are ready for, so not much left for me to say. I only came here tonight because I needed to see you. Now that I have, I am going to go get some work done.”

I watch as he wraps his arms around me, and leans down placing a soft kiss on my lips, then proceeds to walk out of the kitchen. As much as I want to stop him and talk about this, now is not the right time.

Why did I stop Anjali from saying anything to Nani without speaking to Arnav first?  

Knowing how much Arnav wants us to let our families know about our relationship, what is stopping me?  

We owe this to our relationship to not have to sneak around. If I am being honest with myself, it’s fear of losing him once everyone knows.  

Why the insecurities, when I know he loves me?

These are the thoughts that run in my mind as Payal and I spend the next couple of hours getting things prepared for the morning. During that time I have seen him sitting with the family but he rarely makes eye contact with me.  

I can see how tired he looks when he says goodnight to everyone with a quick glance at me, and then goes up to his room. All I want to do is follow him upstairs and take him in my arms. But that is not possible.

By the time Payal and I are done, an hour later, everyone has gone to bed.  She goes to her room which is located downstairs, while I head up to my room upstairs. The same room that I have been using since my first visit here, right next to Arnav’s room.

As I approach our rooms, I smile noticing his lights are on, and the door has been left slightly ajar. I glance back even though everyone is asleep in their rooms on the other side of the house or downstairs, before I stop at his doorway.

He has assumed his usual position on the bed, sitting with his laptop, and working.  And as he sees me, the laptop is closed immediately. My feet move on their own accord inside the room closing the door behind me.  

His lips curve up in a half smile, as he approaches me.

“That’s my girl, smart move locking the door. Remind me to thank Di for giving us this private section.” His voice low, and husky, as his fingers trace the side of my face.

“I thought you would be asleep already. You look so tired, Arnav.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I move in closer, feeling his arms around my waist.

“It’s been a very long day, and without you, I haven’t slept properly the last couple of nights. So, I waited up to see you, and of course, some meetha before going to bed.”

He leans down bringing his lips to mine. In anticipation, I part my lips waiting for them to touch mine. And, when they do, I lose myself as the heat takes over my body. His body molding against mine, as his hands make their way inside my salwaar kameez caressing my waist, then cupping my breast.  

The kiss intensifies, as his tongue finds mine losing ourselves in the depths of passion, wanting and seeking more. I moan sliding my hands inside his shirt, feverishly caressing his back as he leans closer to me. Feeling his arousal against my thigh, I pull away slowly before we lose control.

Our foreheads leaning against each other to steady our breathing, and his darkened gaze stares into mine.

“It’s a good thing you pulled away. Guess it wouldn’t be right for us to get carried away here, especially with Nani’s room right below mine. You do get pretty loud, so we can’t have the whole house wake up… can we?”

The nerve of this guy with his wicked smirk, causes me to gasp, and I hit him against his chest.

“What?! I can’t believe you just said that. For your kind information, I am not loud.”

“Okay, you are not that loud, but if you keep hitting me like that, I might have to scream for help. Come, let’s go to bed. You look exhausted.”

I shake my head hitting him one more time, but then realize no matter how much he tries to act normal there is something bothering him. I saw it in his eyes in the kitchen, and again, when he made his way upstairs.

“Aren’t you going to tell me what’s bothering you, Arnav? It might be better if we talk before going to sleep.”  I grasp his hand, stopping him when he attempts make his way towards the bed.  

“Khushi, let’s not do this now. I really don’t want to talk about it, and like I said earlier there isn’t anything to say.”  

He let’s go of my hand, then walks over to the bed. I watch as he fights with himself, pretending there is nothing wrong. He picks up his laptop from the bed, and struggles to place it in his bag which is on the chair in the corner of the room. Without looking at me, he takes off his shirt throwing it on the chair, then climbs into bed.

I stand there for a few minutes in silence, watching as he tries to get comfortable in the bed. But he fails miserably with the comforter, continuing to toss and turn with his back facing me.  

“I guess you won’t mind, if I do the talking since we both know you are not falling asleep anytime soon.”

He turns to face me with his serious gaze on me, and I smile knowing he has lost his patience as he gets out of bed running his hands through his hair.

“What do you want to know?  You are not going to like what I have to say, since we do not agree on this topic. You need time, so I am giving you that. Please just drop it.

“I don’t want to drop it. Clearly it’s something that bothers you, and quite frankly my behavior with this topic in front of Anjali disturbs me. And it’s not like us to avoid something that impacts us and our relationship.  It’s about time we discuss it and come to an agreement on how to move forward.”

Neither of us look away for a long moment, aware this conversation is much needed.

But I am startled when he lets out a throaty chuckle, before speaking up.

“I never thought there would be a day where I would be jealous of NK… but today when you told me he is getting married, I was envious of him. I was so frustrated that here I can’t even tell anyone about us, and they are already planning their wedding.  That too, within the month according to Nani. And, I have to sneak around like we are committing a crime.  Do you know how ridiculous that is?”


I walk over to him, and put my hand on his shoulder, but he sits down on the bed looking up at me with torment shimmering in his gaze.

“No, Khushi, I get that you need time and I respect you enough to give you that.  But, when I say forever I mean that in every sense of the word.  I want a future where we are married, damn even have kids one day. I don’t want us to have to hop from your place to mine depending on what day it is, I want us under one roof. Do you doubt my love for you that it’s stopping you from telling our families?  Please make me understand…”

He takes my hands and urges me to sit next to him. There is a heavy ache in my heart seeing him this way, and it’s because of me.

How can I do this to him?  

The past few months, he has given me my space, never asking for anything in return.  Telling me he loves me without expecting me to say it back.  Waiting patiently for me to reveal my past, which he has accepted.  Always allowing me to set the pace of this relationship, without any pressure.

Then why can’t I give him this, when I want it as well?

I take a deep breath, squeezing his hands and look into his questioning gaze that is waiting for an answer.

“That’s because I am afraid of losing you, Arnav. What if you decide to leave me or realize I am not what you want anymore?  Do you know how hard it is when society blames a woman and your loved ones for a broken relationship? I am not sure I can go through that…”

I swallow back the tears, as I let out my fears.  He surprises me holding my shoulders, raising my chin up to face him.

“You listen to me Khushi Kumari Gupta…  forget that asshole, because I am not him. You are a strong, independent woman who should take what is hers without any hesitations. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and your parents, since you have done nothing wrong.  As for you, don’t you ever doubt my love and commitment to our relationship. I love you and want you to be mine. Those aren’t just words that come out of my mouth, but it’s etched and embedded inside my soul. Am I clear?”

How can I hold back when this man is clearly not Sameer?

He is right, I need to put this behind me and fully embrace us. It’s time to give him and our relationship the importance that it deserves.

“I am sorry, Arnav. I don’t why I let my fears get a hold of my better judgement.  I know you love me, and there is no doubt in mind about it. I love you and want that forever too. Perhaps it’s time to look forward to see what our future holds for us with the blessings from our family.  Why don’t we tell Nani and my family next week?”

He smiles at me pulling me into his arms.

“Thank you, Khushi. But if you still need time-“

I shake my head, smiling.

“I love you. I want a future that includes you in my life. Us.”

He pulls me closer, and my heart soars in happiness as I hear him whisper.

“I promise to always be by your side, hamesha sweetheart.”

I look up at his tender gaze which holds nothing but love for me. I pull his face towards mine, taking his lips into a gentle kiss. A kiss acknowledging my love for him, and claiming what is mine.  Tracing my lips over his, he parts his mouth turning it into a passionate kiss as he pushes me down to lie down on the bed.

A few moments later, I sit up and fix my salwaar as I get off the bed.

“I think we need to get some sleep now, good night. I will see you in the morning.” I say leaning down to give him a quick kiss.

“What do you mean see you in the morning? Aren’t you sleeping here?”

He looks at me incredulously getting up from the bed. I shake my head grinning, expecting this reaction from him.

“No I am going to my room. What if Payal comes looking for me early in the morning? Please wipe that frown off your face, and let’s go to sleep now.  Unlike you, I have to be up early to help Nani and Payal. And I am really tired.”  

I whine through my last statement hugging him, and walk out of his room before he has a chance to say anything.

A few moments, just as my eyes are drifting off to sleep, I hear a low tapping against the wall behind me. I sigh, knowing what he is up to, since his bed is on the opposite side of the wall.

This man is worse than a child at times!  What is wrong with him?

Hearing him tapping again, I quickly pick up my phone and decide to text him.

“What the hell are you doing?  I am trying to sleep, please stop!”

“Khushi, it’s been two days, and you won’t let me come near you.  I can’t sleep with you being so close. And, if I can’t sleep you can’t either!”

“Keep it up Mr. Raizada.  Two days will become one week really fast if you don’t stop.”

“You wouldn’t dare…”

“Oh you know I will, so don’t even try it!”

“That’s it… let’s see how you stop me…”

What does he mean by that?

Just as I about to reply back, he comes inside my room, closing and locking the door behind him.

“What is wrong with you, Arnav?” I gasp, as he climbs into bed wrapping his arms around me.

“If you don’t let me sleep with you, I will wake everyone up by yelling, and I know you don’t want that. So be a good girl, and let’s sleep for a few hours.  I promise to leave before you wake-up. Good night, Sweetheart.”  

He places a kiss on my forehead, and then closes his eyes pulling me close to him. I resign myself, closing my eyes, and wrap my arms around him.

“Good night, baby.”


The next morning I groan out loud hearing the alarm go off on my phone, reaching over to the side to turn it off.  My hands automatically reach out for Arnav, but I get further irritated not finding him next to me. But, just like he promised, he must have left earlier. I drag myself out of the bed knowing there is so much to do.

After a quick breakfast, the next few hours go by like a blur as we get the house ready for the Godh Bharai. The house is decorated in pastel colors using mainly pink and blue. We came up with a great idea for the center pieces using different types of teddy bears holding onto balloons that we spread out around the main floor. Even the flowers use the same color theme which adds a nice touch to complete the look.

We enjoy ourselves ordering the men to assist to complete the work faster. I find myself laughing at Arnav as he keeps mumbling ‘unbelievable’ every time I ask him to do something.  Even Akash and NK, tag team with him grumbling.  Even with all the chaos we all work together and get the place ready in time.

Once we are done, Payal and I make our way to Anjali’s room to see if she needs any help. The sight in front of us makes us emotional seeing her look so elegant in a heavy red silk saree with matching jewelry.  There is a glow on her face that makes her look radiant, her happiness evident.

We both walk up to her and embrace her, then at the same time apply some kajal from our eyes behind her ears.

“Over here I am supposed to be all sentimental, and look at you both. Why aren’t you both ready yet? The guests will be here soon.”

“Di, don’t worry about us. We just wanted to make sure you were ready.”

“Yes I am, but all this feels so heavy.  Once Shyam is ready he will take me outside. I am so glad Nani is allowing the guys to be there.”

“Anjali, even if Nani didn’t let them come, I don’t think that would have stopped Shyam. Right Payal?”

We start laughing as she blushes, but she kicks us out to get ready once he enters the room mesmerized by her.

“Have fun love birds!”  I say as we make our way out of the room.

I quickly run upstairs to change knowing I don’t have much time.  

As I am about to approach my room, I bump into Arnav who looks absolutely dashing.  He is dressed in a black bandhgala suit with a velvet collar contrasted red piping edge and red handkerchief stuffed in his jacket pocket.

“Khushi, what are you still doing?  Why aren’t you…”

I glance around, and shut him up by placing a brief kiss on his lips, then head towards my room.

“Arnav…”  I call out for him when I reach my door.  “You look extremely hot today.”  I say winking at him.

“I know… now hurry up so I can see how hot you look.”  I hear him before I close my door.

In record time, I am ready in twenty minutes with my hair left loose pulled to the side with loose curls. My makeup is light and natural, though I decide on a darker shade of red for my lips. Which coordinates well with my favorite creamy net beige lehenga with a thick red border at the bottom.  The choli is black velvet with contrasting beige netted sleeves and a matching beige dupatta. I fell in love with this color combination when I had seen it in Delhi.

For jewelry, I put on my long standing chandelier earrings and matching bangles. Once I am ready I glance at myself in the mirror, not bad in twenty minutes.

When I get downstairs, my eyes search for only one person. But he is nowhere to be seen. But, I get distracted when Nani calls me.

“Khushi Bitiya, come here I want to introduce you to someone who is from Lucknow.”  

“Coming Nani.”  

I walk over to her and spend a few minutes talking to them before Payal frantically comes over needing help.

“Do you know where the tray of loose flowers are? I can’t seem to find it.”

“Payal, relax. We still have some time before the ceremony starts. All the guests are still not here yet. I know where the flowers are, you take care of Anjali and I will bring it out.”

“Seriously Khushi, what would we do without you? You need to teach me how you stay so calm with all this work we have been doing the last couple of days.”

I can’t help but pull her into an embrace to calm her nerves a bit. She relaxes immediately and smiles at me.  

“We will manage it together, theek hai?”

I take a deep breath, and go in search of the flowers.  If my memory serves me correctly, we put them in the study last night.

When I walk into the study, I smile seeing the tray on the coffee table.

“I knew it was in here!” I pick up the tray, fixing the flowers.

I gasp feeling two strong hands pulling me against a hard chest, and the tray goes flying out of my hand with the flowers showering upon us. I look up to see Arnav mischievously smiling down at me.

“Hai Devi Maiya! Look at what you made me do. What are you doing?”

I grab onto his jacket, and try to get out of his hold but stop hearing his low husky voice.  

“Oh I am admiring how beautiful and ravishing you look. Absolutely stunning, Khushi.”

I close my eyes feeling warmth spread through my body, as his hands go inside my dupatta caressing my waist.

“Arnav, someone is going to come…”  I whisper trying to control my rapidly beating heart.

“No one will come in here, they are all busy outside. I also locked the door.”  He whispers, laying soft kisses on my neck.

“I… we… need to go outside.”

“Not just yet, sweetheart. After seeing you in this, you do realize what has to happen tonight, right?  There is no way I am going to be able to keep my hands off of you.”

He pulls me closer wrapping his hands around my waist.

“Um… well… you have no choice. That is not happening till we get back home in the city. We can’t do anything here, it won’t be right.”

“We’ll see about that tonight, I know you want it as much as I do. But I just remembered, we probably can’t because you, my sweetheart, can be loud.”

He smirks at me, and I see the challenge in his gaze as he tilts his head.  

He should know me better by now, I do not back down!

I wrap my arms around his neck, and whisper into his ear.

“Baby, I think you are mistaken… it’s you that is loud, but we can test that theory tonight in my room.”

“Why don’t we test that theory right now?”

He leans down close to my lips, but I stop him by putting my hand over his mouth then shake my head.

“Patience Arnav… wait till tonight and I promise it will be rewarding.”

I wink at him and turn to walk out of the room, but stop for a moment at the door hearing him.

“It always is with you.”



  • ~Ruchi~


    I love this miffed Arnav as he is pines away for his Khushi. It’s so adorable. Makes me want to kidnap Khushi and take her to him right now. But she knows which buttons to press! One pout and he melts. I really like how she goes up to him, always, whether he’s angry or sulking. She always looks beyond that and understands why he’s behaving that way. She’s so attuned to the nuances in his tone. The way they communicate is one of the best things about their character.

    It’s lovely the way Khushi is already so well ensconced in his family. The genuine care and affection between all of them comes off in waves in their conversations. I’m glad Anjali finally knows about them though.

    I loved the way you wrote the whole part from the moment Arnav surprises her in the kitchen to when she agrees to speak to Nani and the family the following week. The progression of their views, the manner in which it’s aired to each other, the way they respect what the other is feeling, the acceptance of it, the moving on, was wonderfully put forward. It’s a joy to read something so maturely and well thought out.

    Poor Arnav can’t sleep without his Khushi! If the mountain won’t come to Mohammad … loved the little touch of her then reaching out for him first thing and feeling grumpy when he wasn’t there.

    She’s wearing such a beautiful lehenga! Loved how she wants Arnav to see her in it. After all, jab tak na pade aashiq ki nazar shringaar adhoora rehta hain 😉

    And then this, coming from him, made me go totally thud, “It always is with you.

    I’m waiting for this ‘not loud‘ experiment  😈

    • nzmonica

      What a delightful chapter….I’m still in a romantic stupor.😍😍😍😍😍😍

      A business tycoon who is not adverse to displaying his need for attention and possessiveness verging on childishness – can there be anything more heartmelting?💘💞

      Her biryani ki khushboo lured him and ofcourse his craving for meetha.

      Khushi does not doubt his love and she understands his so well. She even fits in with his family so well, but who said that insecurities are rational.

      Loved how Khushi insisted on finding out what was bothering Arnav and them ( together) agreeing to tell the family.
      Loved the tapping on the wall – uff kya bekarari hai.
      Loved the…rehne deti hu list is too long.😘😘

      And ab our turn to be bekarar waiting for the ‘ who is loud’ challenge.

      दहलीज़ पे मेरे दिल की जो रखे हैं तूने क़दम
      तेरे नाम पे मेरी ज़िन्दगी लिख दी मेरे हमदम

      जो तू मिला तो सजी हैं दुनिया मेरी हमदम
      हो आसमां मिला जमीं को मेरी

  • Anitha

    Missed the story so much. The adorable Arnav and khushi are just so romantic and lovable. The chemistry you bring out of these two is just crazy and cute..😃😍

    Arnav is so patient and he seems to have that in abundance when it comes to khushi including understanding and assuring her. A true soulmate. Khushi sending him and his moods never leaves a stone to ensure he is ok!

    Just adorable!

    • aranya19

      Wow… I loved this update!!
      A complete one acc to me… It had jealousy, a bit of anger, desires, love, friendship, romance and of course the special Meetha Moments.. 😍😍

      Arnav seemed so cute when he was grumbling to be away from his sweetheart…but she knows him better by now…Her one special pic and he was back on track..👍👍

      He went all the way to his sister’s place leaving aside his work just to see and be with How romantic 😍😍
      But Khushi is intelligent enough to understand that he was not entirely happy..and its good she talked with him and cleared all her fears and insecurities…and ofcourse when our hero will use such impactful lines, how can his sweetheart not understand his emotions then?? Loved them both and all their moments together…😘😘

      Another thing that I like abt khushi is she is nt afraid of challenges… Rather they always bring her bold side infront of Arnav… Eagerly waiting to know who will emerge as this super romantic challenge winner 😉

  • pinkly007

    Anjali and Payal were so cute while trying to extract information from khushi about Arnav and her relationship :-).

    Arnav came one day early … he is a real sweetheart. I liked the way Arnav made khushi realize he is nothing like Sameer and he loves her and wants them to be together forever. I am so glad khushi is ready to tell the family.

    The challenge in the end made my heart racing… I am waiting to see who is more louder :-).

    Beautiful chapter Jigs. I liked it a lot. Thank you coming back to give us these wonderful arshi stories.

  • johngaltif

    They are so cute and adorable!! Finally Anjali knows…
    Cant wait for them to share with the entire family….

  • bellacoolioif

    She promises an exciting evening! The anticipation is making it hard to wait..
    Love the song – it’s perfect!

  • godis222good

    Aaww, once again a smashing & poignant rendition of the lovely tales of ArShi. I just can’t help but repost Arnav’s heartfelt plea as provided hereunder. I must admit I really really like ‘this Arnav’. Well done Jigs. Kudos to you for picking yourself up after a bereavement.

    “No, Khushi, I get that you need time and I respect you enough to give you that. But, when I say forever I mean that in every sense of the word. I want a future where we are married, damn even have kids one day. I don’t want us to have to hop from your place to mine depending on what day it is, I want us under one roof. Do you doubt my love for you that it’s stopping you from telling our families? Please make me understand…”

  • shumailak87gmailcom

    this just keeps getting better and better!!! I am awestruck with your writing an the plot line!!! Kudos to you!!!

  • arshi2503

    Loved sulking Arnav . Anjali is happy for her brother and friend. Knowing Arnav, Khushi’s apprehensions are baseless. All are not like that vile Sameer.Waiting for the next already.Thank you Jigs , hope you had a great vacation .

  • varsha2KD

    Amazing update 😊
    Arnav and Khushi are having cute romantic moments 😍 love their chemistry 😁
    Anjali Payal and Khushi relationship is lovely as well ☺
    Ummm… Arshi challenge is going to be interesting 😉
    Can’t wait for the next update 😄

  • sweetyperu

    Arnav is soo adorable when he is grumpy…!!
    Arnav is honest and and so sure about this relationship…
    he doesn want to hide and declare his love for khushi in front of all…!!
    That is what a real man does..!!❤

    Love the chemistry they share now…
    there are surely more sparks 😉😉😉
    beautiful update di…
    missed reading this😘😘😘😘

  • xyzsm

    missed this story….their hide-n-seek love is absolutely lovely….I think it added some more charm to their relationship….loved it! <3 <3

  • ayushivishui

    awesome Loved it yar…….
    khushi now understands even the small changes in arnav’s voice….
    awwww arnav is jealous of Nk…. he just wants khushi to be his forever…
    he wants khushi forever….. how much khushi trying sometimes the experience from the past is compelling to stop taking decisions very quickly…. she is afraid of loosing arnav….. arnav is a sweetheart… he made khushi understand that he will be with her for ever….. anjali is so happy to know that they are together…… awwww poor arnav he can’t sleep without her….he is so much in love with khushi……

  • keerthana

    Glad to have u back jigs💖 Itz nice to see that khushi is sure about her future with arnav and wants to take it forward:) and coming to arnav…… sighhh…. i keep falling harder for him chapter after chapter❤️

  • luvraj4ever

    Beautiful beyond words…. I am so loving this all over again… There is something si intimate about the way arnav and khushi are with each other… It makes me want to fall in love 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  • kkyajo

    Its so adorable to see arnav like this😃😃…always loved their chemistry but u make it more sizzling with ur words….
    Missed you and ur story so much…. thanks for coming back jigs :-* :-*

  • mayabhi

    Very nice chapter.. I love the sulking arnav. His day is messed up coz khushi is not there. Wat ,ore does a woman need to hear..

  • mdtharun

    Arnav is missing his Khushi . It is very endearing to know that you mean a lot to your Boyfriend 😍
    Anjali is very happy for her brother and best friend . She is a very good member in the family .

    Sameer has left a scar in Khushi’s heart . She knows Arnav loves her but something is stopping her from making it official . Once bitten twice Shy .
    She could no longer push this . Sooner or later whole family will get to know because Arnav – Khushi’s chemistry is very obvious for all to see.

    Thanks for posting this chapter between your busy schedule Jigs 😗

  • desaimamta

    Hello jigs
    Thank u for this long beautiful update dear.
    Loved every word of it.
    I am glad they spoke about the issue, communication is key, which they r aware.
    Thank u so much

  • claucrispop

    i love it…
    it was great…
    is a great pleasure to read all over again this story…
    please update soon..

  • soniia daula

    Love this chapter………this companionship…….comfortableness….and love that arshi share is so rare in real life…….and the feeling one gets when the word FOREVER is uttered in a relationship is magical …..💗👍

  • gkapoor123

    Welcome back jigs was really missing this story arnav sulking for khushi so cute happy anjali knows about both of them and she is so happy the best godbharai gift the best was that he said that he was not like sameer kudos to you and your writing.

  • madhurao1210

    Simple mind bloweing update..

    Cranky Arnav..didnt realise NK La weddfing news will hurt him this much..

    Anjali payal khushi amaxing bonding..
    They tried to tease khushi wjen she defended Arnav…
    Wow he came early .finally Anjali knew about them…
    Khushi’s insecurity once again hold het but totally admire Arnav the way he was upset but still supported her..

    Finally she manage to let him speak what is bothering him ..

    Loud haha with this passion definitely it eill be loud..

    Now he is totally bold seeing her in this dress..

    Eagerlt looking forward

  • mrshulkinfinity

    It feels great to have you back with the great chapter jigs… Welcome Back…Hopefully everything is fine now 💜
    and it was an extremely endearing chapter to see how those two miss eachother and anjali comes to know about them….then khushis confusions n fears and arnav’s over whelming love for her is enough to get rid of all negativity….all in all…it was it as always
    keep up great writing 😍

  • Vin(newfan2016)

    Finally here!

    Jigs, while you were away, my husband was asking me about our favorite couple at Columbus Cir. 🙂
    Oh! How I missed this story….

    Arnav was actually so adorable… as the sulking boyfriend. I sensed that he was off after hearing about the NK-Lavanya wedding. Khushi’s insecurities are valid. The stigma associated with broken marriages in India is unbelievable, but we are making progress on that front now.

    Anjali was hoping and wishing for Arnav and Khushi to come together and she finally caught them together literally 😉. Loved the Arnav Khushi conversations. And finally Arnav convinced Khushi for their next milestone of letting the families know.

    This story is such a pleasant read, Jigs. Loving it all along!


  • lovebooksmusic

    Loved everything about this update. ….. arnav n khushi s nok jhoks….. snjalis finding abt thrm…their conversaton about their fears n love…. u ‘ve worded everything so beautifully…. can’t wait to read wat happens next

  • ccf94

    Awww so cute arnav. Jealous of NK as he openly wants khushi to be his and forever. Such a romantic Romeo. Hope khushi accepts this soon. Awesome update. Happy that you started writing again. 👌👌👌👌👌💐💐💐💐💐💐

  • Puj.

    Didn’t realize you were re-updating this story also until I saw your note on the temptation! Just re-read it all in one go so wasnt able to do individual comments but I forgot how much I loved reading this story back on IF!!! Except to continue on this one. Also I loved your writing earlier too but the way you have edited this story, I am so impressed at how different the same story seems! My fave part was the Sameer-Khushi conference meeting and then the subsequent him showing up at Khushi’s house and Arnav crashing it. I think its coming up soon so I look forward to that part!!!

  • mamtapuri2000

    Great to have you back!
    The chapter was sooo good!
    Loved the romance!
    Hopefully everything is better at your end.
    Take care!
    Really enjoyed your update, the wait was worth it!😉

  • zee421

    Thank you for yet another amazing chapter! You doing such an awesome job. This story has got me hooked. I love that Arnav is so expressive with what he’s feeling. Distance does make the heart grow impatient especially after experiencing such passion. The love that they share is so beautiful to be hidden. The world needs to see the Äşove they share. Keep up the amazing work and take till next time keep Rocking on🤗🌹🌷

  • ravalilovely1923

    how are you..hoping everything is going well with you and family
    loved the update as usual..
    poor arnav is jealous of nk because he is getting married not worry arnav you will also marry to your love khushi that to soon.. tension nots bitwa..
    khushi is really haappy for anjali..anjali is glowing
    khushi,payal,anjali make good sisters
    thank you for update..
    waiting for next

  • muskaansobti4

    Beautiful ravishing mindblowing update jigs loved it as usual
    Awww arnav is sooo cute i liked hw arnav explained n tried to clear d insecurities of khushi anjali is really cute d way she admired n blessed dem seeing as a couple
    Soo finally khushi is ready to infrm der families abt d relationship 😍😍
    Eagerly waiting for the next update where we will get to see d passionate sexy romance between arshi😍😎

  • sansid123

    Aww Loved the ardent ,sulky , passionate Arnav and the way Khushi handles him
    Boys will be boys whatever their age .
    Glad their relationship is now slowly going public .

  • prudencesa

    Just loved it. I’m glad I’m able to read this story again. So nice to see and understanding Arnav who just cannot wait to see Khushi . Liked this interaction between them. Thanks

  • nadiajhung

    What a lovely chapter…got my dose of happiness after a long time 🙂 welcome back jigs 🙂 lovely to to have you back….finally anjali knows about them and she is happy for both of them as expected…nani will be delighted as well.Arnav was very cute missing khushi and little bit mad about not disclosing their relationship but showed maturity and understanding as always and that is the beauty of their relation.Khushi’s insecurities are slowly disappearing due to his baby’s immense love 🙂

  • shalinimathur80

    Awesome update.. soooooo cute… both were missing each other… and khushi understands Arnav so well… and Arnav is spot on with his understanding and assurance… love the cute moments between them.. and Anjalis hawk eyes.. she could see the brewing heat… nice work dear.. keep it up.. 👍🏼👍🏼😍😘

  • sevi9

    Beautiful Chapter! Really enjoyed reading this one. The normalcy a couple experiences is beautifully described! Anjali’s reaction on knowing about Arnav’s and Khushi’s relation was very endearing.

  • Anamika

    Wonderful part
    Loved it a lot
    Khushi’s insecurity is quite understandable and Arnav is such a understanding person….
    Glad that Khushi agreed with Arnav and both decoded to let families know about their relationships
    Can’t wait for the next one
    Thank you 🙂

  • trvia1432

    Loved the part… I can understand Khushi’s insecurity… and Arnav’s wishes… I hope they meet a common ground…
    Waiting for the next update…

  • rk2127

    I just realized it again why I fell in live with story than and now too.

    The way you beautifully write their romance is amazingly simple. I say simple is beacuse in looking for out off world love and all we miss the beauty of simplicity. This story where Arnav and Khushi are human and so they err, yet they don’t hold back anger or grudges. They talk and communicate and if one doesn’t do or wants to other pushes. That my dear is the simple recipe of a wonderful relation, any relation.

    Their love is beautiful and so is their acceptance of each other’s problems, past and future too. The way they want their forever with other is sigh ‘iwantthattoo’ awesome.

    I loved how khushi is already so incolved and accepted by Arnav’s family. The fact that everyone in his family wants this is amazing. And now I cant wait to read there – shh… experiment!

  • neha2013g

    loved the update.. arnav here is so understanding and adorable.. waiting for the full family to know about them..

  • rajichellakani

    Such a lovely update. ..
    Finally kushi voiced out her fear…
    Arnav’s reaction to NK marriage 😁
    Hope they will reveal to their families soon….

  • inasaahil

    Beautiful update

    Arnav actually sounded like a stubborn child who was pining for his most loved toy.. in his case it was his most loved Khushi!!
    That longing was heard clearly through both of their words..
    And then he came to her.. Wow.. That was such a sweet gesture ❤️ And the way they interacted with each other in the kitchen and then Anjali coming to know about them.. that entire scene was really nice.
    Also what I love about the both of them is that they both are too damn understanding of each other. Coz’ Khushi understood it from the way he sounded on the phone itself, towards the end of their conversation, that something was bothering him. And I am glad that Khushi came to him to clear things out. And now we know that what was bothering him.
    Both had their concerns which they shared and now they have come to a consensus that they will reveal it to their families. What really came out of this was that Khushi’s fears and concerns were allied.

    Can’t wait to read the next update to see who is louder amongst the two!! 😉😉

    Lots Of Love..😊😊

  • damjar

    A Beautiful and touching chapter.

    The way Khushi always wanted to feel to be part of a family. How Anjali & Payal embraced her and made her feel she is part of their family. Anjali’s wish of wanting her to be Arnav’s better half has come true and at an appropriate time which doubles her happiness.

    Arnav’s wish to share his Happiness his Khushi with one and all. Yet he is so understanding and accepts Khushi’s feeling of fear and hesitancy. Luckily for both of them Khushi has accepted that it is time to trust her heart and move ahead with Arnav after his assurance to her. Things are moving in the right direction for both of them.

    Nani so sweet has already accepted Khushi as part of her family and is looking forward to meeting Khushi’s parents. Khushi is already home, hopefully she will realize that soon and share her happiness with her parents as well the following weekend like she promised.

  • anu1017

    Awesome update J!! Aww they both are so good together, Khushi needs to remember Arnav is not Sameer and just live in the moment!! Cannot wait for next update!!!!!

  • khushisony

    Hey di!! Update👌👌 ..starting of the update kushi got her way with arnav and in the end arnav got what he wants😜😜poor arnav envying nk!glad that kushi decided to take a step further😆 such a lovely update..!!wait was worth rewarding😋

  • yoga1237

    Arnav came all the way because he misses khushi… so adorable……he has given importance to khushi and allowed her to set the pace of their relationship… it is high time they come out and declare……Arnav has kept his anguish to himself of not being able to be open about their relationship…..Awesome chapter

  • soharachowdhury

    Arnav and Khushi are enjoying the best moment of their life.
    Arnav is madly in love with Khushi. He now just wants Khushi to be in his life forever; he doesn’t want to wait. But on the other hand Khsuhi is still not sure and insecure. But I’m glad that she agreed to divulge their relationship.
    Their romance is getting hotter and you are penning it down so beautifully.

  • drfizaahmed

    wao i missed this chapter infact 18 n 19 … i didnt got notifiction have to chk my updates

    i loveeeeeeeeeeeeee these.. all real all beautiful n all awsum

    wasy i love everything about this ff.. its jst so awsum

  • ilfordian

    Khushi is afraid that things could go wrong with her and Arnav so she is reluctant to make their relationship public ie known to the elders. Arnav is trying his best toalley her fears and she thinks to move forward.

  • vijusb

    Loved the update. Khushi has already in charge of her duty. As a friend or as would be bahu? Loved their text convo. So La and NK are going to marry soon which makes Arnav think of his marriage. Loved the pouty Khushi always melting Arnav. Arnav comes soon than expected. Anjali knowing and talking to them made me happy. Finally the discussion of them taking their relation to public happened.
    😉😉What happens next


  • pakpearlfauzia

    Khushi can feel that something is bothering Arnav..’Arnav is worried about her reaction..
    These two can’t think about anything else as they r each other’s top priority..

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